Is fascism left wing?

Having read lots on fascism, I'll link a few histories below. But this definition fits. Is America becoming more fascist is a hard question.

"Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and/or historical terms, above all other sources of loyalty, and to create a mobilized national community."


'Is Trump a fascist? 8 experts weigh in.'

'Donald Trump’s Fascist Performance'

America is becoming more fascist. That seems obvious.
I go along with John Bolton who said, in effect, Trump is too dumb to be a fascist (you need at least ten seconds of connected thinking for that).

Trump uses some of the fascist repertoire, though, like mass rallies to glorify the Leader. Ooh, he loves that! He even had a failed Beer Hall Putsch. :laugh:

Seriously, America will be in trouble if some smart guy follows Trump's example and takes it further. The cultists are there, we know that now.
Sure left wingers can be facists. This one was a facist and then some:


She didn't have the rest of that stuff though.

She's an anti American piece of garbage.

Post numbers 18, 28, 54, 132, 155, 167 and 237, 278, 285.

When the MAGA minions can't logically or factually defend their claims, they either revise history and definitions, lie, repeat ad nausea or just disappear. No wonder Trump loves these fools....their the perfect door mats and attack dogs.

Having read lots on fascism, I'll link a few histories below. But this definition fits. Is America becoming more fascist is a hard question.

"Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and/or historical terms, above all other sources of loyalty, and to create a mobilized national community."


'Is Trump a fascist? 8 experts weigh in.'

'Donald Trump’s Fascist Performance'

Nope. Wikipedia cannot define any word, other than 'Wikipedia'. False authority fallacy. Redefinition fallacy (facism<->patriotism). 'Expert' worship.
you just don't understand fascism.

the most worrisome fascists in our era are klaus schwab and the W.E.F.

they happen to be internationalist fascists, however.


Did you forget the Democrats? Joe Biden is a facist, as is Pelosi, AOC, Kamala Harris, Fauci, Newsom, Inslee, Hochel, etc. These are FAR more worrisome because they are leaders in the Democrat Party, right here in the States.
I go along with John Bolton who said, in effect, Trump is too dumb to be a fascist (you need at least ten seconds of connected thinking for that).

Trump uses some of the fascist repertoire, though, like mass rallies to glorify the Leader. Ooh, he loves that! He even had a failed Beer Hall Putsch. :laugh:

Seriously, America will be in trouble if some smart guy follows Trump's example and takes it further. The cultists are there, we know that now.

Trump is a conservative, dumbass. Fascism is a form of socialism.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You keep pulling this nonsense from your rear end without having or providing a shred of evidence. Please SHOW the reading audience EXACTLY when the definitions I provided from Merriam-Webster were recently altered as you claim.

If you can't, then you're wrong. If you continue to make the same claims with only your opinion, supposition and conjecture as "proof", that makes you a liar.

Get cracking, toodles.

Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the collective management of the economy by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state, which is a combination of crony capitalism and state capitalism; however, the more democratic neo-corporatism often embraced Tripartism.[4][5]

Corporatist ideas have been expressed since ancient Greek and Roman societies, with integration into Catholic social teaching and Christian democratic political parties. They have been paired by various advocates and implemented in various societies with a wide variety of political systems, including authoritarianism, absolutism, fascism and liberalism.[6]

fascism is corporatism.

always has been.

corporatists left and right hate this basic true fact.

Of course, your "links" don't work, so an excerpt that you think suits your idealism has no bearing. Provide the name or direct link to the site, please.
Essentially, the first quote just ticks off how different ideologies incorporated (no pun intended) various parts "corporatism" into various systems. Mussolini had his version....remember, Hitler's "new party" (aka Nazi's) called themselves socialist. History shows they were anything but. Hell, "tripartism" is anything BUT fascism. The second quote is pure supposition..some historic moot points thrown in, but an "expression" of an integration is NOT a concrete, direct relation of "fascism =corporatism" as you are so desperate to prove. IF you are insisting that it is, then you must include capitalism as an integral part of the mix, as even one of your "explanations" points out.

Now, here's something else for you to deny regarding one of the gods of American economics:

Corporatism and Keynes:
His Views on Growth

So no, you can't throw out definitions to suit your beliefs, as you stupidly disprove your own contention. Thanks for playing.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

Post numbers 18, 28, 54, 132, 155, 167 and 237, 278, 285 and 315.

When the MAGA minions can't logically or factually defend their claims, they either revise history and definitions, lie, repeat ad nausea or just disappear. No wonder Trump loves these fools....their the perfect door mats and attack dogs.

you just don't understand fascism.

the most worrisome fascists in our era are klaus schwab and the W.E.F.

they happen to be internationalist fascists, however.


You keep trying to foster a definition that history doesn't jibe. I addressed your quotes, which you stupidly posted without realizing that they contradict your conclusions. In effect, if you're going to say corporatism=fascism, then you would have to alter your equation to corporatism + capitalism = fascism.

Remember, the Nazi party called themselves "socialist". Last time I checked, NONE of the major industrial nations that incorporate socialism smack of nazism. And while the USA contends to be a capitalist nation, it's very gov't system negates fascism....but unfortunately lends itself to vulnerability (i.e., Reagan, Bush, Trump) that leans towards fascism.

Now, run-a-long and babble the usual revisionist BS.
You keep trying to foster a definition that history doesn't jibe. I addressed your quotes, which you stupidly posted without realizing that they contradict your conclusions. In effect, if you're going to say corporatism=fascism, then you would have to alter your equation to corporatism + capitalism = fascism.

Remember, the Nazi party called themselves "socialist". Last time I checked, NONE of the major industrial nations that incorporate socialism smack of nazism. And while the USA contends to be a capitalist nation, it's very gov't system negates fascism....but unfortunately lends itself to vulnerability (i.e., Reagan, Bush, Trump) that leans towards fascism.

Now, run-a-long and babble the usual revisionist BS.

you're still just a butt hurt globalist trying to do revisions so your corporatism "doesn't sound negative".

I stand by my conceptions, and i Stand by my accusation that you are, in fact, the reviser.

is the W.E.F. fascist?

is china fascist?

get the establishment talking points pole out of your butt.
