Is Clinton's Candidacy Blocking 'Path to 9/11'?

I snipped the relevant part. When you post the entire quote, there is no difference whatsoever in the meaning. It's weird you would post that as though it means something different, or as though something has been taken out of context.

And which is it - bringing it up on "several occasions," or "emphasizing it?" If you can't see the difference between those 2 ideas, this is a hopeless exercise.

You're all over the place on this one - trying to get in a dishonest jab, but retreating when you're called on it. I'm not even a Hillary fan....

I'm not all over the place. My point has been the same the whole time. And my last comment you'll notice I capitalized the word IF. I said I've seen her do it a couple of times. I've stated nothing more or nothing less. Pretty simple.

You say your not a Hillary fan but you'll be voting for her next November.