Iran Snubs Obama: What now?

You started this thread with the absurd contention that it was said that "all would be well with the world" if Obama just talked to Iran. Dixie & SM chime in to take that even further, and you take issue with my comment.

Once again, I will challenge anyone to find me one article, campaign person or anyone of note who asserted that.
I started this thread with a link to an editorial somebody else wrote. You are considerably less intelligent when you assume my opinion based on a link in a thread.

I post stuff I think people will talk about. You'll know my opinion on the subject when I post such an opinion.

You are simply mistaken as to why I posted this thread. I don't "take issue" I just find it funny when he simply didn't state what you said he did and all I had to do to prove it was use my scroll key on my mouse. Lately the left has assumed that they can get lazy and just post whatever because somebody on the left will be along to support them regardless of accuracy.

You can cry about it if you want, but SM didn't say what you said he did. I showed that in quotes.
I started this thread with a link to an editorial somebody else wrote. You are considerably less intelligent when you assume my opinion based on a link in a thread.

I post stuff I think people will talk about. You'll know my opinion on the subject when I post such an opinion.

You are simply mistaken as to why I posted this thread. I don't "take issue" I just find it funny when he simply didn't state what you said he did and all I had to do to prove it was use my scroll key on my mouse. Lately the left has assumed that they can get lazy and just post whatever because somebody on the left will be along to support them regardless of accuracy.

You can cry about it if you want, but SM didn't say what you said he did. I showed that in quotes.

You're a moron & a hack. You know exactly what Dixie & SM are saying, and you have no problem w/ it. But you jump on my comment.

You do that, every time. You'll defend the biggest troll here. You're a hack.
You're a moron & a hack. You know exactly what Dixie & SM are saying, and you have no problem w/ it. But you jump on my comment.

You do that, every time. You'll defend the biggest troll here. You're a hack.
I read what he said, you asserted he said something he didn't. I showed it with quotes and now you are embarrassed. I can tell when you get embarrassed because you resort to the "moron and hack" crap.

It's a regular pattern. You say, "They said this."

I read the thread and see they didn't say that.

I post quotes to it, you go off into "moron and hack" mode.

Maybe I just expect a little more intellectual honesty from you, but am always disappointed.

It's also not a "defense" of anything they are saying, it is simply laughing at a misrepresentation so easily disproved. They can defend their own positions, I just like to point out when you are creating another strawman.

Don't worry. Pretty soon Darla will be along to tell me how I believe too. It's all good, we're family, close enough to be able to predict what the other will do.
I read what he said, you asserted he said something he didn't. I showed it with quotes and now you are embarrassed. I can tell when you get embarrassed because you resort to the "moron and hack" crap.

It's a regular pattern. You say, "They said this."

I read the thread and see they didn't say that.

I post quotes to it, you go off into "moron and hack" mode.

Maybe I just expect a little more intellectual honesty from you, but am always disappointed.

It's also not a "defense" of anything they are saying, it is simply laughing at a misrepresentation so easily disproved. They can defend their own positions, I just like to point out when you are creating another strawman.

Don't worry. Pretty soon Darla will be along to tell me how I believe too. It's all good, we're family, close enough to be able to predict what the other will do.

:cof1: :clink:
Anything on this one, Dix? Any quote from Obama, anyone in his campaign or the media where they said a meeting with Iran would fix the planet, and "make all well with the world?"

Shouldn't be too hard to google...

Nothing on this, Dixie?
onceler, you have been pwned.

Not yet. No one has produced anything yet that indicates that anyone of any merit argued that "all would be well with the world" if Obama only met with Iran.

If such evidence is presented, I will gladly cede pwnrshp.
President Barack Obama's olive branch to Iran was seriously snubbed in the past couple of days as key figures within the Islamic nation made it clear that they have no interest in talking with America unless we change our policies.

Even worse, an Iranian government spokesman said Obama's statement on Al Arabiya Wednesday concerning a willingness to talk to Iran "means Western ideology has become passive, that capitalist thought and the system of domination have failed."

Might this alter the press's repeated view the previous eight years that tensions in the Middle East were largely caused by President Bush's refusal to talk to Iran without preconditions concerning that nation's nuclear buildup, and that all would be well in the world if we would just agree to meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on any terms?

Such analysis seems critical given Saturday's report from Xinhua:

Iran's government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham on Saturday urged the United States to change its policy towards Iran and the world, saying the country has no choice.

Responding to the U.S. offer of direct talks between Iran and the United States, Elham said that "there remains no choice for the United States but change, and this change is determined to be done," Iran's Mehr news agency reported.


It wasn't just Bush's refusal to talk to Iran that was the problem. It was his refusal to talk to the world and his "go it alone" cowboy six-shooter diplomacy was the problem.

