Is anyone on the ohter side a partisan hack?


Today, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by truthmatters
Oh I know you dont think they can. That has no real bearing on if they can.

I really would love to have republicans that made me think hard about switching parties.

I wish you people didnt hate me just because you stand on the other side of a political devide. I wish people knew how to discuss these things without getting their guts in a knot and just used facts. I wish Americans felt like one country again. Those days are dead and we will never see them again. Its going to be the end of this country. I really hate that part.

Who are you trying to sell this to, TM? JPP? They think you are a partisan hack too, so to whom?

I was trying to make a point about people really wanting what they think is best for the country over party identification and got this from Kathy who seems pretty tame over here but is far more confrontive at another site.

What is it that you think makes someone a party hack?

Is it just holding an opposing view or is it just those who you never see fault in their party.

I have found fault in my party and voiced it on here many times. Maybe not every time the opposing side saw fault. But I see far more inability to find fault with their own party on the Bush cheerers. I find in certain places even completetly factual based observations are met with complete irrational contempt.
A partisan hack sees their opponents as agents of evil. He/She reads only websites and news sources he/she agrees with ideologically. He/she believes that all problems with the current situation can be traced back solely to members of the opposite party, with his/her own party taking no blame.

Basically a partisan hack is a worthless, intellectually dishonest piece of shit that would sell their own mother before they spoke ill of their party.
My Quick-List of JPP Partisan Hackery:

Liberals: Cypress, UScitizen, Desh

Conservatives: Dano, and occasionally SF.

Libertarians: TheMajority, and occasionally RS. Most Libertarians constantly criticize their party.
i don't think dano is paritsan to a party all that much.. maybe conservatism...

WRL i think would fit that mold a little better
There’s nothing wrong with being partisan about your ideology and principles, whether they be liberal, conservative, socialist, or libertarian. In fact, I’m rather suspicious of people who seem to either tone-down, moderate, or hide their views in the closet, depending on who they’re talking to, or which board they’re on. For Christ sakes, you know there are still people who would love to defend Bush and the Iraq war, but keep it in the closet out of embarrassment.

In contrast, being a complete hack to a Party, is pretty lame. WRL being the classic example.

I doubt there’s a liberal on the board, who has been more critical of corporate, sell-out, DLC, so-called “blue dog” Democrats as I have.
There’s nothing wrong with being partisan about your ideology and principles, whether they be liberal, conservative, socialist, or libertarian. In fact, I’m rather suspicious of people who seem to either tone-down, moderate, or hide their views in the closet, depending on who they’re talking to, or which board they’re on. For Christ sakes, you know there are still people who would love to defend Bush and the Iraq war, but keep it in the closet out of embarrassment.

In contrast, being a complete hack to a Party, is pretty lame. WRL being the classic example.

I doubt there’s a liberal on the board, who has been more critical of corporate, sell-out, DLC, so-called “blue dog” Democrats as I have.

To be fair, you're right, I should distinguish between ideologues (to quote O'Reilly) and partisans.

I am a libertarian unabashedly. I believe in the rights of the individual over the rights of the state and corporations. I believe that capitalism is the most fair system of commerce that allows people to advance based on merit instead of governmental favoritism or nepotism.

I am also a Libertarian, but not a die-hard one. I am the first to point out when the national Party is making one of their endless collossal misjudgements. I have my hopes that they will one day be viable, but I am not a party-first American, and I would never stretch dishonestly to defend them.

It is partisans rather than ideologues that bother me.
Today, 03:56 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by truthmatters
Oh I know you dont think they can. That has no real bearing on if they can.

I really would love to have republicans that made me think hard about switching parties.

I wish you people didnt hate me just because you stand on the other side of a political devide. I wish people knew how to discuss these things without getting their guts in a knot and just used facts. I wish Americans felt like one country again. Those days are dead and we will never see them again. Its going to be the end of this country. I really hate that part.

Who are you trying to sell this to, TM? JPP? They think you are a partisan hack too, so to whom?

I was trying to make a point about people really wanting what they think is best for the country over party identification and got this from Kathy who seems pretty tame over here but is far more confrontive at another site.

What is it that you think makes someone a party hack?

Is it just holding an opposing view or is it just those who you never see fault in their party.

I have found fault in my party and voiced it on here many times. Maybe not every time the opposing side saw fault. But I see far more inability to find fault with their own party on the Bush cheerers. I find in certain places even completetly factual based observations are met with complete irrational contempt.

