Iraq in a Civil War? Yes or no?

How would you best describe the primary warring in Iraq, now??

  • Yes, the fighting and warring in Iraq is primarily Civil War between the Sunni and the Shiite.

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • No, the war in Iraq is primarily with the terrorists that killed Americans on 9/11 &/or alqaeda.

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters
Even if they feel that Bush screwed up royally and have a decent idea on how to prosecute the war on terrorism, a vote against Bush's War will be politically spun to be an Anti-American/Anti-Troop vote and at the very least will lead to a tough battle in the next re-election campaign for any who "oppose" Bush's War.

You Pinheads keep claiming that a vast majority of America disagrees with Bush on Iraq, doesn't like his handling of it, wants a new direction, blah blah blah... So, why would opposing Bush on this, lead to anything but improved poll numbers for those on the side of the American people? I don't get it! Either you are lying out your ass about what the American people think, or you believe Congress is purposely and intentionally going against the will of the people out of fear that doing what the people want, will be negatively spun against them, even though it was what they wanted. Which one is it?

Question: Why do the ranting Dixie's on the message boards of the world tend to repeat their initial pronouncements in Captial letters as if capitalizing a previous lie or inflammatory statement makes it more relevant, worthwhile, and meaningful than it was in regular font? Unfortunately, the more I ponder this type, I am beginning to think that there is such a thing as possession by demons...or at least a large minority of incredibly stupid people who will believe anything they hear from an authority figure--without reservation or question--sheople if you will...
Sure Dixie... you may be right... in the long run Bush's War may turn out to be a fabulous victory for America and a free republic in Iraq. It would be wonderful if that were the case.

However, I will not bet a single dollar on it let alone my salary for a year.

I hate like hell to see America in the position it is. But, then in the long run, we might come out smelling like roses.


Can you "enlighten" me on what is so fundamentally wrong with the idea of replacing a brutal murderous tyrant ruler with the first Arab Democracy in the middle east? Why is this idea meeting such resistence from the left? Is there something I am missing? Is there some inherent benefit to Iraq remaining oppressed and under tyrant rule? Is there some underlying problem with Democracy that I am not seeing? To the common person, I would think living in a democratic society where people have a voice in politics and government, is more desirable than living under a dictatorial madman, is it not?

Make the case for me, as to why we would be in a better position today, with Saddam still in power, and alQaeda training camps popping up left and right in Iraq? This IS what was going down, whether you want to admit it or not. alQaeda had infiltrated Iraq long before we arrived, that's why they are so entrenched now... you don't think they just blew in one night after we invaded and suddenly had all these safehouses and strongholds established the next morning, do you? Zarqawi was there in 2003, we know that he was, we know that he was conspiring with members of Saddam's regime, and we now know that he had established a tenative base of alQaeda operation there. To pretend this is not so, or that something other than this is the case, is simply lying and being dishonest about the facts.
1) Sold a war based on WMD.

WMD's were an issue.

2) Sold a war with the idea that it would be easy, "mission accomplished style.

Administration never stated any such thing, in fact, stated the exact opposite.

3) Admited there are no WMD.

Never did this either, in fact, have found over 700 WMD munitions in Iraq.

4) Lost the lives of 2500 plus American Heros.

2,500 American soldiers have given their lives for this, only to have you and your ilk, spit in their face, protest at their funerals, call them murderers, and disgrace them on a daily basis while claiming you support them. I can't say for sure, but I firmly believe over half of America has no intentions of allowing you and the liberals to turn Iraq into Vietnam 2.

I resent the claim that I spit in a soldiers face, that I protested at a funeral or that I called them murders. To claim so is a dsicusting and desperate attempt to grasp at your crumbling reality.

You sir, have made repugnant and discusting allegations that you should take backi!
Even if they feel that Bush screwed up royally and have a decent idea on how to prosecute the war on terrorism, a vote against Bush's War will be politically spun to be an Anti-American/Anti-Troop vote and at the very least will lead to a tough battle in the next re-election campaign for any who "oppose" Bush's War.

You Pinheads keep claiming that a vast majority of America disagrees with Bush on Iraq, doesn't like his handling of it, wants a new direction, blah blah blah... So, why would opposing Bush on this, lead to anything but improved poll numbers for those on the side of the American people? I don't get it! Either you are lying out your ass about what the American people think, or you believe Congress is purposely and intentionally going against the will of the people out of fear that doing what the people want, will be negatively spun against them, even though it was what they wanted. Which one is it?

Maybe you are under the mistaken impression that Congress gives a fuck what the American people think? Honestly, they don't. With the right amount of spin the parties can make the majority of Americans think what they want them to think just by association with the parties. Look at how successful the Republican Party has been with you.

I said...

"3) (Bush) Admited there are no WMD."

Dixie said...

"Never did this either, in fact, have found over 700 WMD munitions in Iraq."


Ill supply a Bush quote from August 21, 2006...

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq: was -- the main reason we went into Iraq: at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction."

You Dixie are BLIND TO REALITY...


