Is anyone on the ohter side a partisan hack?

My Quick-List of JPP Partisan Hackery:

Liberals: Cypress, UScitizen, Desh

Conservatives: Dano, and occasionally SF.

Libertarians: TheMajority, and occasionally RS. Most Libertarians constantly criticize their party.

This is quite humorous. Do explain how it is you feel I am a partisan hack (occasionally).
This is quite humorous. Do explain how it is you feel I am a partisan hack (occasionally).

You are not a partisan hack at all. So far as I can tell, you're a fiscal conservative and nothing else, well, a shish kabob sometimes, but definitely a fiscal conservative.
You are not a partisan hack at all. So far as I can tell, you're a fiscal conservative and nothing else, well, a shish kabob sometimes, but definitely a fiscal conservative.

Without question I am a fiscal conservative. I am curious as to why he/she believes otherwise...
Without question I am a fiscal conservative. I am curious as to why he/she believes otherwise...

You are ideology based, as I determined a further category was necessary for people who were ideologically consistent while not being tools of the major parties.

My apologies for calling you partisan.
You are ideology based, as I determined a further category was necessary for people who were ideologically consistent while not being tools of the major parties.

My apologies for calling you partisan.

No worries. I was just curious. For future reference, I am economically conservative and socially moderate (on most issues).
My Quick-List of JPP Partisan Hackery:

Liberals: Cypress, UScitizen, Desh

Conservatives: Dano, and occasionally SF.

Libertarians: TheMajority, and occasionally RS. Most Libertarians constantly criticize their party.

LMAO @ SF. You got lumped in with Dano!:D
This is just my opinion Desh but when you make comments like "the Republicans were in charge from 2001 - 2007 so everything that happened under their watch is their fault" and then follow it up with "it was the Republicans fault that the Democrats could not enact their agenda in '93 and '94 when they controlled Congress and the White House" just screams out complete partisanship.

And then when you make comments like a faulty bridge built in Minneapolis in the late '60's is Congress fault in 2006 for collapsing again just shows an extreme partisan nature.

I dont recall ever saying the Dems were not in control in 93-94?

And Yes the bridge is symptomactic of the failure of our infrastructure over the years. When you have complete control of the entire government for 7 years straight then you do get the nod for anything you ignored and inacted. You and every con on here would be blaming BIG TIME if the 7 years had taken place under Dems and the country looked as it does now.

You know it .

I know it.

Everyone knows it.
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