Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson

Whatever we would do without oil is no justification for the horror we;'ve created .. and like most stupid moves, it has already backfired on us.

i dont think the war is soley over just oil.

but when any country has gone to war over what ever reason... there rescources will always play a major role in the decissions made. thats just the way it is
i dont think the war is soley over just oil.

but when any country has gone to war over what ever reason... there rescources will always play a major role in the decissions made. thats just the way it is
It isn't, it is a regular practice to attempt to simplify things down to the basest of motives and thus vilify people. What motive could be more horrible and create better bumper stickers than "No Blood For Oil!"? Seriously, there were many reasons that they chose this war, oil was definitely one of the considerations.
This all links in to the premise that the Bush administration wanted to attack Iraq before 911.

well, not to defend bush, but i think that was the thinking of most people in our country, including the clintion admin
i dont think the war is soley over just oil.

but when any country has gone to war over what ever reason... there rescources will always play a major role in the decissions made. thats just the way it is

WMD, liberation of Iraqi's, Saddam is a bad guy?

It was all about oil from the beginning and the Iraq Oil Law proves it. Iraqi's know what this is about and so does the rest of the planet.

Americans are often last to figure it out.
well, not to defend bush, but i think that was the thinking of most people in our country, including the clintion admin

Most people, and nowhere near most people in this country, wanted to attack Iraq, including Clinton. The neocon/PNAC cabal knew they would need a "New Pearl Harbor" to get that done .. so they created one called 9/11.

Clinton got the same letter from PNAC that Bush did, but Clinton rejected it.
Most people, and nowhere near most people in this country, wanted to attack Iraq, including Clinton. The neocon/PNAC cabal knew they would need a "New Pearl Harbor" to get that done .. so they created one called 9/11.

Clinton got the same letter from PNAC that Bush did, but Clinton rejected it.

o sorry i didnt know this was the consparicy theroy section.
Is it really about keeping it cheap or profitable for big oil ?
I am sure the president of Exxon bleeds sympathy for all of us consumers :rolleyes:
o sorry i didnt know this was the consparicy theroy section.

It's sad when something is a part of the public record, has been read by many thousands of people, and those who are too lazy to want to know, call it a "conspiracy theory".
Certain terms were promoted by the bushies..
Conspiracy theorist
history revisionist,
Judicial activism,
, etc

Most were not smart enough to see those for what they were.
It's sad when something is a part of the public record, has been read by many thousands of people, and those who are too lazy to want to know, call it a "conspiracy theory".


Saddam doesn't possess WMD .. was a conspiracy theory.
Defence Minister Brendan Nelson says securing the world's oil supply is one of the Federal Government's considerations as it decides how long to keep troops in Iraq.

Uhhh, this comes as no suprise.

DIXIE, September 2006: "It's NOT about oil, dammit!"
Cypress, this comes as no suprise to some of us....
Many other will have difficulty accepting this fact.
It's sad when something is a part of the public record, has been read by many thousands of people, and those who are too lazy to want to know, call it a "conspiracy theory".

personly i think big oil has more intrest in creating an alt energy rather then keeping oil as the major energy scourse, if they came out with an alt energy they would make much more $$ of it the they would oil.
personly i think big oil has more intrest in creating an alt energy rather then keeping oil as the major energy scourse, if they came out with an alt energy they would make much more $$ of it the they would oil.

plus what they hell are big oil companys to do when we do run out of oil ?