Darth Omar
Russian asset
"Is an egg a chicken?"
"Definition of egg-
1a : the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird and especially by the common domestic chicken also : its contents used as food
b : an animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum together with its nutritive and protective envelopes and having the capacity to develop into a new individual capable of independent existence
c : ovum"
"Definition of chicken-
(Entry 1 of 3)
1a : the common domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) especially when young also : its flesh used as food — compare jungle fowl
b : any of various birds or their young
2 : a young woman
3a : coward
b : any of various contests in which the participants risk personal safety in order to see which one will give up first"
These definitions are different. Therefore:
It is concluded that an egg is not a chicken.
Wrong answer, according to science.
A fertilized chicken egg is *a chicken* in the embryonic stage of development. There’s no other scientific conclusion.
What’s instructional about these debates is how quickly pro abortion advocates will try and leave science behind and turn the debate into a philosophical discussion in order to avoid ‘certain moral and ethical implications’ with abortion.
The science says all living organisms begin to exist at the moment of fertilization/conception. Including, organisms categorized by science as Homo sapiens.
Science. The science says.