Is it just me?

Or are JPP libs even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax.

OMG, I just reverse-channeled you! Seriously! Was just looking at the list of most recent posts and thinking how frantic and freaked out are our Reichwing friends as the net closes around their Glorious Golden Glob.

I think it's a sign. What do you think?
Is it just me?

Or are JPP libs even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax.

It is just you.

I spend very little of my day thinking about Trump, I read very few articles on the Mueller investigation, and I trust the highly reputable and highly professional Mueller to do his job. We will all find out the results of the investigation in due course.

I have more important things to do in my life than to invest significant amounts of time speculating about Trump. If I am going to invest time reading something, most likely it is going to be something to do with work, with science, history, philosophy, archeology, literature, and good books fiction and non-fiction.

The thing is, I do not need Mueller or Russia to tell me anything about Trump that is not already crystal clear to the casual observer: Regardless of the extent to which crimes may or may not have been committed, Trump is literally the stupidest president in our great nation's history, he lies pathologically about all matter great, small, and trivial, the excessive and extraordinary narcissism, petulance, and arrogance he displays is clear evidence of a mentally unstable and unhealthy individual, and history is going to judge this fat pig and the minority of people who elected him in a very harsh light
Have you not read through this place in the last several months. If we're unhinged, that would make the right rabid.
Not necessarily rabid. Just very nervous. Walls are closing in, and it's evident that in Jan '21, trump will begin years of court dates, and eventual imprisonment.
Is it just me? Or are JPP cons even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the Mueller investigation closing in on Trump for many crimes.
Is it just me? Or are JPP cons even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the Mueller investigation closing in on Trump for many crimes.
It's called 'sea lioning'. It's all the rage on the internets.
Or are JPP libs even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax.

Your thread title is: Is it just me?

If you are worried that it is JUST YOU, Boy...stop.

It is not just you.

There are many other moronic, right-wing, ding-bats howling at the moon here in JPP.

You are definitely not alone!
Or are JPP libs even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax.
it is not just you...;) I'm beginning to fear more and more for their mental‘ and physical well being with every passing day...
Or are JPP libs even more unhinged than usual? Even though most are too stupid to realize it, I think they sense the walls closing in on the Russiagate hoax.’s just you.

The rest of us are praying for the dead in New Zealand. Victims of another right wing conservative terrorist attack.

May the good lord bring comfort to the families of the deceased.