IRAQ: the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation!

In his latest post on this thread Dixie refers to me as "an idiot" and claims that I'm "retarded."

In a recent post on this same thread to a claim against him by Any Old Iron he offers up this rather insightful challenge "I think you have to make an argument for this, rather than just proclaim it. It's real easy to just throw out something like that."

So Dixie again we come to these questions of audacity and proclaimations of questionable truth value and to quote you in a similar circumstance, "I think you have to make an argument for this, rather than just proclaim it. It's real easy to just throw out something like that."
AOI:Wow, Dixie, you are in denial aren't you?

Dixie: Nope, you are!

Stunning retort. You forgot to write at the end.... "I know you are, said you are but what am I?"

You can see why we all rate you as a debator now.... lol

AOI: Replaced a secular, though brutal, dictator with a nation collapsing about itself.

Dixie No, replaced one of the most heinous rulers of modern history, also known as The Butcher of Baghdad, with a unity government trying to form a democracy in a place where democracy has never existed.

Heinous rulers in modern history? No he wasn't. He was a third rate tin pot dictator, not even a patch on people like Pol Pot, Hitler or Stalin.

And he has been replaced by an ineffective government who are stuffing their fat faces as the country desolves into civil war. Your rose tinted glasses must filter out the fact that the country is collapsing, despite every man and his dog stating the obvious that it is.

AOI: Held an election and called it the world's first Arab democracy, despite the fact that an election doesn't make a democracy.

Dixie No, held 3 elections, all of which, garnered more support from Iraqi citizens under the threats of death, than any modern American election. And I am sorry, but the dictionary has a definition of "democracy" and this fits, precisely.

I'll think you'll find that the dictionary calls that a 'ballot'..,..


• noun 1 a procedure by which people vote secretly on an issue. 2 (the ballot) the total number of votes cast in such a process. 3 a lottery held to decide the allocation of tickets or other things among a number of applicants.

• verb (balloted, balloting) 1 obtain a secret vote from (members). 2 cast one’s vote on an issue. 3 allocate by drawing lots.,name

AOI You claim to have freed 25 million people....freed them into a civil war and a higher death rate than under SH.

DixieNo, I don't "claim" it, this is a fact. As for the "death rate" under Saddam, this is a fact we simply can't confirm or know for certain, so there is no way to compare. We can assume that Saddam was honest, and the "death rate" under his regime was properly reported, but since we know that Saddam is a brutal tyrant dictator who does nothing but lie, it seems a little stupid to assume the "death rate" under Saddam, as being totally accurate.

Even by the most conservative estimates of the death toll today it dwarfs the death toll under SH. You make out SH to be akin to Pol Pot or Stalin, in truth the figures you use include those of the Iraq/Iran war.

We now have sectarian death squads taking over towns and executing those not of their sect. We have open warfare in areas three years after 'mission accomplished' and we have bombings and killings on an hourly basis. You call this freedom?

AOI: It is the first large scale debacle of the C21st.

Dixie In your wrongheaded opinion, this is the case. In historic retrospect, it will be the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation, perhaps the entire 21st century, if it pans out the way it should.

It hasn't panned out as it should. It has been a total failure, something being admitted by everyone except the Bush regime and those who follow the leader to the end like you. You have nothing to justify calling this a military accomplishment, let alone the greatest.

In the context of a battle against Islamic extremism, we have removed a tinpot third rate dictator and created an open sore, a running wound that feeds extremism and aids AQ, something your own government has admitted.

AOI Strategically it was a total clusterfuck and troops on the ground have acted so badly and used such poor tactics that they have exasperated the problem.

DixieNot really, there have been some tactical and strategic errors, but this happens in every war. There have been some bad apples, again, happens in every war. No one has "exasperated" anything, except for Democrats, who have exasperated themselves beating the anti-war drums... I think you might have meant "exacerbated" the problem, which hasn't happened either... the problem was Saddam, and he is currently on trial, not exacerbating the problems for us and his people anymore.

