Is it just me?


Verified User
Or are JPP libs even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax.
Or are JPP libs even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax.

I think that's a safe bet. They've burned so many bridges, abused so many institutions, and left a legacy of hatred, McCarthyism, and mass hysteria, that there is no use turning back now. The rats have to go down with the ship or beg history for forgiveness.
I think that's a safe bet. They've burned so many bridges, abused so many institutions, and left a legacy of hatred, McCarthyism, and mass hysteria, that there is no use turning back now. The rats have to go down with the ship or beg history for forgiveness.

Forgiveness for the myriad of crimes of trump, his family, and the administration?
Forgiveness for the myriad of crimes of trump, his family, and the administration?

Still waiting for that list of crimes.

They have been posted here any number of times, my little cunt. Its time to turn some tricks and make a buck.

Oh, they have been posted here. But then again, so have the rest of your fantasies.

No crimes. All lies. Looks like the OP was right.
In reality, you have no fucking idea of what you talk about. Just a bunch of words with no meaning.

This from a whiny cunt that never has any ideas and can't back up his asinine rhetoric with any facts. Where's this list of crimes Trump has committed?