Is fascism left wing?

Is fascism left wing?


I've said it before; don't knock Stalin. Stalinesque methodology is the only thing that can save this country at this point.
Purge the right mercilessly by Stalinesque methods, then retore democracy when better conditions prevail.

America is a nation that can so that. We've already assassinated four presidents.
We're not like nations that can't get rid of a strongman once his usefulness is done.

Fascism is left wing only if you choose to select your own meaning for words.
American cracker conservatives are not terribly good with vocabulary, or speaking any language correctly in general, so they continually use words incorrectly.

If, however, one goes by established norms,


If you suggest that fascism and socialism are the same thing, then you merely confirm that you're a motherfucking idiot unworthy to take up space on this small, crowded planet.
That would be you, UltraMAGA.
Fascism is left wing only if you choose to select your own meaning for words.
American cracker conservatives are not terribly good with vocabulary, or speaking any language correctly in general, so they continually use words incorrectly.

If, however, one goes by established norms,


If you suggest that fascism and socialism are the same thing, then you merely confirm that you're a motherfucking idiot unworthy to take up space on this small, crowded planet.
That would be you, UltraMAGA.
You spoke the truth before, now are trying to backpedal.

Socialism never works, so turns to ever more enforcement: fascism.
Merriam-Webster provides the definitions shown in previous posts, you simpleton. They've been around for a LONG, LONG time you know. Your doubling down on your revisionist clap trap is of no consequence....just your intellectually impotent, insipid stubbornness of a MAGA asshat. Carry on.

words are being revised for political reasons, right now.

orwell was correct.

like internationalist fascists are trying to portray that fascism just means nationalism and not wanting to do shitty trade agreements that destroy your country.


You keep pulling this nonsense from your rear end without having or providing a shred of evidence. Please SHOW the reading audience EXACTLY when the definitions I provided from Merriam-Webster were recently altered as you claim.

If you can't, then you're wrong. If you continue to make the same claims with only your opinion, supposition and conjecture as "proof", that makes you a liar.

Get cracking, toodles.
Capitalism, which is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary purchase, is the only economic system that creates wealth.

Capitalism creates wealth for the capitalist class, but neither you nor I belong to that class. Most of humanity struggles to exist while the wealthy get fat on the fruits of our labor.
Capitalism creates wealth for the capitalist class, but neither you nor I belong to that class. Most of humanity struggles to exist while the wealthy get fat on the fruits of our labor.

As radio personality, author and social critic Thom Hartmann once put simply, "In order to be a capitalist, you have to have capital."

Post numbers 18, 28, 54, 132, 155, 167 and 237, 278, 285.

When the MAGA minions can't logically or factually defend their claims, they either revise history and definitions, lie, repeat ad nausea or just disappear. No wonder Trump loves these fools....their the perfect door mats and attack dogs.
Having read lots on fascism, I'll link a few histories below. But this definition fits. Is America becoming more fascist is a hard question.

"Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and/or historical terms, above all other sources of loyalty, and to create a mobilized national community."


'Is Trump a fascist? 8 experts weigh in.'

'Donald Trump’s Fascist Performance'
Having read lots on fascism, I'll link a few histories below. But this definition fits. Is America becoming more fascist is a hard question.

"Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and/or historical terms, above all other sources of loyalty, and to create a mobilized national community."


'Is Trump a fascist? 8 experts weigh in.'

'Donald Trump’s Fascist Performance'

yeah. that's not right either.

fascism is corporatism.

this really pisses people off.

Post numbers 18, 28, 54, 132, 155, 167 and 237, 278, 285.

When the MAGA minions can't logically or factually defend their claims, they either revise history and definitions, lie, repeat ad nausea or just disappear. No wonder Trump loves these fools....their the perfect door mats and attack dogs.

you just don't understand fascism.

the most worrisome fascists in our era are klaus schwab and the W.E.F.

they happen to be internationalist fascists, however.

Various conservative authorities at JPP have told us so. But now that there’s a real prospect of fascists coming to power in Italy (again), RWNJs are drooling over it!

Dmitry Medvedev - former Russian president and Putin puppet - has crowed over prime minister Draghi’s fall. He expects that more pro-Ukrainian leaders like Johnson and Draghi could soon be forced out of power.

P.S. Don’t forget to send off for your MyPillows as recommended by the loudmouth in the video. :rolleyes:

So left wingers can't be facists but people with XY chromosomes and a penis can be a girl.
So left wingers can't be facists but people with XY chromosomes and a penis can be a girl.

Sure left wingers can be facists. This one was a facist and then some:


She didn't have the rest of that stuff though.