Is Dixie Lying???

Okay, this is a simple game, all you have to do, is determine whether or not Dixie is lying. You have 20 statements listed below, some of them are true and some of them are a lie. You can't use Google to cheat and find out, you have to trust your instincts and your own intelligence, to determine if they are true or false. Since I am the best judge of whether I am lying or not, I will be the one to grade your results. The winner will receive much praise and admiration from me, and the losers will receive ridicule and scorn, as usual. Ready? Set? GO!

1. Besides Mexico and Canada, Cuba, at 90 miles, is the closest neighboring country to the U.S.
I think that the former soviet union is closer near the bering straights, but who really gives a fuck?

2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp. Probably, but who really gives a fuck?

3. Hawaii has the nations only Royal Palace. True, but who really gives a fuck?

4. A dime has more grooves on its side than a quarter. WHO gives a fuck?

5. Canadian $2 and $10 bills, depict the parliament buildings with an American flag flying on top. I would guess no, but who really gives a fuck?

6. Sir Isaac Newton, who established the "scientific method" as the standard for how the modern world looks at the Universe in general, was also responsible for profound Protestant interpretations of Biblical scriptures. I doubt it, but who really gives a fuck?

7. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark. SO what? but who really gives a fuck?

8. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates. most definitely, but who really gives a fuck?

9. All US Presidents have worn glasses. If you count those fake Groucho mask glasses, I am sure that it is true, but again..who really gives a fuck?

10. "Lassie" was a boy dog. I am pretty sure that one of them was, but who really gives a fuck?

11. The first toilet ever seen on television, was on The Honeymooner's.

I most definitely don't give a fuck, but i can understand how a sick fucker like DIxie would know and care about worthless shit like this

12. "Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song. true, but who really gives a fuck?

13. Paul Simon got the name of his hit "Mother and Child Reunion" from a Chinese menu.true, but who really gives a fuck?

14. Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight, he got his stage name from an English playwright. clueless about this matter and glad of it.

15. Scoobie Doo was originally Doobie Doo. Shaggy always seemed to have just whiffed down a doobie, but other than that, I am clueless about this one, but who really gives a fuck?

16. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. I have never been able to see them,. but maybe she bleached then..but who really gives a fuck?

17. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. with your nose blocked, it is true, but who really gives a fuck?

18. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. true... but I would rather eat them then blow shit up, unless it was DIxie's doublewide...but who really gives a fuck?

19. More people die from dog attacks in a year, than the past 100 years of shark attacks. gotta be true, but what the fuck does ANY of this shit have to do with politics? Why doesn't DIxie post inane shit like this in Just Plain Trivia instead?

20. Bats always fly away from the moon when exiting a cave. who really gives a fuck?
Okay, this is a simple game, all you have to do, is determine whether or not Dixie is lying. You have 20 statements listed below, some of them are true and some of them are a lie. You can't use Google to cheat and find out, you have to trust your instincts and your own intelligence, to determine if they are true or false. Since I am the best judge of whether I am lying or not, I will be the one to grade your results. The winner will receive much praise and admiration from me, and the losers will receive ridicule and scorn, as usual. Ready? Set? GO!

1. Besides Mexico and Canada, Cuba, at 90 miles, is the closest neighboring country to the U.S.
I think that the former soviet union is closer near the bering straights, but who really gives a fuck?

2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp. Probably, but who really gives a fuck?

3. Hawaii has the nations only Royal Palace. True, but who really gives a fuck?

4. A dime has more grooves on its side than a quarter. WHO gives a fuck?

5. Canadian $2 and $10 bills, depict the parliament buildings with an American flag flying on top. I would guess no, but who really gives a fuck?

6. Sir Isaac Newton, who established the "scientific method" as the standard for how the modern world looks at the Universe in general, was also responsible for profound Protestant interpretations of Biblical scriptures. I doubt it, but who really gives a fuck?

7. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark. SO what? but who really gives a fuck?

8. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates. most definitely, but who really gives a fuck?

9. All US Presidents have worn glasses. If you count those fake Groucho mask glasses, I am sure that it is true, but again..who really gives a fuck?

10. "Lassie" was a boy dog. I am pretty sure that one of them was, but who really gives a fuck?

11. The first toilet ever seen on television, was on The Honeymooner's.

I most definitely don't give a fuck, but i can understand how a sick fucker like DIxie would know and care about worthless shit like this

12. "Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song. true, but who really gives a fuck?

13. Paul Simon got the name of his hit "Mother and Child Reunion" from a Chinese menu.true, but who really gives a fuck?

14. Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight, he got his stage name from an English playwright. clueless about this matter and glad of it.