His own words...
"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq: was -- the main reason we went into Iraq: at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction."

BUSH AUGUST 21, 2006 Press conference!
Question: Why do the ranting Dixie's on the message boards of the world tend to repeat their initial pronouncements in Captial letters as if capitalizing a previous lie or inflammatory statement makes it more relevant, worthwhile, and meaningful than it was in regular font? Unfortunately, the more I ponder this type, I am beginning to think that there is such a thing as possession by demons...or at least a large minority of incredibly stupid people who will believe anything they hear from an authority figure--without reservation or question--sheople if you will...

1. Nothing in the quote you posted was capitalized.
2. Nothing in your response, relates to the question I asked.
3. Nothing in your response is worthy of discussion.
4. Nothing I've seen you post to date, has been anything more than a flame.
5. Nothing you've presented, refutes a damn thing I have said.
6. Nothing is all you have to offer in the way of ideas.
7. Nothing is what you are worth in the arena of debate.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq: was -- the main reason we went into Iraq: at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction."

BUSH AUGUST 21, 2006 Press conference!
1. Nothing in the quote you posted was capitalized.
2. Nothing in your response, relates to the question I asked.
3. Nothing in your response is worthy of discussion.
4. Nothing I've seen you post to date, has been anything more than a flame.
5. Nothing you've presented, refutes a damn thing I have said.
6. Nothing is all you have to offer in the way of ideas.
7. Nothing is what you are worth in the arena of debate.

LOL, that pretty much sums up what dixie has to say, nothing....:)

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq: was -- the main reason we went into Iraq: at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction."

BUSH AUGUST 21, 2006 Press conference!

You know, you might get somewhere if you actually attempted to articulate a point here, or tell us why you think the statement was inaccurate or misleading. The way I read it, it sounds pretty straight forward... maybe you are used to Bill Clinton lying through his teeth to you, and it's hard for you to grasp total honesty?
You claim Bush did not admit there are no WMD...

I gave you a quote where he did!

Simple as that, you are living in dream land where you are confusing what you want to be true with reality!
Maybe you are under the mistaken impression that Congress gives a fuck what the American people think? Honestly, they don't.

Immie? Have you been doing drugs or drinking heavily lately? It's unlike you to make such absurd statements. Of course, every Congressman gives a fuck what the American people think, particularly those who will go to the polls and vote for or against them. I'm sorry if you are under the impression that we live in some sort of alter-reality where Congress just gets re-elected without concern for the voters wishes, but that isn't how it happens, and you should try and understand it.

The vast minority are against this war, have been from the start, and their representatives have skirted treason to speak for them, but they do not represent the majority view of the country, if they did, we would not be in Iraq at this moment. You can continue to defy logic and reason and be a Pinhead, but the truth of the matter is, America gets it, they understand why we are in Iraq and why we can't cut and run, and they also understand there is a very vocal anti-war element to contend with here. Congress is well aware of how their constituents feel, and they vote accordingly. To contend otherwise, is just plain devoid of reasoning and logic on a level that is unbecoming to you.
DIXIE dances on the graves of 2500 American Heros while he pretends what he wants to be true is reality!
You claim Bush did not admit there are no WMD...

I gave you a quote where he did!

Simple as that, you are living in dream land where you are confusing what you want to be true with reality!

Well, I did not read where Bush said that Saddam didn't have any WMD's. I read the snippet you posted, which in context said, that the WMD stockpiles we thought he had, were not found. To date, the US and Iraqi military forces, have found over 700 WMD munitions. These were WMD's Saddam previously claimed he destroyed and you insisted he was telling us the truth about. They were not new, freshly made WMD's like we anticipated or thought he had, but they were WMD's he wasn't supposed to have, and lied about destroying. And let's be clear, the WMD stockpiles were anticipated by not only the US intelligence, but Pakistan, Sudan, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi intelligence as well.
Dixie lives in La La Land....

And dances on the graves of American Heros!

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq: was -- the main reason we went into Iraq: at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction."
DIXIE dances on the graves of 2500 American Heros while he pretends what he wants to be true is reality!

Danced on their graves? How so?

And as for "reality"... you are not the best people to discuss "reality" since you don't seem to know what it is. Shouldn't you be somewhere downloading video's of the WTC falling in its footprint, proving Bush and Cheney did it?
And Jarhead... I am not the one claiming our 2,500 Heroes gave their lives for an unjust cause, or making what they died for a national disgrace, you are the one propagating that myth. I am not the one protesting at their funerals and calling them cold-blooded murderers, that's John Murtha and Cindy Shehan, they aren't republicans.
I resent the claim that I spit in a soldiers face, that I protested at a funeral or that I called them murders. To claim so is a dsicusting and desperate attempt to grasp at your crumbling reality.

You sir, have made repugnant and discusting allegations that you should take backi!

Here is a newsflash...Dixie has made a name for himself by making disgusting allegations and NEVER taking them back. Dixie is a slanderous piece of shit and he knows it...he just could give a shit if anyone else knows.... hell will freeze over before he will ever take that slander back.