Well I know it's shocking and all, but exactly what was I responding to? Hmmm,

Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post
Who will you blame for the ensuing financial mess?

Will you blame the current congressional leaders?

Will you blame the next administration( only if it is Democrats)?

Will there be no blame for the people who presided over our country for the last 7 years?

Originally Posted by truthmatters View Post

Would you trade your loyalty to the republican party for a country running like a greased wheel where we were not at war and had universal healthcare and that everything worked so well that you would say "damn I was wrong about these democrats they really have fixed the country" and switched to a democrat?

Desh I said it before, you come off much more 'reasonable' here than there and spell better too. Of course, it's not that much of an improvement, but some. You are much less confrontational, much more likely to be 'they attacked me, over there. Boo hoo.'

In any case, I respond to what I see and what interests me.
Today, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by truthmatters
Oh I know you dont think they can. That has no real bearing on if they can.

I really would love to have republicans that made me think hard about switching parties.

I wish you people didnt hate me just because you stand on the other side of a political devide. I wish people knew how to discuss these things without getting their guts in a knot and just used facts. I wish Americans felt like one country again. Those days are dead and we will never see them again. Its going to be the end of this country. I really hate that part.

Who are you trying to sell this to, TM? JPP? They think you are a partisan hack too, so to whom?

I was trying to make a point about people really wanting what they think is best for the country over party identification and got this from Kathy who seems pretty tame over here but is far more confrontive at another site.

What is it that you think makes someone a party hack?

Is it just holding an opposing view or is it just those who you never see fault in their party.

I have found fault in my party and voiced it on here many times. Maybe not every time the opposing side saw fault. But I see far more inability to find fault with their own party on the Bush cheerers. I find in certain places even completetly factual based observations are met with complete irrational contempt.

This is just my opinion Desh but when you make comments like "the Republicans were in charge from 2001 - 2007 so everything that happened under their watch is their fault" and then follow it up with "it was the Republicans fault that the Democrats could not enact their agenda in '93 and '94 when they controlled Congress and the White House" just screams out complete partisanship.

And then when you make comments like a faulty bridge built in Minneapolis in the late '60's is Congress fault in 2006 for collapsing again just shows an extreme partisan nature.
Today, 03:56 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by truthmatters
Oh I know you dont think they can. That has no real bearing on if they can.

I really would love to have republicans that made me think hard about switching parties.

I wish you people didnt hate me just because you stand on the other side of a political devide. I wish people knew how to discuss these things without getting their guts in a knot and just used facts. I wish Americans felt like one country again. Those days are dead and we will never see them again. Its going to be the end of this country. I really hate that part.

Who are you trying to sell this to, TM? JPP? They think you are a partisan hack too, so to whom?

I was trying to make a point about people really wanting what they think is best for the country over party identification and got this from Kathy who seems pretty tame over here but is far more confrontive at another site.

What is it that you think makes someone a party hack?

Is it just holding an opposing view or is it just those who you never see fault in their party.

I have found fault in my party and voiced it on here many times. Maybe not every time the opposing side saw fault. But I see far more inability to find fault with their own party on the Bush cheerers. I find in certain places even completetly factual based observations are met with complete irrational contempt.

But to answer your question yes there are people on this board who lean right who would qualify as partisan hacks and I put myself pretty close to being in that group.
But to answer your question yes there are people on this board who lean right who would qualify as partisan hacks and I put myself pretty close to being in that group.

You narrowly escaped my hack list, but you qualify as an ideology-based poster.
You narrowly escaped my hack list, but you qualify as an ideology-based poster.

I won't argue with that assesment. I believe strongly in the power of free markets as the greatest benefit to society as a whole. However there are legitimate arguments for when the free market does not work best and often I need that pointed out to me. Of course that doesn't always mean there will be agreement but it can make for interesting and informative discussion which I much prefer than to Democrats/Republicans = Good/Bad and vice versa.
and I will say that I agree in the most part with what are considered traditional conservative standards, though we haven't had anyone like that for many a year, certainly not GW, his father, or even Reagan.
and I will say that I agree in the most part with what are considered traditional conservative standards, though we haven't had anyone like that for many a year, certainly not GW, his father, or even Reagan.
we need some true conservatives again and some true Liberals to balance things out. This corporate and special interest rented govt sucks.