Into the Night
Verified User
Then why do you love you some Orban and Putin so much, Three Percenter? Give the 411, Mr. Wizard.
Then why do you love you some Orban and Putin so much, Three Percenter? Give the 411, Mr. Wizard.
It's a smoke screen. TA knows the American GOP'ers are extremely horny to make this into a right-wing, authoritarian "utopia".
He's fooling now one but his fellow neanderthals.
How'd the celebration or your new swastika face tattoo go? I hear you were the belle of the Nazi ball![]()
Brilliant! Exactly. As I said earlier. The sentiment, the white supremacy, the propaganda about white people being the master race and others inferior. This describes our GOP party precisely. Texas just put anti-gay rhetoric in their party platform.
The GOP are the fascists and part of their wont is to spread propaganda, "muddy" the waters and try to confuse people to make them think "up" is "down". It's right out of the authoritarian playbook.
So if almost all authoritarian dictatorships are "left wing" why does the American right worship the dictators so much?
Fiction.Absolutely. They attempted to murder Mike Pence and several Democrats on 1/6 with donny sitting there watching all on TV.
What about it?And then there was the FBI attack in Ohio, yesterday.
LIF. You are describing Democrats again.The violence, the anti-minority and gay sentiment, these are all Republican attributes.
Oh, don't worry, Kitten. We know what "fascism" is. You're soaking in it, meat.
No... we call you a "fascist" because you feel that your way is the only way so strongly, you're willing to attempt a coup and kill your political rivals.
No. We're not. But keep screaming it like a little girl, if it makes you feel better. You support trump and his evil crime family, you support fascism. Deal with it, freak.
Indeed. She supported twump's agenda prior to 1/6 as strongly as her other dick shits in the GOP. She did a kabuki dance with the birthers during the Obama administration, big supporter of the evil wars... yeah.. she's a Republican.
The Republicans look at what she's doing, holding people in authority to account "treason" because they're fascists, think their way is the only way, which in their mind, justifies white-washing and lying about the coup.
And you just haven't got a clue.
I'd shut up about "not yet learning stuff", sling blade, if I were your sorry ass. Your self awareness is non-existent.
Yes, there will be more violence. My point was TA and ITTN have been spewing falsehoods about "the Democrats being the fascists." I feel we need to keep calling that bullshit out and tossing it right back in their disgusting, bloated, hate-filled faces.
I interpreted it as an attempt to make anything negative left-wing. They don't like being associated with Hitler, so they make Hitler left-wing.
Democrats ARE fascist. Examples:
* manipulating the automotive market to try to force people into electric cars and require 'pollution protection' devices that don't really do anything.
* manipulation the energy market to push 'green' other words, wind and solar, and ban coal, oil, or natural gas.
* manipulation of the plumbing market to push toilets that don't work.
* manipulation of the lighting industry to push CFM and LED light bulbs and ban incandescent light bulbs.
* manipulation of the refrigeration industry to protect a monopoly by DuPont.
* manipulation of the fuel market by requiring unnecessary additives to fuel and by banning TEL in fuel.
* manipulation of the food industry by forcing certain farmers into welfare and demanding poor farming practices and preventing food exports.
* manipulation of the electronics industry to the point that we don't have one anymore in the States.
I could go on, but you get the idea. ALL of these were caused by Democrats.
Wow, Tiger. I just logged on and see I have 42 notifications, likely all from you. You're quite the compulsive little troll, aren't you?
LOL.. have at it man. It's fun to watch you spin your wheels.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
There you have it, dear readers. The complete moronic, damned near psychotic ramblings of a self proclaimed MAGA asshat with a mentality of a zombie.
Any definition that has endured for CENTURIES is false ... HIS PERSONAL opinions, revisionism, supposition and conjecture is the TRUTH!
This is the MAGA minion, folks. Dummies are going to jail for Jan. 6th, but are STILL bleating this type of dreck. You don't argue with these idiots, you just either ignore them or arrest them when they get out of hand.
Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the collective management of the economy by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state, which is a combination of crony capitalism and state capitalism; however, the more democratic ...
fascism is corporatism
Lurch probably didn't know there were 42 different fallacies.![]()
Wow, Tiger. I just logged on and see I have 42 notifications, likely all from you. You're quite the compulsive little troll, aren't you?
LOL.. have at it man. It's fun to watch you spin your wheels.