IRAQ: the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation!

Don't let liberals fool you.... despite the media drum beat about Iraq, and the Liberal hand-wringing which always accompanies US war, the significance of Iraq is substantial in world history.

It is the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation. We have replaced one of the world's most brutal tyrant dictators with the first democracy in Arab history. We've freed 25 million people from the shackles of oppression and turned them into freedom-loving people who produced a 70% turnout at the polls, in spite of continued death threats.

Furthermore, we have planted an ideology (democracy) in the middle of Islamic radicalism, which will eventually cause the fall of the terrorist ideology of hate. There is a very small minority of people mucking things up right now, and in the end, they will not prevail.
we have unleashed sectarian violence the extent of which we cannot comprehend.

We have removed the only effective foil there was in the region to Iranian hegemony.

We have radicalized the arab street against the United States.

We have lost our stature to lead in the international community.

We have lost nearly 3000 of our finest and we have flushed a half a trillion dollars down the toilet.

We are not one iota safer from terrorist attacks today than we were on 9/12/01.

We have squandered the good will of the entire world.

Dixie's idea of great military accomplisments are obviously borne in the sick and cowardly mind of a man who has never served in the military.

Kinda like asking your garbage man to give you an appraisal on your house.
Don't let liberals fool you.... despite the media drum beat about Iraq, and the Liberal hand-wringing which always accompanies US war, the significance of Iraq is substantial in world history.

It is the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation. We have replaced one of the world's most brutal tyrant dictators with the first democracy in Arab history. We've freed 25 million people from the shackles of oppression and turned them into freedom-loving people who produced a 70% turnout at the polls, in spite of continued death threats.

Furthermore, we have planted an ideology (democracy) in the middle of Islamic radicalism, which will eventually cause the fall of the terrorist ideology of hate. There is a very small minority of people mucking things up right now, and in the end, they will not prevail.

I was wondering when we "planted an ideology" in the Iraqi desert did we water it in effectively, have we nurtured it enough with the proper mixture of plant food and moisture to enable effective root production. In short, if the ideology was effectively planted why does it seem that the body is rejecting it?????
we have unleashed sectarian violence the extent of which we cannot comprehend.

We have removed the only effective foil there was in the region to Iranian hegemony.

We have radicalized the arab street against the United States.

We have lost our stature to lead in the international community.

We have lost nearly 3000 of our finest and we have flushed a half a trillion dollars down the toilet.

We are not one iota safer from terrorist attacks today than we were on 9/12/01.

We have squandered the good will of the entire world.

Dixie's idea of great military accomplisments are obviously borne in the sick and cowardly mind of a man who has never served in the military.

Kinda like asking your garbage man to give you an appraisal on your house.

I wouldn't bother responding to this hallucination with any sort of rebuttal.

To me, this inane, incoherent and delusional gibbersh ties it. It's time for Dixie to enter drug rehab.

Dead serious.
Don't let liberals fool you.... despite the media drum beat about Iraq, and the Liberal hand-wringing which always accompanies US war, the significance of Iraq is substantial in world history.

It is the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation. We have replaced one of the world's most brutal tyrant dictators with the first democracy in Arab history. We've freed 25 million people from the shackles of oppression and turned them into freedom-loving people who produced a 70% turnout at the polls, in spite of continued death threats.

Furthermore, we have planted an ideology (democracy) in the middle of Islamic radicalism, which will eventually cause the fall of the terrorist ideology of hate. There is a very small minority of people mucking things up right now, and in the end, they will not prevail.

This from the guy who says that if he could undo going in by voting for the (D)ouchecrats, he would. Touche'.
we have unleashed sectarian violence the extent of which we cannot comprehend.

We are not one iota safer from terrorist attacks today than we were on 9/12/01.
The collapse of Yugoslavia certainly gave us a good indicator of the level of sectarian and ethic hatreds that were likely to exist in Iraq. The lesson of history missed.

One of the reasons that I did not support the invasion of Iraq. Who did Saddam threaten? If anyone, his neighbors were threatened, not the USA.
This from the guy who says that if he could undo going in by voting for the (D)ouchecrats, he would. Touche'.

I'm really getting tired of people misquoting me.
As I said, for all the pitfalls you can come up with, this is still the single greatest American military accomplishment of this generation. 25 million liberated, the first Arab democracy, a beacon of hope for the entire middle east. And as Democrats have pointed out in this thread, none of it would have been possible under Democrat leadership.
Don't let liberals fool you.... despite the media drum beat about Iraq, and the Liberal hand-wringing which always accompanies US war, the significance of Iraq is substantial in world history.

It is the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation. We have replaced one of the world's most brutal tyrant dictators with the first democracy in Arab history. We've freed 25 million people from the shackles of oppression and turned them into freedom-loving people who produced a 70% turnout at the polls, in spite of continued death threats.

Furthermore, we have planted an ideology (democracy) in the middle of Islamic radicalism, which will eventually cause the fall of the terrorist ideology of hate. There is a very small minority of people mucking things up right now, and in the end, they will not prevail.

-Dixie wrote, October 20: "There is no way to turn back the hands of time, and not go into Iraq, if we could do that, and voting for Democrats would make that happen, I would probably vote Democrat!"
As I said, for all the pitfalls you can come up with, this is still the single greatest American military accomplishment of this generation. 25 million liberated, the first Arab democracy, a beacon of hope for the entire middle east. And as Democrats have pointed out in this thread, none of it would have been possible under Democrat leadership.

You're contradicting yourself:

"There is no way to turn back the hands of time, and not go into Iraq, if we could do that, and voting for Democrats would make that happen, I would probably vote Democrat!"
25 million people "liberated" from a dictator that was not killing them at anywhere near the rate they are being slaughtered today....
and the White House is only hoping against hope that it doesn't just come completely unglued within the next two weeks as it appears that it might.

Democracy in name only... sectarian violence that will soon unleash a level of internecine carnage unlike anything we have seen since perhaps the killing fields of Cambodia.....

yeah...this has been some fabulous accomplishment Dixie....

to even suggest as much means you are one sick twisted motherfucker.

Your blind devotion to this fucking loser in the white house - your slavish love of party and ideology over country - makes me wanna puke.
a beacon of hope.... the fresnel lens is coated and obscured with blood. It illuminates only the carnage in the vicinity.

You should be ashamed of your continued support for this terrible terrible thing.
Don't let liberals fool you.... despite the media drum beat about Iraq, and the Liberal hand-wringing which always accompanies US war, the significance of Iraq is substantial in world history.

It is the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation. We have replaced one of the world's most brutal tyrant dictators with the first democracy in Arab history. We've freed 25 million people from the shackles of oppression and turned them into freedom-loving people who produced a 70% turnout at the polls, in spite of continued death threats.

Furthermore, we have planted an ideology (democracy) in the middle of Islamic radicalism, which will eventually cause the fall of the terrorist ideology of hate. There is a very small minority of people mucking things up right now, and in the end, they will not prevail.

It is the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation. We have replaced one of the world's most brutal tyrant dictators with the first democracy in Arab history. We've freed 25 million people from the shackles of oppression and turned them into freedom-loving people who produced a 70% turnout at the polls, in spite of continued death threats.

so with all those acompolishments why can't we leave ?

Btw I think the liberation of Kuwait was the greatest accompolishment of this generation. Mission truely acomplished, very little loss of american life and it was over.
Btw I think the liberation of Kuwait was the greatest accompolishment

It ranks a distant third to Iraq and Afghanistan. Kuwait's population is much smaller. Fewer people were liberated, and the government was never re-structured to a democracy.