There Can be Only One!
George Lincoln Rockwell creator of the American Right Wing Nazi party
LOL.. he thinks everyone is as big a fool as he.
George Lincoln Rockwell creator of the American Right Wing Nazi party
The big difference between Communism and Fascism in social / political policy is that Communism is internationalist in outlook. That is, it wants a One-World-Government. Fascism on the other hand, is nationalist. That is, it seeks to establish an exclusionary state based on race, language, culture, etc. Both are types of political and economic systems that hail from the radical Left.
Its distinguishing characteristic is that Fascism is nationalist. Communism is internationalist. Both are Leftwing, both result in dictatorships.
Most countries are dictatorships, that does not make them left-wing. Hitler and Mussolini were not left-wing.
I don't see anything internationalist in Cuba or North Korea.
Not the difference between fascism and communism. Communism can occur just nationally, and fascism can occur internationally.
BOTH fascism and communism are forms of socialism.
To implement it requires an oligarchy or dictatorship. Such oligarchies or dictatorships DO dream of being the World government.
Indeed, that was the [i[]meaning[/i] of why the swastika was on the Nazi flag! It was there to represent the dream of spreading the dictatorship of Hitler across the entire world, and with it, the fascism and communism that it advocated.
The right-hand swastika has always represented the outward influence of the temple (or religion) across a society. Indeed, you see this symbol on many temples today...especially in Asia and even in the United States, still carrying it's original meaning.
Yep. You described GQP indeed.
Nazism is an idea. You cannot destroy ideas.
Almost all dictatorships are Leftwing. Cuba and N. Korea are Leftwing. They both espouse world domination. This has long been a Communist goal. Hitler and Mussolini were both radical Leftists. You do know that Mussolini and Stalin got along pretty good in the 30's don't you?
A second source of the same document if you have issues reading it
That's Mussolini cooperating with Stalin. The Italians went so far as to help the Soviets (Russians) design and build a whole generation of warships, design and build warplanes, etc. The two cooperated economically and intimately.
I think you are confused with European version of left and right.
The American version of Nazis aren't Nazis. The German Nazis and Hitler would have imprisoned or murdered the whole bunch of them just as they did with Rohm's Sturmabteilung (the Brown Shirts). They represent a threat to the ruling party.
Yeah they would have murdered the Democrats.
For the Left, "Fascist" has become nothing but an empty pejorative. It has no meaning. It's become a substitute for say, "Fuck you!" Leftists have no idea what a fascist is or what the word means beyond shouting it at anyone who disagrees with them.
Absolutely. They attempted to murder Mike Pence and several Democrats on 1/6 with donny sitting there watching all on TV.
And then there was the FBI attack in Ohio, yesterday. The violence, the anti-minority and gay sentiment, these are all Republican attributes.
They'll call you a fascist just for disagreeing with them. The Leftists here do it all the time. It's a meaningless slur, a curse word now for the Left.
I know what fascism is, I'm saying that the Left doesn't and doesn't care. They're using it as nothing more than a curse word.
Of course, if Cheney did switch parties she'd have to wait until after the November elections and the dissolution of the Jan 6 committee because otherwise the current fig leaf of it being bipartisan would be completely ruined.
Cheney is a right winger. You should find out who she is.
Using violence to achieve political ends-- Trump and the GOP.
I have studied history and European fascism. You cannot even use proper English grammar.
See what I mean AssHatZombie? The Left just makes up the definition and uses it as a curse word. They haven't got a clue what fascism is.