Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson

personly i think big oil has more intrest in creating an alt energy rather then keeping oil as the major energy scourse, if they came out with an alt energy they would make much more $$ of it the they would oil.

Big oil is going to do what's in the best interests of their shareholders and profitability. Petroleum is going to be the most lucrative energy resource for the foreseeable future.

Maybe in 40 years things will change.
it's about keeping oil cheap
can you imagine what $200 oil would do to our economy
IF sadam controlled Kuwait we might have gotten to see.:clink:
plus what they hell are big oil companys to do when we do run out of oil ?

simple: they'll do exactly what the do now: with their enormous financial resources, "Big Oil" will simply buy the patents, and buy out the smaller companies that invest alternative energy technologies.
why would a company spend millions on r&d then hid it... that ceo would be fired by its shareholders promptly...
To make the most money possible on a limited resource and have a way to continue making money when the resource ran out.
Big oil is going to do what's in the best interests of their shareholders and profitability. Petroleum is going to be the most lucrative energy resource for the foreseeable future.

Maybe in 40 years things will change.

just like bill gates said personl computers will never need more the 640 k or memory ?

big companys are always looking for new ways to make money, and i dont see how a new alt energy would hurt oil all that much. the biggest threat too oil is the laws that our lawmakkers make
that comany would be hurting pretty bad if that were their practice
No they wouldn't. If they purchase the patents and tech from others who create it they spend far less than otherwise and still make the most from a limited resource while preparing for the future. It would be a win-win for them.
just like bill gates said personl computers will never need more the 640 k or memory ?

big companys are always looking for new ways to make money, and i dont see how a new alt energy would hurt oil all that much. the biggest threat too oil is the laws that our lawmakkers make

I worked for a major, multinational oil corporations - I know how they operate just a tad better than you.

Their bread and butter is petroleum resources. No energy resource is as lucrative, on a large scale, as petroleum. And it will remain that way, probably for decades.

Big oil may dabble in alt energy. But, their bread and butter is petroleum.
I worked for a major, multinational oil corporations - I know how they operate just a tad better than you.

Their bread and butter is petroleum resources. No energy resource is as lucrative, on a large scale, as petroleum. And it will remain that way, probably for decades.

Big oil may dabble in alt energy. But, their bread and butter is petroleum.

so you know it all... end of
I worked for a major, multinational oil corporations - I know how they operate just a tad better than you.

Their bread and butter is petroleum resources. No energy resource is as lucrative, on a large scale, as petroleum. And it will remain that way, probably for decades.

Big oil may dabble in alt energy. But, their bread and butter is petroleum.

you worked for one... but you didnt run one
No they wouldn't. If they purchase the patents and tech from others who create it they spend far less than otherwise and still make the most from a limited resource while preparing for the future. It would be a win-win for them.


They don't have to invest copious amount of R and D in alt energy. They may do so, on a smaller scale. But, ultimately, Big Oil has the financial resources to buy the technology and patents from smaller, innovative companies in the alt energy field, when and if they become profitable on a large scale.
you worked for one... but you didnt run one

You didn't work for one, you don't run one, and you've never been close to being involved in the petroluem industry.

Why don't you just admit you're pulling this crap out of your ass ;)
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They don't have to invest copious amount of R and D in alt energy. They may do so, on a smaller scale. But, ultimately, Big Oil has the financial resources to buy the technology and patents from smaller, innovative companies in the alt energy field, when and if they become profitable on a large scale.

they have the finacial rescourses to to both.

thats like saing microsoft isnt going to be creative anymore, they will just buy their producs from small lesser knowen companys and they will come out jst fine.... if that were the case microsoft would be out of bussniss. ounce you get that big you have to do both. yes two totaly diffrent markets but still works the same way
You didn't work for one, you don't run one, and you've never been close to being involved in the petroluem industry.

Why don't you just admit you're pulling this crap out of your ass ;)

never claimed too, i do help run a bussniss though. has nothing to do with oil.

your elitism is showing
Not being elitist bob: just telling you how oil companies work, based on my experience in the industry.

If you want to think you know more about oil companies that me (and Damocles), go right on ahead. Doesn't bother me. ;)

They don't have to invest copious amount of R and D in alt energy. They may do so, on a smaller scale. But, ultimately, Big Oil has the financial resources to buy the technology and patents from smaller, innovative companies in the alt energy field, when and if they become profitable on a large scale.

why would they need to spend their own money for alt energy development. They just get tax dollars to do it with.
Like they are trying to get tax dollars to pay for a coal liquification plant in KY.
Not being elitist bob: just telling you how oil companies work, based on my experience in the industry.

If you want to think you know more about oil companies that me (and Damocles), go right on ahead. Doesn't bother me. ;)

no i dont think i am the smartest, nor do i think i want to

anyway, i think there is alot more put into these decission's, and frankly i dont think the oil companys would hide such decissions from the public, i guess what i am saing is big oil would be somewhat honest about tring to create an alt energy or not, they will make money of it either way. but if they were the ones to brake the new alt energy out they would make much more money then the ones who just fallow. hell they probably wouldnt have to worrie much because of the money they would make from what they discovered.