I've noticed that in almost every MSM report on this they leave out the part that Iran demands an apology for American involvement in the overthrow of their democratically elected government and the installation of the brutal Shah and his band of murderous torturers SAVAK. We sacrificed their democracy, freedom, and way of life for oil.

Most Americans don't even know that's true.

An apology is the least we could do.

Additionally, do you think it's any secret that this kind of capitialist thought .. mass-murder in the name of business .. has failed? That's exactly what Iraq was .. and unbeknownst to the ever blind American populace, that's what Afghanistan is about as well. Any idea why the rest of the world is releuctant to get further involved there as they were reluctant to get deeply involved in Iraq?

The problem here is that Obama is weak as doodoo .. and he can be pushed into a position where he feels he has to look presidential by demonstrating the willingness to mass-murder innocent people .. even more than he's already doing.
Not yet. No one has produced anything yet that indicates that anyone of any merit argued that "all would be well with the world" if Obama only met with Iran.

If such evidence is presented, I will gladly cede pwnrshp.
Your stubbornness to cede now just makes you look smaller.
Not yet. No one has produced anything yet that indicates that anyone of any merit argued that "all would be well with the world" if Obama only met with Iran.

If such evidence is presented, I will gladly cede pwnrshp.

Such evidence cannot be produced because it doesn't exist.

Obama and everyone else knew that talking to Iran would only be a step to normalizing relations and achieving a desired response.

No differently than talking to North Korea without the cowboys would be a step in a better direction.
There were most definitely people out there who had some unrealistic expectations. They came upon them during the campaign.

[ame=""]YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!![/ame]
I guess what they "knew" was wrong then. Along with most liberal theology.

You talk this lunatic crap in the midst of the stench of right-wing ideology everywhere around us.

You dummies had almost complete control of virtually every level of government and you failed miserably. The stench of republican control fouls the air all over the planet.

In spite of Iran's JUSTIFIED anger and distrust of the US, talking to them would still be a step in the right direction .. and NOTHING produced by right-wing idiocy demonstrates that is not true.

Instead of you dealing with Iran's JUSTIFIED rationale, you come back with a ridiculous assertion about "liberal ideology."

There is no wonder or mystery why the right is so failed and rejected.
You talk this lunatic crap in the midst of the stench of right-wing ideology everywhere around us.

You dummies had almost complete control of virtually every level of government and you failed miserably. The stench of republican control fouls the air all over the planet.

In spite of Iran's JUSTIFIED anger and distrust of the US, talking to them would still be a step in the right direction .. and NOTHING produced by right-wing idiocy demonstrates that is not true.

Instead of you dealing with Iran's JUSTIFIED rationale, you come back with a ridiculous assertion about "liberal ideology."

There is no wonder or mystery why the right is so failed and rejected.

Actually, the GOP had control over the federal government, not the internal faction of the GOP that is conservative. And it is the non-conservative faction, most recently represented by John McCain, that failed.

My assertion was about liberal theology, not ideology. Liberalism is a religion since it relies on faith and emotions instead of facts and knowledge.

In Iran the problem is not one of mistrust, but pure hatred by the radical Islamic faction that has controlled their government since the 1970's.
You talk this lunatic crap in the midst of the stench of right-wing ideology everywhere around us.

You dummies had almost complete control of virtually every level of government and you failed miserably. The stench of republican control fouls the air all over the planet.

In spite of Iran's JUSTIFIED anger and distrust of the US, talking to them would still be a step in the right direction .. and NOTHING produced by right-wing idiocy demonstrates that is not true.

Instead of you dealing with Iran's JUSTIFIED rationale, you come back with a ridiculous assertion about "liberal ideology."

There is no wonder or mystery why the right is so failed and rejected.


Well, I guess this marks the end of this thread. Now that we have some perspective.
Actually, the GOP had control over the federal government, not the internal faction of the GOP that is conservative. And it is the non-conservative faction, most recently represented by John McCain, that failed.

My assertion was about liberal theology, not ideology. Liberalism is a religion since it relies on faith and emotions instead of facts and knowledge.

In Iran the problem is not one of mistrust, but pure hatred by the radical Islamic faction that has controlled their government since the 1970's.

For a supposed learned man your comments are decidedly unlearned.

Partisan politics makes everyone involved blind to facts and knowledge, including you who has shown precious little awareness of either. And, you continue to preach this bullshit in the midst of historic and monumental conservative failures. That's unintelligence of the highest order no matter what label you give yourself.

The problem in Iran is the Iranians have justifed reasons to be distrustful of America for the exact same reasons why Cubans have justified reasons to be distrustful of America. In the 70's Iranians found the courage to take back their own country .. and you think that's a problem.
....In the 70's Iranians found the courage to take back their own country .. and you think that's a problem.
Wow you actually think that the majority of Iranians like living under radical theocratic rule, and shunned by the international community? :cof1: