Apparently you haven't heard of the UN, and their further tightening of sanctions and freezing of assets.
Whenever you can get a right-winger to start reaching for the UN as support, you've done your job well.
Here are just a FEW examples of how the effort to isolate Iran has been undercut:
On November 27, 2008, German and Iranian business leaders began a conference in Hamburg called “Iran Sanctions: Practical Consequence for German Firms.” The purpose of the conference was to improve German business relations in Iran as well as the German and Iranian political relationship.
In August, 2008, a German corporation signed a $150 million deal with Iran to build natural gas liquification plants in the country. The German Economics Ministry maintains that the trading of natural gas to Iran does not violate Security Council Resolution 1737.
Germany's Federal Statistical Office released data showing exports to Iran increased 10 percent over the first three quarters of 2008. Germany's exports to Iran are expected to total 4 million euros this year, close to the record it set in 2004 and 2005. During the first seven months of 2008, the German government approved 1,926 transactions with Iran, a 63 percent increase over last year. This has further cemented Germany's position as Iran's largest trade partner.
China has also increased its volume of trade with Iran. Between 2000 and 2005, the amount of Chinese imports into Iran increased by 360%. Iran’s Deputy Minister of Commerce, Mehdi Ghazanfari, predicts that exchanges between Iran and China for the year 2008 will total $25 billion. China also negotiated a $16 billion deal to develop Iran’s northern Pars gas field.
Russia's trade relationship with Iran directly ignores the Security Council Resolution. In August 2008, the Russian oil corporation, Gazprom, signed a multi-billion dollar deal to help Iran cultivate its oil and gas fields. French and Japanese oil companies were candidates at one point, but dropped out of dealings with Iran because of international pressure. Russia has also been building a nuclear plant in Iran, which is now expected to begin operating in 2009.
NOTE: China, Russia, SCO .. any bells going off?
Swiss energy giant EGL signed a 25-year deal with the National Iranian Gas Export Company to buy 5.5 billion cubic meters of Iranian natural gas per year, starting in 2011, for approximately $20 billion.
Turkey has maintained trade ties with Iran. In 2005, bilateral trade between Iran and Turkey equalled $4 billion, a figure expected to grow to $10 billion in 2008. Iran and Turkey have agreed to continue their relationship and hope to increase their bilateral trade revenue to $20 billion per year.
On December 2, 2008, Malaysia signed a $14 billion deal with Iran for the construction of two natural gas liquefication plants as well as two gas fields. The two countries signed a multi-billion dollar gas deal in 2007.
In January 2008, Iran and Italy’s electric company, Edison International, signed an oil exploration deal for $107 million.
The Persian Gulf Cooperation Council decided in September to consider a Free Trade Agreement with Iran. The agreement will lead to economic benefits for the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait.
Oman and Bahrain have been negotiating with Iran to buy natural gas.
Iran is the United Arab Emirates’ largest non-oil trading partner.
Iran retains strong relations with Pakistan and is working on a “peace pipe” that would transfer natural gas between Iran, Pakistan and India.
Even the United States has engaged in trade with Iran. According to the Department of Agriculture, Iran has bought more than one million tons of wheat from the United States since the beginning of the 2008-9 crop season.
Iranian students study abroad in Germany, France, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. The Association of American Universities is seeking to pave the way for a bilateral education program with Iran. University presidents from Carnegie Mellon, Rice, Maryland and Cornell, Florida and UC Davis visited Tehran in November 2008 with the blessing of the U.S. State Department to discuss student exchage programs.
That's from a jewish source .. as even they acknowledge Iran is NOT isolated by the world in spite of UN sanctions.