No, I mean 'exasperated', as in 'aggravated'.

This has been a total strategic fuck up. In the context of fighting Islamic extremism, we have removed a secular (though brutal) leader and created an ideal training and support garnering situation for the extremists, as well as a cause celebre. We have caused a nation to move to sectarian violence and civil war which destablises the region, giving the extremists another victory. We have demonstrated our inability to fight extremism by being so incapable of dealing with the insurgency. In short, strategically, we have played into the extremist's hands.

This has been a total tactical fuckup. The use of force protection tactics by US troops, being under the impression that overwhelming firepower can resolve situations in an insurgency, being brutal and aggressive against civilians and being unable to differentiate (and thus divide and conquer) between the jihadists and insurgents have all played into the extremists hands.

History won't vindicate Bush and acolytes such as yourself, it will be merciless to you.

AOI: You need to move past the denial and stop hanging onto false victories such as the holding of a ballot, removing SH and accept what is actually going on on the ground, take note of what senior generals and former SoS's say.

Dixie: I pay attention to one thing, how effectively we are accomplishing the overall objective in Iraq and the War on Terror. I don't pay attention to doom-and-gloom from the left, who didn't want to be in this war in the first place. What the fuck does anyone expect their position to be, other than, against this war?

You obviously don't. If you were interested in defeating Islamic extremism rather than supporting that blue-jeaned cowboy you love so much (your words) you would open your eyes to what is going on on the ground, what our generals et al are saying etc

AOI: This thread really makes you look daft.

Dixie Well, you see... I think you have to make an argument for this, rather than just proclaim it. It's real easy to just throw out something like that... watch this... AnyoldIron, this thread makes you look like an idiot! See how easy it was for me to say that? Of course, it's not based on any facts or even true in the least, everyone knows, you don't need a thread to make you look like an idiot, you can do that all by yourself.

Dixie, your defence of an obviously failing strategy makes my argument for me. That you would defend your leader over supporting the fight against extremism makes you look daft, if not a little treasonous.....
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What a sad statement on the military of our generation, or rather, how it has been used/abused.

It has been betrayed. Firstly by being led into another debacle and secondly, when the debacle became obvious, by being trained in counter-insurgency tactics by the most incompetant counter-insurgency force, the IDF.
I don't need to get into a word-parsing semantics argument with an idiot, I know what the dictionary says. I challenge you to prove me wrong, if you can. If not, that's okay too, I really don't give a flying fuck what you have to say.

Dixie doesn't know the difference between holding a ballot and operating a democracy...
When, in the distant future, teachers and professors educate our kids on world history, they will undoubtedly point to the democratization of the region as the ideological victor over the radical elements, which ultimately caused lasting peace. Just because you are unable to see this now, or unwilling to think it is possible in the future, is of no consequence.

Dixie, history will be merciless towards Bush and his followers.

Why? Because they have brought about a strategic disaster and have failed to bring about democracy, or anything like a lasting peace. You have destabilised the region further and handed a greater victory to the extremists than they could possibly imagine when they created the provokation of 9/11.

Stop being a fantasist and admit that you fucked up...
When, in the distant future, teachers and professors educate our kids on world history, they will undoubtedly point to the democratization of the region as the ideological victor over the radical elements, which ultimately caused lasting peace. Just because you are unable to see this now, or unwilling to think it is possible in the future, is of no consequence.

Dixie, history will be merciless towards Bush and his followers.

Why? Because they have brought about a strategic disaster and have failed to bring about democracy, or anything like a lasting peace. You have destabilised the region further and handed a greater victory to the extremists than they could possibly imagine when they created the provokation of 9/11.

Stop being a fantasist and admit that you fucked up...

Dixie, history will be merciless towards Bush and his followers.


After Pat’s Birthday
By Kevin Tillman (Pat Tillman's brother)

Editor’s note: Kevin Tillman joined the Army with his brother Pat in 2002, and they served together in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pat was killed in Afghanistan on April 22, 2004.

"Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless, vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country.

Somehow this is tolerated.

Somehow nobody is accountable for this.

In a democracy, the policy of the leaders is the policy of the people. So don’t be shocked when our grandkids bury much of this generation as traitors to the nation, to the world and to humanity. Most likely, they will come to know that “somehow” was nurtured by fear, insecurity and indifference, leaving the country vulnerable to unchecked, unchallenged parasites.......

Luckily this country is still a democracy. People still have a voice. People still can take action. It can start after Pat’s birthday."

***Pat Tillman, on Bush's War on Iraq: "This war is so fucking illegal"***
And just a word of wisdom for you pinheads... As much as you think you know, and as smart as you think you are, history is not something you can predict or speculate at this point. You can sit here and make wild predictions of how history will view Bush and Iraq, but you don't have any way of really knowing how history will view this period. To pretend that you somehow have this ability, is amusing and somewhat comical, because most thinking and rational people understand, you simply don't have this ability.
Dixie is so right remember how 45-50 years ago the Vietnam War was seen as a big mistake. now its one of America's most striking triumphs. There is just no telling how history will view today's events. None whatsoever!
And just a word of wisdom for you pinheads... As much as you think you know, and as smart as you think you are, history is not something you can predict or speculate at this point. You can sit here and make wild predictions of how history will view Bush and Iraq, but you don't have any way of really knowing how history will view this period. To pretend that you somehow have this ability, is amusing and somewhat comical, because most thinking and rational people understand, you simply don't have this ability.

history is not something you can predict

Your record of prediction on Iraq is virutally always wrong (see my sig for one, out of dozens, of examples).

Whatever you predict, I'm going to be prudent and assume the exact opposite will actually happen.
Dixie is so right remember how 45-50 years ago the Vietnam War was seen as a big mistake. now its one of America's most striking triumphs. There is just no telling how history will view today's events. None whatsoever!
Yep, bush has plannned a visit to Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon) city, imagine that :) Perhaps he want to see what a place that we pulled out of in defeat look like today ;)
Yep, bush has plannned a visit to Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon) city, imagine that :) Perhaps he want to see what a place that we pulled out of in defeat look like today ;)


You mean we have decent diplomatic relations with Vietnam now, and Vietnam never threatened us after 1975?

Then why on God's green Earth did Gaffer say we should have stayed and continued fighting, possibly slaughtering tens of thousans of more americans? What would the point of that have been?
How right could Dixie's predictions be? He listens to and talks just like Bill O'Reilly. He even uses liberally, O'Reilly's favorite word for liberals--pinheads! Everyone who cares knows that O'Reilly has a strong reputation for lies, lyings and manipulating the truth to fit his own warped world view, including several books devoted to his lies and manipulations of facts. But mostly O'Reilly just plain gets it wrong. And the same seems to go for Dixie. But it could not be different, garbage in...garbage out. He's nothing but a cheap O'Reilly clone. I'm really surprised no one else here has noticed that.

You mean we have decent diplomatic relations with Vietnam now, and Vietnam never threatened us after 1975?

Then why on God's green Earth did Gaffer say we should have stayed and continued fighting, possibly slaughtering tens of thousans of more americans? What would the point of that have been?

It is true I read it on the web this morning.
Pretty amazing huh ?
Don't let liberals fool you.... despite the media drum beat about Iraq, and the Liberal hand-wringing which always accompanies US war, the significance of Iraq is substantial in world history.

It is the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation. We have replaced one of the world's most brutal tyrant dictators with the first democracy in Arab history. We've freed 25 million people from the shackles of oppression and turned them into freedom-loving people who produced a 70% turnout at the polls, in spite of continued death threats.

Furthermore, we have planted an ideology (democracy) in the middle of Islamic radicalism, which will eventually cause the fall of the terrorist ideology of hate. There is a very small minority of people mucking things up right now, and in the end, they will not prevail.

Looking back, I dont think this one has held up!