Is fascism left wing?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What you "maintain" is nothing more than intellectual myopia, dishonesty and insipid stubbornness. That's why you copy and paste excerpts instead of an entire post....because when the WHOLE truth is known, your opinion, supposition and conjecture just doesn't stand. Fortunately, the chronology of the post is intact with just a clik on the arrow next to my name for all to see your folly.

Your opinion is not a fact. I deconstructed your excerpts with logic AND a link to an economic icon of capitalism to school you proper.

You're done.

Fascism is still the union of state and corporate power, whether nationalist or internationalist.

Hey in the USA you have state & federal law. Corporatism exists via tax breaks, non accountability laws and such passed by a majority vote in date that's been the GOP. The GOP also floated the idea during Reagan's reign of error about lifting term limits for the Presidency. Bush Jr. (The Shrub) ignored the ruling of Congress and invaded Iraq based on a lie. Trump behaved in a manner of an authoritarian.

The Shrub once said, "dictatorships are long as I'm the dictator". An attempted joke that wasn't funny given his actions in office.

Smacks of fascism to me, and to most people with an 8th of a brain.

Again, capitalism does NOT agree with or exist in a communist society. However, it can and does in a fascist/authoritarian/theocratic society.

As to socialism and capitalism, here's a pablum feed for ya:

U.S. economy: two parts capitalism; one part socialism


Bon Apetit!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your "conceptions" is not historic fact and current reality, genius. That's why you stupidly label me a "globalist" when I've made no such assertion. But in your world, anyone who disagrees with you can be labeled whatever you think sounds good. Therefore, according to you socialism=communism, but capitalism does not equal fascism, corporatism = fascism but capitalism does not include corporatism.


In the real world, major industrial nations function by using socialism in their capitalist set up, and have NOT gone fascist despite still fighting off fascist/nazi elements. I can give historic and current examples, if you don't have the guts to honestly look it up yourself.

And FYI, Nazi's hated communist....they were on the hit list behind Jewish folk. A matter of fact, a matter of history. If you're stupid enough to say that Nazi's weren't fascist, then you're stupid enough to try and revise history regarding it's alliance with Mussolini's Italy.

Capitalism does NOT function in a communist society, but it has in fascist nations, authoritarian and despotic gov't.

Something else for you to deny. Carry on.

As I previously schooled you, there are separate definitions of economic systems that exist in the world. That YOU want to revise those definitions to suit your personal ideological bent is of no consequence.

but you are a globalist and a believer in PPP Public private partnerships.

you're fascist six ways to sunday.

translation" this MAGA asshat has run out of steam. He can't point for point logically or factually disprove or debunk what I put forth, so he just blathers personal attacks and accusations he cannot prove in this forum to the satisfaction of anyone with a High school GED and keeps up with current events in the last 30 years or so.

Blather on, bunky.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So YOU are NOT a neocon? Interesting....whom did you vote for in the last 40 years?

no thanks.

I reject pointless foreign wars of entanglement and the hegemony of internationalist fiat dollar banker military industrial complex fascists.

can you say the same?

I didn't ask for your side stepping BS and smoke blowing rhetoric. It's a simple question...WHOM DID YOU VOTE FOR IN THE LAST 40 YEARS? If you don't have the cojones to give an honest answer, that means you're full of it .... a MAGA asshat making accusations of others but yet not having the intellectual honesty, courage and capacity to give a straight answer. Typical. Carry on.
I didn't ask for your side stepping BS and smoke blowing rhetoric. It's a simple question...WHOM DID YOU VOTE FOR IN THE LAST 40 YEARS? If you don't have the cojones to give an honest answer, that means you're full of it .... a MAGA asshat making accusations of others but yet not having the intellectual honesty, courage and capacity to give a straight answer. Typical. Carry on.

I was formerly a fellow neocon globalist diwmwit.

but that doesnt matter now.

I could admit I was wrong.

can you?

you're redefining.

big corporations can be just as oppressive as big government. often the oppression is even the company's idea


Im sorry you're a fascist in denial.

