Into the Night
Verified User
Lurch probably didn't know there were 42 different fallacies.![]()
There are more than that, but Lurch is only committing the same few fallacies over and over.
Lurch probably didn't know there were 42 different fallacies.![]()
Is this MAGA Asshat pathetic or what, folks. He rejects historic definitions and facts in favor of his revisionist screeds. Let me put this buffoon in his place:
FASCISM: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
CORPORATISM: the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction
As anyone who has a high G.E.D. reading level, this MAGA asshat has consistently accused liberals, the Democratic Party and progressives of being "fascists" because of proposed oversight and regulation of corporations via gov't (a gov't people elect)....kind of opposite of what corporatism and fascism are all about, n'cest pai? Yet he's perfectly fine with the autocratic nature of Trump's four years, tax breaks for corporations who outsource jobs, tax breaks for the wealthy, no regulation for big Pharma prices, declaring corporations are on par with individual human citizens, money is speech, etc. THAT'S the epitome corporatism. The MAGA blind loyalty to Trump and his autocratic idealism smacks of sheer fascism.
So it seems the Asshat inadvertently exposes himself for the POS MAGA bullhorn that he is....pity he doesn't have the mental capacity of understand that...hence his posts.
Post numbers 18, 28, 54, 132, 155, 167 and 237.
When the MAGA minions can't logically or factually defend their claims, they either revise history and definitions, lie, repeat ad nausea or just disappear. No wonder Trump loves these fools....their the perfect door mats and attack dogs.
George Lincoln Rockwell creator of the American Right Wing Nazi party
I think Into the Night has been wrestling with 42 different phalluses.
I'm not a shrink, just a customer, but my theory is the weak positions people like ITTN take fucks with their heads to the point they spew crazy everywhere. You can only spew obvious bullshit for so long before you start to hear voices.
I something else happen to a couple people here and on my former forum. They were collegial and friendly and even showed decent senses of humor.
Then twump got creamed in 2020 and the coup failed. That's when they all lost it. I think their prior cheeriness was a bit of a "shine on" because they thought that soon they'd be able to troll us about trump's win and all the bullshit he would have tried during his second term.
We're dealing with some angry, hateful, mourners on the right, my friend. It's gonna get worse when they get their asses handed to them again in Nov. The fuck sticks have lost their appeal - their going the way of the Dodo.
Wow, Tiger. I just logged on and see I have 42 notifications, likely all from you. You're quite the compulsive little troll, aren't you?
LOL.. have at it man. It's fun to watch you spin your wheels.
What a loon into the night is. His list is comedy. How small does a mind have to be to take what he wrote seriously.
Nazis right wing fascist,love to claim the left is them
LIF. You are describing yourself again.
Redefinition fallacy (fascist<->corporation).
Is this MAGA Asshat pathetic or what, folks. He rejects historic definitions and facts in favor of his revisionist screeds. Let me put this buffoon in his place:
FASCISM: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
CORPORATISM: the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction
As anyone who has a high G.E.D. reading level, this MAGA asshat has consistently accused liberals, the Democratic Party and progressives of being "fascists" because of proposed oversight and regulation of corporations via gov't (a gov't people elect)....kind of opposite of what corporatism and fascism are all about, n'cest pai? Yet he's perfectly fine with the autocratic nature of Trump's four years, tax breaks for corporations who outsource jobs, tax breaks for the wealthy, no regulation for big Pharma prices, declaring corporations are on par with individual human citizens, money is speech, etc. THAT'S the epitome corporatism. The MAGA blind loyalty to Trump and his autocratic idealism smacks of sheer fascism.
So it seems the Asshat inadvertently exposes himself for the POS MAGA bullhorn that he is....pity he doesn't have the mental capacity of understand that...hence his posts.
I interpreted it as an attempt to make anything negative left-wing. They don't like being associated with Hitler, so they make Hitler left-wing.
facism is very much on both sides of the aisle.
more so with neocon like cheney/ romney.
trumpers are populists and REAL antifa..
He would sell this information for money, or it could be a pay-off to Putin to cover up his piss tapes. The point is the right will support the act of treason and giving strategics military information to our enemies' there is no possible excuse that the right can come up with for Trump stealing secret documents and hiding them to use for his purposes/ Again the point being that the right is this countries biggest threat and enemy and needs to be treated as such.I'd like to take credit for his meltdown, but I think this latest twupscipade has caused their already weak psyches to crash. His incitement of 1/6 and his participation in attempting to usurp power has been exposed. Now he's been exposed as a former president, turned international spy.
All of this - plus their overplaying their hand with the overturning or Roe has put even this November in play for the good guys. So twumptards are also dealing with that.
Things have not been going well for the trump team lately.
He would sell this information for money, or it could be a pay-off to Putin to cover up his piss tapes. The point is the right will support the act of treason and giving strategics military information to our enemies' there is no possible excuse that the right can come up with for Trump stealing secret documents and hiding them to use for his purposes/ Again the point being that the right is this countries biggest threat and enemy and needs to be treated as such.
You confuse authoritarian/totalitarian with fascism. No U. S. policies or actions fit the fascism definition.
how about charging the public for foreign wars and then giving all the oil to corporations?
What oil was given to corporations?
Is this the 341st conspiracy theory you believe?
public private partnerships are fascism too.