Is fascism left wing?

Various conservative authorities at JPP have told us so. But now that there’s a real prospect of fascists coming to power in Italy (again), RWNJs are drooling over it!

Dmitry Medvedev - former Russian president and Putin puppet - has crowed over prime minister Draghi’s fall. He expects that more pro-Ukrainian leaders like Johnson and Draghi could soon be forced out of power.

P.S. Don’t forget to send off for your MyPillows as recommended by the loudmouth in the video. :rolleyes:

populism isnt fascism.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So your opinions, supposition and conjecture replaces historical facts?

Here stupid, learn something from Merriam-Webster:

FASCISM - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

SOCIALISM - any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

CAPITALISM - an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

AUTOCRACY - government in which one person possesses unlimited power.

COMMUNISM - a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed....: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production.

THEOCRACY - government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.

those defintions are revised for political obfuscation and expediency.

this is slightly better.

Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the collective management of the economy by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state, which is a combination of crony capitalism and state capitalism; however, the more democratic ...

Corporatism - Wikipedia

fascism is corporatism.

fascism can also be internationalist in flavor and orientation.

internationalist fascism is a threat to humanity.

see world economic forum for internationalist fascism example.

There you have it, dear readers. The complete moronic, damned near psychotic ramblings of a self proclaimed MAGA asshat with a mentality of a zombie.

Any definition that has endured for CENTURIES is false ... HIS PERSONAL opinions, revisionism, supposition and conjecture is the TRUTH!


This is the MAGA minion, folks. Dummies are going to jail for Jan. 6th, but are STILL bleating this type of dreck. You don't argue with these idiots, you just either ignore them or arrest them when they get out of hand.
There you have it, dear readers. The complete moronic, damned near psychotic ramblings of a self proclaimed MAGA asshat with a mentality of a zombie.

Any definition that has endured for CENTURIES is false ... HIS PERSONAL opinions, revisionism, supposition and conjecture is the TRUTH!


This is the MAGA minion, folks. Dummies are going to jail for Jan. 6th, but are STILL bleating this type of dreck. You don't argue with these idiots, you just either ignore them or arrest them when they get out of hand.

it's called just not being a fascist.

There you have it, dear readers. The complete moronic, damned near psychotic ramblings of a self proclaimed MAGA asshat with a mentality of a zombie.

Any definition that has endured for CENTURIES is false ... HIS PERSONAL opinions, revisionism, supposition and conjecture is the TRUTH!


This is the MAGA minion, folks. Dummies are going to jail for Jan. 6th, but are STILL bleating this type of dreck. You don't argue with these idiots, you just either ignore them or arrest them when they get out of hand.

Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the collective management of the economy by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state, which is a combination of crony capitalism and state capitalism; however, the more democratic ...

fascism is corporatism
public private parnership is fascism.

you should read my thread on this topic.

Public Private Partnerships, Fascism and You

Public private partnerships, the much bandied about term as of late, especially regarding retarded green initiatives, are textbook fascism.

and they're just crony capitalism and corruption with a fresh coat of paint and new "messaging".

They have nothing to do with american individuals.

Public means government, not you.
Private means corporate, not you.

its fascism, the union of government and corporate power, and only reduces the power and possibilities of non corrupt regular individuals.

it has nothing to do with free markets as it's the government picking winners.

So in summary, public / private partnerships are fascist and ultimately tyrranical.
Various conservative authorities at JPP have told us so. But now that there’s a real prospect of fascists coming to power in Italy (again), RWNJs are drooling over it!

Dmitry Medvedev - former Russian president and Putin puppet - has crowed over prime minister Draghi’s fall. He expects that more pro-Ukrainian leaders like Johnson and Draghi could soon be forced out of power.

P.S. Don’t forget to send off for your MyPillows as recommended by the loudmouth in the video. :rolleyes:

I know - that's their big "gaslight". They talk about fascism and racism being "left wing", aka, "all Democrats".

It's because the MAGA scum know they're racist and corrupt and this is how they think they can lie about it.
I watched the video. Explain to me, with examples, why those cited in the video are "fascists." What exact things make them "fascist?"

Yeah. That's the issue. The issue is you MAGA scum are always calling Democrats, "racist" because you're insecure about your own ignorance and hatred.

