Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
"neocon globalist" .... hmm, more neologisms. You're such a intellectually dishonest coward. You don't have the cojones to state IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that you voted for and ardently supported Reagan (twice), Daddy Bush, The Shrub (twice) and the Orange Oaf.
That voting record in conjunction with your revisionist clap trap here smacks of fibbertarian jargon with alt-right rhetoric.
Asshat's like you NEVER admit they're wrong and resist being called out for what they are despite their on-the-record statements and claims. Lord only knows what label you give yourself for the BS you put down during our exchanges.
The answer to the OP is NO. History has proven that...as dictatorships, oligarchies, authoritarian gov'ts have all done their damnedest to suppress/eliminate liberal politics. This is how fascism breeds...WW2 Europe Axis powers is a perfect example. But you also have nations who readily blend capitalism and socialism into their political/business/social fabric. They are (along with the USA) Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya, Egypt and New Zealand. None of these countries are fascists...most keep their corporations in check, and majority vote to keep their fascist leaning population from obtaining power...the USA having recent problems with that (SCOTUS ruling corporations having same rights as an individual human, money is free speech, etc.). Hungary is interesting in it's transition from communist rule to socialist to current capitalist that's leaning towards authoritarianism.
NONE of these countries are fascists. The best you can describe some as social democratic. Fascism and Corporatocracy are a constant threat to all, but NOT the norm if the citizenry keeps on their toes and bands together to stop it.
But all this means NOTHING to you, as you will no doubt just parrot the SOS that you have done throughout the exchange.. Carry on.
so you don't understand neocon globalist?
you can't acknowledge what fascism is because you are a fascist.
fascism isn't about liberal policies it's about the union of state and corporate power.
oh and libertarians are the MOST deluded about fascism.

How is anyone to "understand" your created neologisms? It's a pathetic device you use to justify ignoring historic facts and definitions in order to prop up your personal opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact & logic.
That nonsense only sells to the person you see in the mirror.
The chronology of the post clearly shows your preference for your own revisionism, and an intellectually impotent stubbornness to that effect. Any attempt at further rational, fact based discussion with you is pointless. Clearly, you live up to your screen name. Adios.