Is Dixie Lying???

Okay, this is a simple game, all you have to do, is determine whether or not Dixie is lying. You have 20 statements listed below, some of them are true and some of them are a lie. You can't use Google to cheat and find out, you have to trust your instincts and your own intelligence, to determine if they are true or false. Since I am the best judge of whether I am lying or not, I will be the one to grade your results. The winner will receive much praise and admiration from me, and the losers will receive ridicule and scorn, as usual. Ready? Set? GO!

1. Besides Mexico and Canada, Cuba, at 90 miles, is the closest neighboring country to the U.S.

2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp.

3. Hawaii has the nations only Royal Palace.

4. A dime has more grooves on its side than a quarter.

5. Canadian $2 and $10 bills, depict the parliament buildings with an American flag flying on top.

6. Sir Isaac Newton, who established the "scientific method" as the standard for how the modern world looks at the Universe in general, was also responsible for profound Protestant interpretations of Biblical scriptures.

7. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.

8. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates.

9. All US Presidents have worn glasses.

10. "Lassie" was a boy dog.

11. The first toilet ever seen on television, was on The Honeymooner's.

12. "Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song.

13. Paul Simon got the name of his hit "Mother and Child Reunion" from a Chinese menu.

14. Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight, he got his stage name from an English playwright.

15. Scoobie Doo was originally Doobie Doo.

16. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

17. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste.

18. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

19. More people die from dog attacks in a year, than the past 100 years of shark attacks.

20. Bats always fly away from the moon when exiting a cave.
Okay, this is a simple game, all you have to do, is determine whether or not Dixie is lying. You have 20 statements listed below, some of them are true and some of them are a lie. You can't use Google to cheat and find out, you have to trust your instincts and your own intelligence, to determine if they are true or false. Since I am the best judge of whether I am lying or not, I will be the one to grade your results. The winner will receive much praise and admiration from me, and the losers will receive ridicule and scorn, as usual. Ready? Set? GO!

1. Besides Mexico and Canada, Cuba, at 90 miles, is the closest neighboring country to the U.S.


2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp.

I dont know

3. Hawaii has the nations only Royal Palace.


4. A dime has more grooves on its side than a quarter.

don't know

5. Canadian $2 and $10 bills, depict the parliament buildings with an American flag flying on top.

i don't know

6. Sir Isaac Newton, who established the "scientific method" as the standard for how the modern world looks at the Universe in general, was also responsible for profound Protestant interpretations of Biblical scriptures.

not sure

7. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.


8. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates.


9. All US Presidents have worn glasses.

eh . . .

10. "Lassie" was a boy dog.

not sure

11. The first toilet ever seen on television, was on The Honeymooner's.


12. "Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song.

don't know

13. Paul Simon got the name of his hit "Mother and Child Reunion" from a Chinese menu.

i think that's true

14. Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight, he got his stage name from an English playwright.

don't know

15. Scoobie Doo was originally Doobie Doo.


16. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

*wants to google really bad*

17. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste.

I know what you are getting at, so I will say yes . . . but in fact, that's not the case. I did a science experiment concerning this, and basically it has to do with whether or not your sense of smell drastically influences your tastes of certain foods. Basically everyone I tested could tell the difference between an onion, potato, and apple... blindfolded.
18. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

19. More people die from dog attacks in a year, than the past 100 years of shark attacks.

i dont know

20. Bats always fly away from the moon when exiting a cave.

i dont know
Okay, this is a simple game, all you have to do, is determine whether or not Dixie is lying. You have 20 statements listed below, some of them are true and some of them are a lie. You can't use Google to cheat and find out, you have to trust your instincts and your own intelligence, to determine if they are true or false. Since I am the best judge of whether I am lying or not, I will be the one to grade your results. The winner will receive much praise and admiration from me, and the losers will receive ridicule and scorn, as usual. Ready? Set? GO!

1. Besides Mexico and Canada, Cuba, at 90 miles, is the closest neighboring country to the U.S.

Ugly lie.

2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp.

Beautiful truth.

3. Hawaii has the nations only Royal Palace.


4. A dime has more grooves on its side than a quarter.


5. Canadian $2 and $10 bills, depict the parliament buildings with an American flag flying on top.

I don't know

6. Sir Isaac Newton, who established the "scientific method" as the standard for how the modern world looks at the Universe in general, was also responsible for profound Protestant interpretations of Biblical scriptures.

I know he was nuts at the end, but a Protestant? Lie?

7. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.


8. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates.


9. All US Presidents have worn glasses.


10. "Lassie" was a boy dog.


11. The first toilet ever seen on television, was on The Honeymooner's.


12. "Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song.


13. Paul Simon got the name of his hit "Mother and Child Reunion" from a Chinese menu.


14. Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight, he got his stage name from an English playwright.


