Is health insurance a "right"?

Yet despite your anecdotal claims, you survived, somehow.

Now you hate doctors because you wanted them to cure you for free?

Too bad you didn't do a little research.

Lots more if you look. Just sayin'.

Not a word in either of the articles you posted about those altruistic Doctors treating stage 3 colon cancer on an outpatient basis.

And I NEVER said I expected them to "treat me for free"...but then, you were never interested in honest discussion, were you?
red herring. you were not dying. you were stable. a hospital, as a private business, is only obligated BY LAW to make sure you are stable.

So? Does the Hippocratic Oath say Doctors only are required to heal the DYING?


Left untreated, the cancer would have killed me...and the Hospital was FILLED with Doctors who took the Hippocratic Oath to heal the sick yet who did NOTHING until they got paid.
The American people no longer have rights, they only think they do. When poverty runs rampant throughout the land the only right left for Americans is to go out on the front porch and wave old glory and think good things about America.

Hence, all the threads about good times and bad times in America. In reality just attempts to figure out why your lot in life is so shitty.

A lingering reluctance to call it like it is and start demanding a more fair system where the top 1% owns ya'all. LOL

Take your time American, time is definitely not on your side.
Not a word in either of the articles you posted about those altruistic Doctors treating stage 3 colon cancer on an outpatient basis.

Did you ask any doctors to treat stage 3 colon cancer on an outpatient basis? That doesn't sound like a good idea.

And I NEVER said I expected them to "treat me for free"...

True, you wanted them to admit you without pre-charge.

but then, you were never interested in honest discussion, were you?

Sure, I am.

Now, is health insurance a "right", as the president said?

Let's discuss.
Did you ask any doctors to treat stage 3 colon cancer on an outpatient basis? That doesn't sound like a good idea.

You're the one who posted the article about Doctors treating the sick at some apartment complex...what that has to do with someone suffering from an ailment that OBVIOUSLY needs INPATIENT care still needs to be explained.

True, you wanted them to admit you without pre-charge.

Paying the $3,000.00 off over the next three months would have been NO PROBLEM for me and the wife. Unfortunately, that wasn't fast enough for greedy Doctors ignoring the oath they took.

Sure, I am.

Now, is health insurance a "right", as the president said?

Let's discuss.

As I said earlier...yes, healthcare is a RIGHT.
A Canadian has to wonder, if Americans don't think that they have a right to proper and good health care at an affordable cost then what the hell rights do they think they should be enjoying?

None? They make their own by working hard for them?

Stupid ignorant American louts, you're all so indoctrinated with the American way lies the wealthy have spoonfed you that you continue to do their bidding as they continue to bankrupt you with medical bills.

It's over kids! Your country has the highest wealth per capita of all the world's countries. Ya think there just might be a problem with unequal distribution? And ya think that hasn't been prearranged by letting the top 1% get away with not paying enough taxes? Hmmmmm?

Wait! I've got an idea! Ask Rand Paul and his Koch brothers friends! They'll get your heads back in the groove and waving old glory just like a good little lemming.
Did you ask any doctors to treat stage 3 colon cancer on an outpatient basis? That doesn't sound like a good idea.

True, you wanted them to admit you without pre-charge.

Sure, I am.

Now, is health insurance a "right", as the president said?

Let's discuss.

What people don't or won't understand; is that it isn't the Doctor who refuses admission to a hospital, it's the hospital administrators who denies the admittance.
The DOCTOR took the oath, not the hospital administrators.
The DOCTOR isn't setting the rates or charges, it's the hospital administrators.

Most hospitals are private businesses who have share holders and share holders invested; because they expected a return on their investments.

Now most places have county hospitals who will admit anyone deemed necessary to be admitted, no matter what their ability to pay is.
You're the one who posted the article about Doctors treating the sick at some apartment complex...what that has to do with someone suffering from an ailment that OBVIOUSLY needs INPATIENT care still needs to be explained.

So where did you get treatment?

Paying the $3,000.00 off over the next three months would have been NO PROBLEM for me and the wife. Unfortunately, that wasn't fast enough for greedy Doctors ignoring the oath they took.

Sad. Do you have poor credit? Maybe you should start a savings account in case the cancer comes back.

As I said earlier...yes, healthcare is a RIGHT.

Does that mean anyone should be allowed admission to a hospital without requiring proof of ability to pay?
Private hospitals. Ha!
With shareholders who have to make a profit. Haha!
In Canada they're run by the province and there's no profit to be made other than salaries and wages which are paid by the province.

And the province is the government and the government charges the people so the people pay. Only thing is, all the people pay through a more equitable taxation system. And not huge uncontrollable profitmaking by private companies.

In short, about what Obama really knew was the answer. LOL

And it's a better health care system in Canada according to the WHO. And not to mention that it costs the people roughly half as much!

Go figure you stupid fucking lemmings.
I thought they wouldn't admit you? Different hospital?

Did some scrambling and some cajoling of family members and borrowed the money from them.

So you learned the importance of being self-sufficient and prudent financial planning. Good for you.

If I had had the time, a small loan from the bank would have been simple to get, but it was barely a week between the Doctor first finding the cancer and my surgery.

How's that working for you so far?

Seriously, I am glad you got help. Are you in remission?

Yes, my 5 year anniversary was last Tuesday...I am considered cancer free at this point.
Did some scrambling and some cajoling of family members and borrowed the money from them.
If I had had the time, a small loan from the bank would have been simple to get, but it was barely a week between the Doctor first finding the cancer and my surgery. Yes, my 5 year anniversary was last Tuesday...I am considered cancer free at this point.

I am glad for you.
Why do Canadians come to the USA for treatment?

Because some have millions of dollars to squander in order to get treatment ahead of the line. We sometimes have to wait in the queue the same way Americans have to wait. And I'm hearing that it's about the same length of wait after all.

In Canada we choose not to jump rich people ahead in the line just because they have the means to pay for special treatment ahead of other Canadians. Sound like a good idea to you asshole? Ever have to wait in line behind one of those nigra people? One that's so uppity that he won't step aside and let you jump ahead?
Because some have millions of dollars to squander in order to get treatment ahead of the line. We sometimes have to wait in the queue the same way Americans have to wait. And I'm hearing that it's about the same length of wait after all. In Canada we choose not to jump rich people ahead in the line just because they have the means to pay for special treatment ahead of other Canadians. Sound like a good idea to you asshole? Ever have to wait in line behind one of those nigra people? One that's so uppity that he won't step aside and let you jump ahead?

What a racist you are.
Hear the one about the American who got sick in France and had to charter a plane for a hundred thousand bucks to fly home?

Hahahaha! From France! The country that has the number 1 health care system in the world! Hahahaha!