Is an egg a Sea Turtle ??

When you typed that out, did you think that clever?

No, we hold humans to higher standards than animals.

You, however, seem to value sea turtle eggs at a higher value than human life. Is that so?

A human egg is not a human either. Not until it's fertilized.
No, it is human, but not a human being. Much like your hair or hand are not human beings.

it is a shame that you know so little about even worse shame that you make it known publicly.......of course hair is not a human being.....but human beings have human hair.......and human hands........unborn children have human hair and human hands.......I wonder if we can draw any conclusions from that......
Did u state this in the Is an egg a Chicken? thread

Your leftest POS budz are all in there saying an egg is not a chicken

so i ask

Is an egg a Sea Turtle ??
Is it a sea turtle egg? It has the potential, but it could just be an alligator’s breakfast.
Herring on the bridge.

We dock our boat over here. I had my boat there and the dockmaster made me leave
and now my boat is over here. We fish the bay. My buddy at the docks has a bigger
boat and sometimes we partner up and fish the ocean inshore.

a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; a rascal.

What are the safety procedures for this? Do you know what they are? I DO! ;)

Pulling up to the slip in a 16 ft jon boat with a 15 hp. 2 stroke and a boaters safety course isn't going
to cut it under these conditions. I need more of stronger boating background.

Boat handling school. You passed the class. We can set you up with another fella who needs a deckhand.
He's a skilled tradesman in the union and on his days off he can use the help.

In terms of what it means, a “psychotic break with reality” means losing contact with reality,
such as hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, or feeling something that has no external correlate
(i.e., hallucinations) or believing something to be true that is false, fixed, and fantastic (i.e., a delusion) or being unable ...

He's serving me food in street clothes and lays a knife on the table.

I need your help! :seenoevil::hearnoevil::palm::rolleyes::thinking:
A human egg is not a human either. Not until it's fertilized.
Dude, when you brush your teeth, are the cells you are flushing down the drain human? Yes or no?

A human egg is human. So it the sperm. That fact doesn't change when the two become a zygote.