15. Scoobie Doo was originally Doobie Doo. Shaggy always seemed to have just whiffed down a doobie, but other than that, I am clueless about this one, but who really gives a fuck?

16. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. I have never been able to see them,. but maybe she bleached then..but who really gives a fuck?

17. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. with your nose blocked, it is true, but who really gives a fuck?

18. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. true... but I would rather eat them then blow shit up, unless it was DIxie's doublewide...but who really gives a fuck?

19. More people die from dog attacks in a year, than the past 100 years of shark attacks. gotta be true, but what the fuck does ANY of this shit have to do with politics? Why doesn't DIxie post inane shit like this in Just Plain Trivia instead?

20. Bats always fly away from the moon when exiting a cave. who really gives a fuck?

Do you feel victorious in this ego-match?
1. Besides Mexico and Canada, Cuba, at 90 miles, is the closest neighboring country to the U.S.
2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp.
3. Hawaii has the nations only Royal Palace.
4. A dime has more grooves on its side than a quarter.
5. Canadian $2 and $10 bills, depict the parliament buildings with an American flag flying on top.
6. Sir Isaac Newton, who established the "scientific method" as the standard for how the modern world looks at the Universe in general, was also responsible for profound Protestant interpretations of Biblical scriptures.
7. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
8. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates.
9. All US Presidents have worn glasses.
10. "Lassie" was a boy dog.
11. The first toilet ever seen on television, was on The Honeymooner's.
12. "Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song.
13. Paul Simon got the name of his hit "Mother and Child Reunion" from a Chinese menu.
14. Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight, he got his stage name from an English playwright.
15. Scoobie Doo was originally Doobie Doo.
16. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
17. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste.
true, to some
18. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
19. More people die from dog attacks in a year, than the past 100 years of shark attacks.
20. Bats always fly away from the moon when exiting a cave.
Here are my answers, explanations, and sources (if I recall).
1. Besides Mexico and Canada, Cuba, at 90 miles, is the closest neighboring country to the U.S. False. Russia, two miles, Diomedes Islands, Bering Strait (I learned this from Det. Dietrich on the "Barney Miller" TV show circa 1978.)

2. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp. Jefferson's draft, on hemp, was edited, amended and approved but not signed - if you consider this to be the Declaration, then true. The signed version, which I would consider to be the Declaration, is on parchment because they wanted it to last for generations, thus False. (History Channel)

3. Hawaii has the nations only Royal Palace. True (Travel Channel)

4. A dime has more grooves on its side than a quarter. False

5. Canadian $2 and $10 bills, depict the parliament buildings with an American flag flying on top. False

6. Sir Isaac Newton, who established the "scientific method" as the standard for how the modern world looks at the Universe in general, was also responsible for profound Protestant interpretations of Biblical scriptures. True

7. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark. False. He WAS afraid of X-rays, but not the dark. It makes a great urban myth though.

8. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates. True. (Tavis Smiley show)

9. All US Presidents have worn glasses. False. Oooh, this is a toughy. The odds that all 43 of 43 Presidents wore glasses. There's got to be one - probably someone like Millard Fillmore - who didn't... Guess

10. "Lassie" was a boy dog. True

11. The first toilet ever seen on television, was on The Honeymooner's. False. Endless WPIX-11 reruns at 11:30, I don't ever recall seeing a toilet even though Norton worked in the sewers.

12. "Mad About You" star Paul Reiser plays the piano on the show's theme song. False. He co-wrote the theme, but didn't do the playing. (NBC 'Must-see' TV)

13. Paul Simon got the name of his hit "Mother and Child Reunion" from a Chinese menu. True

14. Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight, he got his stage name from an English playwright. False. His name is Reginald Dwight, but his stage name is a tribute to musicians he admired (I don't recall who they are beyond the obvious guesses of Elton somebody and John somebody), not a playwright.

15. Scoobie Doo was originally Doobie Doo. False. Doobie is his brother (I have a nine year old.)

16. Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. True

17. An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. False. The fructose in apples and carbs in potatoes register to the 'sweet' tastebuds, but the sulfur in onions would register to the 'bitter' buds. So I see this as not being categorically true across all combinations - maybe Vidalia's.

18. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. False. Peanuts themselves are not an ingredient; however, glycerin can be extracted from peanuts.

19. More people die from dog attacks in a year, than the past 100 years of shark attacks. True. (Guess - sounds weird enough to be true)

20. Bats always fly away from the moon when exiting a cave. False. Because it doesn't make sense.