It's such a sad attempt to deflect.
Fascism is a form of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets. It is theft of wealth. Like communism (government ownership of markets), and slavery (ownership of men), socialism brings misery. It can only be implemented by tyrannical governments such as oligarchies and dictatorships. People don't like their wealth being stolen.

Neither communism, fascism, slavery, nor capitalism are a form of government.

Capitalism, which is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary purchase, is the only economic system that creates wealth. Socialism could not exist without it, since socialism doesn't create anything (other than misery). It needs capitalism creating wealth so socialism can steal it.

Democrats support fascism. They have discarded the Constitution of the United States, committed election fraud to the point of faulting the election, and installed Biden as Chief Puppet.
As to Italy, the conservatives there are facing the same nonsense BS from the Democrats. It is the DEMOCRATS that are fascist. It is the DEMOCRATS that embrace socialism. It is DEMOCRATS projecting what they are onto conservatives. That's an inversion fallacy, dude.

Remember, Italy is NOT an independent state. It is part of the European Union. The form of government of the EU is an oligarchy, more or less following a document known as the Lisbon Treaty. The form of government within Italy itself is an oligarchy. They more or less follow a 'constitution', which isn't a constitution, since the government itself can change it at will.

"Democrats support fascism." <--- you are such a fool. It's not the Democrats who invite Russians to hack our elections or invite fascist, authoritarians to CPAC.

You are such a fool in that you think everyone is as big a fool as you. Tell us how the FBI carried backpacks of fake documents into Mar-A-Lago and framed twump you stupid fuck.
You don't even know what the word means.

Mmmm... yeah. You don't know how much we all disrespect you. You know the election wasn't stolen. You know that you trumptard are the ones to worship evil dictators, and we know what a pile of shit you are.

The truth is out, shit stain.
There are no Nazis. The Nazi party was destroyed during WW2. I assume you mean 'fascist'.

They are both forms of socialism. Both are 'left', or favored by Democrats.
Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Communism is government ownership of markets.

There ARE "Neo Nazi's". Aren't there? You should know - you get the daily newsletters.
Fascism is also a political system where the State controls society in minute detail. Some examples of how this might occur in a country run by a fascist government:

All private education is outlawed or severely restricted with strict oversight by the state. Public education is the only system allowed.
Social scoring systems are in place. Your correct behavior and allegiance to the state are monitored.
Social norms are required, such as a dress code, heavy regulation of any vice to include smoking, drinking, etc.
The state wants to raise your children in place of you. That is, your child must go to daycare, then to a public school, then to approved group activities, etc.
Public transit is pushed heavily because the state controls it.
If worker's unions are allowed, they are heavily political and hew to the state dogma. They expect their members to do the same.

Those are typical things a fascist government would do politically to control society.

Mmm.... yes.. "oversight of the state into education". Tell us more about your idol, Ron DeSantis.. the "don't say gay" freak and the one who bans math books because he thinks they talk about slavery.

It's a pleasant surprise you've decided to finally come clean. Tell us more about yourself and your embrace of hate-filled ass clowns like you and Ron
Fascism is not a political system. It is an economic system. It is government manipulation of markets. It can occur in a variety of political systems, including oligarchies and dictatorships.
What you are describing is communism, another form of socialism. That is government ownership of markets.

In this case, you are describing government ownership of education, clothing, daycare, and unions. You are also confusing communism with the government structure necessary to implement it, an oligarchy or dictatorship. People don't like their wealth being stolen, so tyranny is necessary.

Communism is not fascism, but they ARE both forms of socialism, and as such, theft of wealth.

Just what is happening with the Democrats today.

Such a lie. The Republican fascists are attempting to corner all the wealth to a chosen few elitists and disempower the masses.

Look at what's being done by Republican state houses in red states right now, preparing to overturn the will of the people if elections don't go their way.

You are such an evil propaganda queen, Susie. Every one of your accusations has been a confession.
Nope. The Nazi party was destroyed in WW2, and this isn't Germany. Fascism is a form of socialism. Democrats.

LOL. Yes, we know everyone who was a Nazi in the 1930's is dead. LOL. What we're talking about it the sentiment, the belief these white supremacists had. That white Christians are the "master race". That sentiment - It's alive and with with you and the GOP, Nazi.

Deal with it, we have to.