Is Clinton's Candidacy Blocking 'Path to 9/11'?

Relax dude, the point was that video was being censored. No one here is saying its going to change the '08 election (even though when Hillary run's on Bill's record it does make everything fair game).

You think Hillary is running on Bill's record?
A made for tv movie? Yeah I'm sure it will be flying off the shelves.....

So they release other tv movie's that had far less viewers on DVD but this one which had a large audience isn't a good business decision? I hope you are not head of a division where you work.
I would never vote for hillary but I have also not seen her running on his record. I haven't seen anything like that.
So they release other tv movie's that had far less viewers on DVD but this one which had a large audience isn't a good business decision? I hope you are not head of a division where you work.

Seriously Cawacko, don't you righties ever get tired of being martyrs? Someone is always out to get you guys. Man, I get tired just hearing about it. I'm happy to be a liberal and not affiliated with any church. Nobody out to get me, I'm doing ok.
Not runnng on it per se but she's made references to it.

That's already a big transition. It's absurd to imply that.

I have watched all of the debates; she barely, if ever, mentions Bill. When she refers to those years, it's as any Democrat running for President would - saying that Bush has blown everything since the years when we actually had competent leadership, that kind of thing.

What a dishonest implication you made...
and why all the crying cawhacko? The network can do whatever they want. It isn't like the govt. is censoring it.... QQ more IRL
Seriously Cawacko, don't you righties ever get tired of being martyrs? Someone is always out to get you guys. Man, I get tired just hearing about it. I'm happy to be a liberal and not affiliated with any church. Nobody out to get me, I'm doing ok.

Seriously Cawacko, don't you righties ever get tired of being martyrs? Someone is always out to get you guys. Man, I get tired just hearing about it. I'm happy to be a liberal and not affiliated with any church. Nobody out to get me, I'm doing ok.

Fear is a big part of the republican and religious rights platform. They could not get to power without it.
Seriously Cawacko, don't you righties ever get tired of being martyrs? Someone is always out to get you guys. Man, I get tired just hearing about it. I'm happy to be a liberal and not affiliated with any church. Nobody out to get me, I'm doing ok.

Martyrs? Like Hillary Clinton and the "vast right wing conspiracy" out to get her and her husband?

No one's out to get me.
They release some made for tv movies on dvd and most don't do well.

That isn't the point. Re-read the article. The whole point was other movies on political issues which had far less viewship get released on DVD but not this one. It's not a money issue.
That's already a big transition. It's absurd to imply that.

I have watched all of the debates; she barely, if ever, mentions Bill. When she refers to those years, it's as any Democrat running for President would - saying that Bush has blown everything since the years when we actually had competent leadership, that kind of thing.

What a dishonest implication you made...

A dishonest implication? From the bottom of my heart Fuck Off Onceler. I have been wrong before and I'll be wrong again but I don't come onto these boards to lie. So please take your holier than thou shit elsewhere.

I haven't watched one of the debates that's not what I was refering to. I've read it in the newspaper. Again, I didn't say she's running her campaign on it. I said she's made references. Now she's said a lot of things during the campaign (all candidates have) so it's a small percentage of what she's said. But I stand by if bringing up Bill and the '90's is or becomes part of her campaign that opens her up to old issues.

The floor is all yours Sir.
Are you dense?

The implication of saying "Hillary runs on Bill's record" is crystal clear. There is no spinning it.

It's completely dishonest...
Are you dense?

The implication of saying "Hillary runs on Bill's record" is crystal clear. There is no spinning it.

It's completely dishonest...

But leaving out a portion of the quote is not dishonest?

I said, "WHEN HILLARY RUNS ON BILL'S RECORD ITS FAIR GAME". I later explained that she had on several occassions brought up Bill and the '90's. I never said or implied that she is basing her campaign on that. My point was simply IF she is going to emphasize that then that opens her up to questions from that time as well.

You are chosing to make your own interpretation of what I said and your interpretation is incorrect.
I snipped the relevant part. When you post the entire quote, there is no difference whatsoever in the meaning. It's weird you would post that as though it means something different, or as though something has been taken out of context.

And which is it - bringing it up on "several occasions," or "emphasizing it?" If you can't see the difference between those 2 ideas, this is a hopeless exercise.

You're all over the place on this one - trying to get in a dishonest jab, but retreating when you're called on it. I'm not even a Hillary fan....