Is Bill Clinton Running For Office?

But Klaatu, to some there is only one correct way, bush's way.

As conservative as I am ..... I believe as a Country we were in a much better state under Clinton than we are today... contrary to Neo-Con and Oligarchists opinion.., genuine Conservatives will agree with me.
yes, genuine conservatives will agree with you Klaatu, like Damo and leaning I think. But then there are 4 or 5 on here.....
he want to take hitlary's senate seat when she becomes president!!!! that will be history, won't it? only husband/wife team to hold TWO of the same offices!!!!!!!!!
As conservative as I am ..... I believe as a Country we were in a much better state under Clinton than we are today... contrary to Neo-Con and Oligarchists opinion.., genuine Conservatives will agree with me.

Is there any doubt?

Clinton was one of the best republican presidents of the 20th century. He gave them a lot of the things they wanted: welfare reform, NAFTA, China free trade, deregulation, etc