Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson


Villified User
Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson

Posted Thu Jul 5, 2007 8:48am AEST
Updated 11 hours 15 minutes ago
Diggers in Iraq: Brendan Nelson says their presence is linked to preserving oil supplies

Defence Minister Brendan Nelson says securing the world's oil supply is one of the Federal Government's considerations as it decides how long to keep troops in Iraq.

The statement has prompted Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd to accuse Prime Minister John Howard of "making it up as he goes along" on Iraq.

The Government released its update on national defence policy this morning, warning of the ongoing threat from terrorism and continuing problems with fragile states in our region.

Speaking ahead of the release, Dr Nelson confirmed the Government viewed Australia's involvement in Iraq as partially driven by the need to secure oil supplies, although he said the main reason was to ensure that the humanitarian crisis did not worsen.

"The defence update we're releasing today sets out many priorities for Australia's defence and security - and resource security is one of them," he said.
Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson

Posted Thu Jul 5, 2007 8:48am AEST
Updated 11 hours 15 minutes ago
Diggers in Iraq: Brendan Nelson says their presence is linked to preserving oil supplies

Defence Minister Brendan Nelson says securing the world's oil supply is one of the Federal Government's considerations as it decides how long to keep troops in Iraq.

The statement has prompted Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd to accuse Prime Minister John Howard of "making it up as he goes along" on Iraq.

The Government released its update on national defence policy this morning, warning of the ongoing threat from terrorism and continuing problems with fragile states in our region.

Speaking ahead of the release, Dr Nelson confirmed the Government viewed Australia's involvement in Iraq as partially driven by the need to secure oil supplies, although he said the main reason was to ensure that the humanitarian crisis did not worsen.

"The defence update we're releasing today sets out many priorities for Australia's defence and security - and resource security is one of them," he said.

Sometimes you really need to put thigh-high boots on to wade through the horseshit these guys are all selling.
It is all about oil people, like I have always said.
You go on believing the USA is there for noble reasons if you must rationalize it out that way....
Perhaps on Kuwait, but fer sure on Iraq.
I don't think we insisted on US oil companies getting Kuwaiti oil contracts.
Perhaps on Kuwait, but fer sure on Iraq.
I don't think we insisted on US oil companies getting Kuwaiti oil contracts.
I think it was a nudge to Saddam, there was a reason for the Ambassador to first be all "it would be regional and we would ignore it" then suddenly we react.

He had made a 'suggestion' that he would begin trading in a different currency for oil than the US Dollar, such trade helps to stabilize the dollar on the global market...
This war AND the attack on Afghanistan is all about oil and nothing more.

9/11 was all about oil.

The deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis was all about oil.

The deaths and wounding of thens of thousands of our own troops was all about oil.

This is another point in history where the American people are proved to be ... less than intelligent.
oil yes it is somthing we need at this point... but i still dont think it as a mojor reson for going to war.

what would we do with out oil... well who knows, maybe this country would go broke maybe not
This war AND the attack on Afghanistan is all about oil and nothing more.

9/11 was all about oil.

The deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis was all about oil.

The deaths and wounding of thens of thousands of our own troops was all about oil.

This is another point in history where the American people are proved to be ... less than intelligent.

i sappose the attack on our marines in lebbanon back in the 80's was about oil too right ?
I think it was a nudge to Saddam, there was a reason for the Ambassador to first be all "it would be regional and we would ignore it" then suddenly we react.

He had made a 'suggestion' that he would begin trading in a different currency for oil than the US Dollar, such trade helps to stabilize the dollar on the global market...

And more of the oil dollars are being converted to Euro based as we type....
how many wars have been fought over a single rescourse and that sinle rescourse alone ?
oil yes it is somthing we need at this point... but i still dont think it as a mojor reson for going to war.

what would we do with out oil... well who knows, maybe this country would go broke maybe not

Whatever we would do without oil is no justification for the horror we;'ve created .. and like most stupid moves, it has already backfired on us.