Bigotry. Redefinition fallacies (fascist<->corporation, large<->evil, fascist<->void). Buzzword fallacy. Inversion fallacy. No argument presented.
Hey in the USA you have state & federal law. Corporatism exists via tax breaks, non accountability laws and such passed by a majority vote in Congress...
Corporations are subject to law. There is no such thing as a 'non-accountability law'.
to date that's been the GOP.
Congress is usually Democrats. That may change this November.
The GOP also floated the idea during Reagan's reign of error about lifting term limits for the Presidency.
Fiction. No such amendment was ever discussed.
Bush Jr. (The Shrub) ignored the ruling of Congress and invaded Iraq based on a lie.
Congress made no such ruling.
Trump behaved in a manner of an authoritarian.
He was the President. He was in authority.
The Shrub once said, "dictatorships are long as I'm the dictator". An attempted joke that wasn't funny given his actions in office.

Smacks of fascism to me, and to most people with an 8th of a brain.
Redefinition fallacies <fascism<->authoritarianism, republic<->dictatorship).
Again, capitalism does NOT agree with or exist in a communist society.
There is no such thing as a 'communist society'. It is not a form of government. Communism is a form of socialism. Capitalism, fascism, and communism exist in almost every nation.
However, it can and does in a fascist/authoritarian/theocratic society.
Redefinition fallacies (fascist<->authoritatarian, fascist<->theocrat, economy<->government).
As to socialism and capitalism, here's a pablum feed for ya:

U.S. economy: two parts capitalism; one part socialism


Bon Apetit!
Argument from randU fallacy. Made up numbers are not data.
translation" this MAGA asshat has run out of steam. He can't point for point logically or factually disprove or debunk what I put forth, so he just blathers personal attacks and accusations he cannot prove in this forum to the satisfaction of anyone with a High school GED and keeps up with current events in the last 30 years or so.

Blather on, bunky.
Word stuffing. Redefinition fallacies (logic<->void, fact<->proof). Attempted force of negative proof fallacy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I didn't ask for your side stepping BS and smoke blowing rhetoric. It's a simple question...WHOM DID YOU VOTE FOR IN THE LAST 40 YEARS? If you don't have the cojones to give an honest answer, that means you're full of it .... a MAGA asshat making accusations of others but yet not having the intellectual honesty, courage and capacity to give a straight answer. Typical. Carry on.

I was formerly a fellow neocon globalist diwmwit.

but that doesnt matter now.

I could admit I was wrong.

can you?

"neocon globalist" .... hmm, more neologisms. You're such a intellectually dishonest coward. You don't have the cojones to state IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that you voted for and ardently supported Reagan (twice), Daddy Bush, The Shrub (twice) and the Orange Oaf.

That voting record in conjunction with your revisionist clap trap here smacks of fibbertarian jargon with alt-right rhetoric.

Asshat's like you NEVER admit they're wrong and resist being called out for what they are despite their on-the-record statements and claims. Lord only knows what label you give yourself for the BS you put down during our exchanges.

The answer to the OP is NO. History has proven dictatorships, oligarchies, authoritarian gov'ts have all done their damnedest to suppress/eliminate liberal politics. This is how fascism breeds...WW2 Europe Axis powers is a perfect example. But you also have nations who readily blend capitalism and socialism into their political/business/social fabric. They are (along with the USA) Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya, Egypt and New Zealand. None of these countries are fascists...most keep their corporations in check, and majority vote to keep their fascist leaning population from obtaining power...the USA having recent problems with that (SCOTUS ruling corporations having same rights as an individual human, money is free speech, etc.). Hungary is interesting in it's transition from communist rule to socialist to current capitalist that's leaning towards authoritarianism.

NONE of these countries are fascists. The best you can describe some as social democratic. Fascism and Corporatocracy are a constant threat to all, but NOT the norm if the citizenry keeps on their toes and bands together to stop it.

But all this means NOTHING to you, as you will no doubt just parrot the SOS that you have done throughout the exchange.. Carry on.
Various conservative authorities at JPP have told us so. But now that there’s a real prospect of fascists coming to power in Italy (again), RWNJs are drooling over it!

Dmitry Medvedev - former Russian president and Putin puppet - has crowed over prime minister Draghi’s fall. He expects that more pro-Ukrainian leaders like Johnson and Draghi could soon be forced out of power.

P.S. Don’t forget to send off for your MyPillows as recommended by the loudmouth in the video. :rolleyes:

Fascism is neither left, right or in between but a twisted enigma that exists in the deranged mind of a lunatic who doesn't know their ass from a whole in the ground.
"neocon globalist" .... hmm, more neologisms. You're such a intellectually dishonest coward. You don't have the cojones to state IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that you voted for and ardently supported Reagan (twice), Daddy Bush, The Shrub (twice) and the Orange Oaf.

