Is an egg a Sea Turtle ??

Link lol?

It’s biology 101. A fertilized human egg is a Five Lined Skink in the early stage of development? How should we refer to it in order to keep abortion ethical?

Can't back up your claim then.

Got it.

I accept your concession of defeat.

Thanks for playing.
"Being" is the keyword.

If you want to leave the realm of science.

Science can only ‘say’ that a fertilized human egg [blastocyst] is a Homo sapiens in an early stage of development. That’s all to be said about it. Ethical considerations follow after that.
If you want to leave the realm of science.

Science can only ‘say’ that a fertilized human egg [blastocyst] is a Homo sapiens in an early stage of development. That’s all to be said about it. Ethical considerations follow after that.

Who's leaving the realm of science? Again, the keyword is "being". Is the fetus conscious and have feeling during the first few weeks?
It is an unborn human stages of development... If there is a loss prior to birth, is it not the loss of a child?

It is not a child, it is the loss of what might have become a child.
Here we go lol.

A fingernail isn’t a human being in an early stage of development. Neither is an appendix. At the moment of fertilization, a human ova becomes a human being in an early stage of development.

Is what it is.

What evidence do you have for that claim?
Thi sin't about Roe vs Wade....See the chicken/egg thread...I'll be happy to discuss this...

It is about Roe v Wade when it comes to the point during pregnancy when a fetus becomes a human being. After that point, it is murder if they abort it.
It is about Roe v Wade when it comes to the point during pregnancy when a fetus becomes a human being. After that point, it is murder if they abort it.
No one is discussing Roe v Wade, though.....we're talking about how some believe there is no child before birth....
No one is discussing Roe v Wade, though.....we're talking about how some believe there is no child before birth....

You are not following. Anyway, I don't care if some people believe there is no child before birth as it is irrelevant.

A fetus becomes a child at a point during pregnancy. That is an undisputable fact.
An egg isn't a species nor an animal. So what do you do about animals that eat turtle eggs? Arrest them?

When you typed that out, did you think that clever?

No, we hold humans to higher standards than animals.

You, however, seem to value sea turtle eggs at a higher value than human life. Is that so?