Is Dixie proud of his ignorance?


How you choose to classify a site has no foundation in reality.

The OP poses an interesting question...

Are you proud of being such an idiot? You choose to spew nothing but right wing propaganda. The mere fact that you have no clue about the majority of the issues you discuss, means one of two things:

You are indeed proud of being a moron.

You're lazy. You refuse to educate yourself before you post. You rely on O'Reilly et. al to give you your talking points. You refuse to follow a link that provides proof of an assertion, instead choosing to label evey link offered as 'liberal propaganda'.

Whether something is printed in Huffpo, or the Wall St. Journal, if it is indeed factual, it doesn't matter where the link takes you. In fact, you are always free to dispute anything you would've read at the sites, if you weren't too lazy to do your research.

Instead, you choose to make an ass of yourself, as you did for days in the Medicare/Medicaid discussions.

So which is it? Proud to be a moron, or just lazy?

I think he's proud to be a lazy moron.
I don't think Dixie is literally an idiot. He's just ignorant and narrow-minded. I, too, was once ignorant and narrow-minded, but at some point I decided I wanted to know the truth about things, instead of merely wallowing in my delusions. Perhaps Dixie will one day do the same.

Weed helps, BTW.
I don't think Dixie is literally an idiot. He's just ignorant and narrow-minded. I, too, was once ignorant and narrow-minded, but at some point I decided I wanted to know the truth about things, instead of merely wallowing in my delusions. Perhaps Dixie will one day do the same.

Weed helps, BTW.

You had an epiphanous moment of humility when you realized you didn't know everything. That was when you were rendered teachable.

So far, the rube expends more energy and wasted keystrokes maintaining whatever ill-conceived notion he's spewing, despite being debunked, while digging in his heels and insisting he's right. So, it's either his obnoxious need to preserve his pride that renders him unteachable, or it's his stubborn reluctance to give up whatever debunked idiocy he clings to after it's humiliatingly debunked for him. Either way, these are both characteristics of willful ignorance and I really don't give a shit if he ever wakes up and removes his head from his ass because he's nothing but a two-dimensional ass-clown on a message board as far as I'm concerned. He contributes nothing that would define him beyond that - yet.

How you choose to classify a site has no foundation in reality.

Well I don't choose, Google tells me. See, it's really EASY... Whenever one of you retards posts a link, I simply google the "dot org" in question before I click it. Usually, that brings up a Wiki link which explains the origins and backing of the particular organization. This is where I determine if they are someone I wish to support by clicking in to their website... you see, on the Internet, hits are important. That's how ad revenue is raised, etc.

The OP poses an interesting question...

It's interesting only in the fact that it's being asked by someone who once professed a belief in the Earth being hollow, and full of gnomes.

Are you proud of being such an idiot?

I am proud that I am much smarter than you, and prove it on a daily basis here.

You choose to spew nothing but right wing propaganda.

I just state the facts and refute left-wing propaganda.

The mere fact that you have no clue about the majority of the issues you discuss, means one of two things:

You are indeed proud of being a moron.

You're lazy. You refuse to educate yourself before you post.

Or it means that you have no clue how to support your propaganda, and the only thing left is to tarnish my reputation by lobbing shit bombs and more propaganda you can't back up.

You rely on O'Reilly et. al to give you your talking points.

Wow, that's a feat, since I don't subscribe to cable, have no satellite, and haven't watched regular TV in over a year.

You refuse to follow a link that provides proof of an assertion, instead choosing to label evey link offered as 'liberal propaganda'.

No, I refuse to follow a link to a liberal-based propaganda outlet which is supported by people visiting their site. I have no problem with links to reputable news sources or editorials from established journalists. If your point can't be made with those, it's a good indication your point can't be made without propaganda.

Whether something is printed in Huffpo, or the Wall St. Journal, if it is indeed factual, it doesn't matter where the link takes you.

Yes, it DOES matter. Every click represents money. You see, if HuffPo gets as many clicks as WallSt. Journal, they will make as much money on advertisements, and I want them to receive LESS money, because I think liberal propaganda outlets are detrimental to society.

In fact, you are always free to dispute anything you would've read at the sites, if you weren't too lazy to do your research.

I do plenty of research, and if it's a valid point, you can generally find it being made at places that don't do propaganda. Why do I need to dispute propaganda? I prefer to DISMISS propaganda and ignore it.

Instead, you choose to make an ass of yourself, as you did for days in the Medicare/Medicaid discussions.

Well, I didn't make an ass of myself, I stated things correctly down the line. You are just so immersed in your liberal kool-aid, you didn't realize this.

So which is it? Proud to be a moron, or just lazy?

Neither. It's the principle of not supporting what I don't condone, and relying on UNBIASED information to form my opinions.
I don't think Dixie is literally an idiot. He's just ignorant and narrow-minded. I, too, was once ignorant and narrow-minded, but at some point I decided I wanted to know the truth about things, instead of merely wallowing in my delusions. Perhaps Dixie will one day do the same.

Weed helps, BTW.

I've smoked plenty of weed, I have never believed in gnomes living inside the Earth.
Well I don't choose, Google tells me. See, it's really EASY... Whenever one of you retards posts a link, I simply google the "dot org" in question before I click it. Usually, that brings up a Wiki ....blah, blah, blah..

Oooooh! The almighty WIKI!!

Warning! Warning! :rofl2:


Conservatives seems to be making another critical error regarding the online encyclopedia on the question of political bias. You can't entirely blame them either, considering that Wikipedia seems to have tilted leftward in a number of cases.

The reason for this is in the editing. Anyone can alter Wikipedia's entries, in most cases without even bothering to register for an account. What this means in practical terms is that people with enough determination to force their viewpoints on Wikipedia can do so.
Oooooh! The almighty WIKI!!


Well, Wiki is pretty reliable when it comes to informing me about various organizations and who is behind them. I don't rely on Wikipedia for unbiased information on every subject or topic, and I never claimed I did. As for letting me know that this organization or that, is liberal or right-wing, non-partisan or whatever, it's pretty reliable, in fact, I've never found it to be inaccurate.
Your quote the last time someone asked you about the Hollow Earth theory and the gnomes: "I believe it's possible."

If I were you, I would refrain from questioning the intelligence of people you don't know, but I would particularly avoid that with people who know you!

how do you remember this shit, do you just keep logs of all our stupid statements or something O_o?

Do you have a Grind file on your computer O_O
You had an epiphanous moment of humility when you realized you didn't know everything. That was when you were rendered teachable.

So far, the rube expends more energy and wasted keystrokes maintaining whatever ill-conceived notion he's spewing, despite being debunked, while digging in his heels and insisting he's right. So, it's either his obnoxious need to preserve his pride that renders him unteachable, or it's his stubborn reluctance to give up whatever debunked idiocy he clings to after it's humiliatingly debunked for him. Either way, these are both characteristics of willful ignorance and I really don't give a shit if he ever wakes up and removes his head from his ass because he's nothing but a two-dimensional ass-clown on a message board as far as I'm concerned. He contributes nothing that would define him beyond that - yet.

Best post I ever read on this forum.