That voting record in conjunction with your revisionist clap trap here smacks of fibbertarian jargon with alt-right rhetoric.

Asshat's like you NEVER admit they're wrong and resist being called out for what they are despite their on-the-record statements and claims. Lord only knows what label you give yourself for the BS you put down during our exchanges.

The answer to the OP is NO. History has proven dictatorships, oligarchies, authoritarian gov'ts have all done their damnedest to suppress/eliminate liberal politics. This is how fascism breeds...WW2 Europe Axis powers is a perfect example. But you also have nations who readily blend capitalism and socialism into their political/business/social fabric. They are (along with the USA) Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya, Egypt and New Zealand. None of these countries are fascists...most keep their corporations in check, and majority vote to keep their fascist leaning population from obtaining power...the USA having recent problems with that (SCOTUS ruling corporations having same rights as an individual human, money is free speech, etc.). Hungary is interesting in it's transition from communist rule to socialist to current capitalist that's leaning towards authoritarianism.

NONE of these countries are fascists. The best you can describe some as social democratic. Fascism and Corporatocracy are a constant threat to all, but NOT the norm if the citizenry keeps on their toes and bands together to stop it.

But all this means NOTHING to you, as you will no doubt just parrot the SOS that you have done throughout the exchange.. Carry on.

so you don't understand neocon globalist?

you can't acknowledge what fascism is because you are a fascist.

fascism isn't about liberal policies it's about the union of state and corporate power.

oh and libertarians are the MOST deluded about fascism.
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Corporations are subject to law. There is no such thing as a 'non-accountability law'.

Congress is usually Democrats. That may change this November.

Fiction. No such amendment was ever discussed.

Congress made no such ruling.

He was the President. He was in authority.

Redefinition fallacies <fascism<->authoritarianism, republic<->dictatorship).

There is no such thing as a 'communist society'. It is not a form of government. Communism is a form of socialism. Capitalism, fascism, and communism exist in almost every nation.

Redefinition fallacies (fascist<->authoritatarian, fascist<->theocrat, economy<->government).

Argument from randU fallacy. Made up numbers are not data.

can you admit that state capture and corruption exist?

State capture is a type of systemic political corruption in which private interests significantly influence a state's decision-making processes to their own advantage.

The term was first used by the World Bank, around the year 2000, to describe the situation in certain Central Asian countries making the transition from Soviet communism. Specifically, it was applied to situations where small corrupt groups used their influence over government officials to appropriate government decision-making in order to strengthen their own economic positions; these groups' members would later become known as oligarchs.[1]
so you don't understand neocon globalist?
Buzzword fallacy.
you can't acknowledge what fascism is because you are a fascist.
fascism isn't about liberal policies it's about the union of state and corporate power.
Redefinition fallacy (fascism<->insult, fascist<->corporation). Bigotry.
oh and libertarians are the MOST deluded about fascism.
No, that would be liberals, which must try to deny it what they are.
can you admit that state capture and corruption exist?
State capture is a type of systemic political corruption in which private interests significantly influence a state's decision-making processes to their own advantage.
Okay. You have defined 'state capture' as corruption. Sure, it exists.
The term was first used by the World Bank, around the year 2000, to describe the situation in certain Central Asian countries making the transition from Soviet communism. Specifically, it was applied to situations where small corrupt groups used their influence over government officials to appropriate government decision-making in order to strengthen their own economic positions; these groups' members would later become known as oligarchs.[1]
Not the definition of 'oligarchy' or 'oligarch'. An oligarchy is a dictatorship by committee. Examples existing in the world right now is China, Russia, Canada, the UK, Australia, the EU, Iran, Saudi Arabia. There are others.
No, you cannot use Wikipedia as an authoritative reference for anything with me. Discarded.
Okay. You have defined 'state capture' as corruption. Sure, it exists.

Not the definition of 'oligarchy' or 'oligarch'. An oligarchy is a dictatorship by committee. Examples existing in the world right now is China, Russia, Canada, the UK, Australia, the EU, Iran, Saudi Arabia. There are others.

No, you cannot use Wikipedia as an authoritative reference for anything with me. Discarded.

oligarchies also involve large corporations.

quit being little johnny dum dum with your corporate worship.