Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What you "maintain" is nothing more than intellectual myopia, dishonesty and insipid stubbornness. That's why you copy and paste excerpts instead of an entire post....because when the WHOLE truth is known, your opinion, supposition and conjecture just doesn't stand. Fortunately, the chronology of the post is intact with just a clik on the arrow next to my name for all to see your folly.
Your opinion is not a fact. I deconstructed your excerpts with logic AND a link to an economic icon of capitalism to school you proper.
You're done.
Fascism is still the union of state and corporate power, whether nationalist or internationalist.
Hey genius....here in the USA you have state & federal law. Corporatism exists via tax breaks, non accountability laws and such passed by a majority vote in Congress...to date that's been the GOP. The GOP also floated the idea during Reagan's reign of error about lifting term limits for the Presidency. Bush Jr. (The Shrub) ignored the ruling of Congress and invaded Iraq based on a lie. Trump behaved in a manner of an authoritarian.
The Shrub once said, "dictatorships are fine....so long as I'm the dictator". An attempted joke that wasn't funny given his actions in office.
Smacks of fascism to me, and to most people with an 8th of a brain.
Again, capitalism does NOT agree with or exist in a communist society. However, it can and does in a fascist/authoritarian/theocratic society.
As to socialism and capitalism, here's a pablum feed for ya:
U.S. economy: two parts capitalism; one part socialism
Bon Apetit!