The exchange about bronze:
1. If you are going to claim that there was a misunderstanding due to your having been utilizing a metaphor, then clarify the misunderstanding instead of simply fleeing to the hills.
2. You did not investigate rigging as was mentioned, nor did you ask any questions about it. You simply fled to the hills because you didn't understand the material.
Got physics facts wrong didn't care, makes some bizzare allusion to "energy density of storage":
Into the Night made a valid point. You have to take into account how much propane, for example, you can feasibly store in a given tank. You apparently didn't understand this concept. Hydrogen fuel cells have a fatal drawback in this regard, i.e. to be commercially viable, very large "tanks" must be filled to dangerously-near-explosive pressure, and thus aren't likely to ever be approved for commercial purposes. You can't get anywhere near the same "energy density" with hydrogen that you get with hydrocarbons.
Final straw was "Space is not a planet" when the context was obviously antarctic mining:
Obviously you both were talking past each other. You specified that you were talking about space and
Into the Night asked you how you were planning on mining in it. You dodged somewhat and referred back to the Arctic, at which point
Into the Night pointed out that space isn't anything planetary.
Since you asked, I don't have questions. You're just wrong.
You don't have any questions about the material in my signature because you don't understand the material in my signature.
1.) The power source is the sun.
That power is already forthwith accounted. You have to identify the
new/additional energy that accounts for the
temperature increase you are claiming. You don't get to simply claim a spontaneous temperature increase with
no new/additional energy.
If the theory that carbon dioxide is warming the planet is wrong, it's not wrong because of conservation of energy.
Global Warming / greenhouse effect absolutely violates the 1st LoT if you are claiming both an
increase in temperature and
no new/additional energy.
2.) The earth's temperature and the temperature of everything in this universe is the result of dynamic equilibrium of power in and power out.
Nope. When you fry some eggs, all the while the eggs' temperature is increasing, that temperature is not a result of any equilibrium, but of a lack of any equilibrium.
If the surface of the Earth needs to be 1000F
Semantic error.
1. What do you mean by "surface"?
2. Does whatever you mean have many temperatures?
3. If you are referring to an "average temperature" then how can you pretend to know what it is when it has never been calculated to any usable accuracy?
The radiative surface of the Earth is not the sea or Earth, it is the upper atmosphere and always has been.
Nope. You should learn black body science before you pretend to cite it. The "surface" has a specific meaning, and it is not "the top of the atmosphere."
3.) Same as (1), the claim is that solar radiation heats the surface, not that it heats the atmosphere and then the atmosphere heats the surface.
Were you trying to make a point here? This is not a complete sentence. What are you saying?