Is Atheism a religion?

sorry, poster formerly known as a poster formerly known....

despite what you probably posted to wiki this afternoon, there is no such fucking thing as an agnostic atheist.....anymore than there is such a thing as an Islamic Christian.....or a Communist socialist.......or a Scientologist Freemason......

it's simply an argument from ignorance.....

1. Yes you can.

2. Muslims incorporate Christian teachings. I'd consider Muslims at least as Christians as Mormons in that they only add on.

3. Communism and socialism were essentially synonyms for the first 50 years of their existence. The thing that's identified as "socialism" today is, IMHO, just watered down left-wing stuff that isn't really socialist by any traditional sense. A person who identifies themselves as "communist" is really just an extreme socialist (like in the USSR - Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics), and so would be a communist socialist.

4. Why couldn't you be a scientologist freemason?

5. An argument from ignorance? You obviously have no idea what that means.
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Wow... 2006? That was before you reached puberty!

That IS old!

I'm sorry that it just doesn't seem like much to a man with a wasted life who's currently struggling with a two decade long bout of erectile dysfunction, however, I'm talking in relative terms. Wikipedia has only been big since around 2006.