15. Scoobie Doo was originally Doobie Doo.


16. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.


17. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste.


18. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.


19. More people die from dog attacks in a year, than the past 100 years of shark attacks.


20. Bats always fly away from the moon when exiting a cave.

I thought they always turned right.
DIXIE: "Okay, this is a simple game, all you have to do, is determine whether or not Dixie is lying. You have some statements listed below, some of them are true and some of them are a lie.....Ready? Set? GO!

1) Dixie: "The death of Zarqawi spells the END of al qaeda in Iraq. We found tons of documents, and the 'insurgency' is about to meet it's demise! Another bad day for pinheads!"

2) Dixie: "Maineman, I'll bet you $100 dollars the GOP wins seats in the House and Senate in 2006. And no, I'm not going to back out on the bet"

3) Dixie: "We found the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq!"

4) Dixie: "Corruption will NOT be an issue in the 2006 election, Pinheads!"

5) Dixie: "Freedom's on the march, and we will not lose another 500 soldiers in Iraq!"

6) Dixie: "I WILL send anyone a check for one thousand dollars, if they can show me where in the bible it exactly states the golden rule"
1) If I remember rightly, Russia is closer to Alaska than Cuba is to Miami.

2) No. It was drafted on hemp but the final, signed document is parchment.

3) That would depend on how you define "royal palace", I suppose. Certainly Hawaii has one. California's got San Simeon. And Scottie's Castle, for that matter.

4) Looking at the dime I just pulled from my pocket, I'd say that's probably true.

5) Since the Canadian Maple Leaf is an American flag, I'm sure that's true.

6) Whether Newton's interpretations are profound or not is of interest only to Protestants.

7) I think that's an urban legend kind of thing.

8) Too bad Al didn't learn any charisma from Tommy Lee.

9) Uhm, that would be no. Except maybe reading glasses, which don't count for we vision impaired persons.

10) No shit. Female collies don't have the big ruff.

11) People keep track of silly shit like this? No wonder our politicians can get away with things like invading Iraq.

12) See above.

13) I did not know this, if true. I like it, I must admit. That probably means it isn't true.

14) No idea. I did like "Levon" though.

15) We're back to bombing Baghdad again.

16) Like anybody ever looked at her eyebrows.

17) I think they have certain chemicals for flavor in common. Anyone who can't tell the difference between an apple and an onion, however, probably had his taste buds burned off in Iraq, after spending too much time worrying about when toilets have been shown on television. I also don't want him anywhere NEAR my kitchen.

18) Chunky or creamy dynamite?

19) Almost certainly true. It's to be expected considering the relative number of times people interact with the two species of predators. Score that a big "duh" and move on.

20) No, it's Dixie who always turns away from the moon when exiting a cave.
I know what you are getting at, so I will say yes . . . but in fact, that's not the case. I did a science experiment concerning this, and basically it has to do with whether or not your sense of smell drastically influences your tastes of certain foods. Basically everyone I tested could tell the difference between an onion, potato, and apple... blindfolded.

Did you assume the blindfold blocked their sense of smell?

Since the Canadian Maple Leaf is an American flag, I'm sure that's true.

Clarification: I meant a United States of America flag.

For the record, no one is doing terribly well so far. "I don't know" and "no idea" count as wrong answers... so here is the score thusfar;

Grind 25%
Beefy 60%
Ornut 45%
Prissy 0%

C'mon guys, I thought you could all tell when I was lying?
You can talk all the mumbo jumbo you want, I can taste the difference between an apple and an onion.
Dixie is telling the truth about the apple and the onion...if one's nose is entirely blocked out and they are blindfolded, they cannot discern the difference between a slice of apple and a slice of onion.
Dixie is telling the truth about the apple and the onion...if one's nose is entirely blocked out and they are blindfolded, they cannot discern the difference between a slice of apple and a slice of onion.

I disagree.
So If you plug your nose and put apple sauce on your burger it will taste the same? Check mate.
no one said anything about apple sauce. I said that if you totally plug your nose and wear a blindfold, you will be unable to tell the difference between a slice of apple and a slice of onion....and I said that I had witnessed that exact demonstration on several occasions... and a variety of different people - all of whom were certain they could tell the difference - were unable to do so under those conditions. game set match
So If you plug your nose and put apple sauce on your burger it will taste the same? Check mate.

If you are blindfolded and lack smell, you can only tell the difference in texture, something onions and apples do not differ in greatly.
If you are blindfolded and lack smell, you can only tell the difference in texture, something onions and apples do not differ in greatly.

So if I plug my nose, my mother can make "onion strudel" on Thanksgiving and I'll think its apple pie? Point, set, match.