Is Bill Clinton Running For Office?


Junior Member
He seems to be with these stump speeches he is making. All retoric, no facts, playing a political game of distortion. Why is he running for office? To get his wife elected? Who would be president if Hillary was elected?
From the way the press is covering him one would think so. I had a thread on this subject some time back.
OMG Clinton just said that Bush had funds committed to develop nukes so why should NK not be allowed to have them? THIS MAN WAS PRESIDENT???
I agree with Clowntoon. We do not want NK to have nukes, but what right do we have to stop them ?
Now if they ever use them on another country, that is an entirely different matter...
We have the obligation to oppose the increase of nukes in the world. Many other countries have the same agenda. In fact most do. Your complete lack or realism shows your failure to see the facts.
Just a question US, why is Clinton out making these stump speeches? He is not with his wife, he is out on his own. These are speeches that sound like he is running for office. Do you ever listen to them?
He feels that there is a chance to connect his legacy to something other than cum stained dresses....
Just a question US, why is Clinton out making these stump speeches? He is not with his wife, he is out on his own. These are speeches that sound like he is running for office. Do you ever listen to them?
I have caught little bits and pieces of them, but don't really listen to them Toby.
I guess that Our current VP is also running for president then by your logic toby ?
I don't expect you to understand the difference of supporting your own parties candidates and actually running for office tobes.....
You don't listen to the Cheny stump appearances at all do you tobes ?
Has rush been spinning about clowntoon running for pres or something ?
Yep pretty simple tobes, that is you allright.
Did not watch any of rhe VP's stumping appearances did you, but still know what was in them ?