Is anyone on the ohter side a partisan hack?

I dont recall ever saying the Dems were not in control in 93-94?

And Yes the bridge is symptomactic of the failure of our infrastructure over the years. When you have complete control of the entire government for 7 years straight then you do get the nod for anything you ignored and inacted. You and every con on here would be blaming BIG TIME if the 7 years had taken place under Dems and the country looked as it does now.

You know it .

I know it.

Everyone knows it.

First of all states play a large role in building and maintaining its infrastructure. So regardless of who is in control of Congress the largest blame (outside of the people who built the bridge incorrectly) would be within the state of Minnesota.

And the idea that the federal government is going to pay to test every bridge in the U.S. for defects is laughable.

I never said you didn't say Democrats were in control in '93-'94. I said you blamed the Republicans for the Democrats not being able to get their health care agenda passed during that time even though the Democrats were in control.

It is transparent partisanship.