Is it just me?

What, exactly, do see as the value of "prayers?"

What does "praying" do? What does it accomplish?

Makes people feel like they've done something, so they can skip out on the real issues at hand. If God's there, I'm sure God would be praying back at them; Please for the love of me, do something for once.
I guess if you don't pray, then it wouldn't do much good to try to discuss it with you.

We don't have to discuss it.

I just want to know what you see as the value of "prayers."

What does it do? What does it accomplish?
We don't have to discuss it.

I just want to know what you see as the value of "prayers."

What does it do? What does it accomplish?
I f you don't pray you wouldn't understand why I do...and I do, for as long as I can remember. Daily:)
Works well for me... Isn't that enough?
Makes people feel like they've done something, so they can skip out on the real issues at hand. If God's there, I'm sure God would be praying back at them; Please for the love of me, do something for once.

I've been told that prayer can move mountains.

I propose a bet: Anyone who thinks that prayer can move mountains can use all the religious people he/she can gather (including ministers,rabbis, imams, priest, bishops, cardinals...even the pope)...all praying that a mountain would move.

I will use a girl scout with a tea spoon.

My bet is that the girl scout with the tea spoon moves more of the mountain.

But nobody will take that bet.
I f you don't pray you wouldn't understand why I do...and I do, for as long as I can remember. Daily:)
Works well for me... Isn't that enough?

Not really...because it didn't answer my questions. But you are under no obligation to answer them. I was just hoping you would.
Not really...because it didn't answer my questions. But you are under no obligation to answer them. I was just hoping you would.
I did give you an answer...prayer has always been a part of‘ my life... I believe in God. It's pretty simple...I don't pray to "accomplish" something....I don't even understand what you mean by that...
I did give you an answer...prayer has always been a part of‘ my life... I believe in God. It's pretty simple...I don't pray to "accomplish" something....I don't even understand what you mean by that...

Well...lots of people who pray (my guess is the majority of people who do) it to accomplish something.

Dear God...please keep my kids safe. What they want to accomplish is to have their kids be safe.

Dear God...please let Sophie get into Georgetown. What they want to accomplish is for Sophie to be accepted at Georgetown.

Dear God...please let my father recover. What they want to accomplish is for Dad not to die.

Dear God...please help me become a better person. What they want to accomplish is to become a "better" person.

Dear God...please let there be no attacks. What they want to accomplish is for there to be no more attacks.

What's to understand?

Ummm...since you do not pray to accomplish anything...what do you pray for?
I've been told that prayer can move mountains.

I propose a bet: Anyone who thinks that prayer can move mountains can use all the religious people he/she can gather (including ministers,rabbis, imams, priest, bishops, cardinals...even the pope)...all praying that a mountain would move.

I will use a girl scout with a tea spoon.

My bet is that the girl scout with the tea spoon moves more of the mountain.

But nobody will take that bet.
You’re nicer, I say, “pray in one hand, spit in the other, see what fills up first”. A saying of my atheists great grandfather.
Ever since Hillary lost, the left has come completely unhinged. They blame everyone and anything, but Hillary. They see Trump as the cause of all of their problems. They believe that if they can just somehow get rid of Trump, all will be well with the world again. Well, I've got some bad news for them. Even if they somehow manage to get rid of Trump, we'll just elect another Trump. And if we can't manage that, if they stack the deck by committing voter fraud. If they subvert the political process. If they somehow achieve their most cherished goal of rewriting, or getting rid of the Constitution, there are millions of armed American patriots who would be more than happy to set things right again. And even if we fail, God will eventually have His way. No matter what the left tries to do, they will ultimately lose.
Well...lots of people who pray (my guess is the majority of people who do) it to accomplish something.

Dear God...please keep my kids safe. What they want to accomplish is to have their kids be safe.

Dear God...please let Sophie get into Georgetown. What they want to accomplish is for Sophie to be accepted at Georgetown.

Dear God...please let my father recover. What they want to accomplish is for Dad not to die.

Dear God...please help me become a better person. What they want to accomplish is to become a "better" person.

Dear God...please let there be no attacks. What they want to accomplish is for there to be no more attacks.

What's to understand?

Ummm...since you do not pray to accomplish anything...what do you pray for?
None of that is praying to "accomplish something"....‘Unless one believes that God is supernatural and will somehow drop on down and grant wishes.... I told you way I pray;)
Why don't you?
Ever since Hillary lost, the left has come completely unhinged. They blame everyone and anything, but Hillary. They see Trump as the cause of all of their problems. They believe that if they can just somehow get rid of Trump, all will be well with the world again. Well, I've got some bad news for them. Even if they somehow manage to get rid of Trump, we'll just elect another Trump. And if we can't manage that, if they stack the deck by committing voter fraud. If they subvert the political process. If they somehow achieve their most cherished goal of rewriting, or getting rid of the Constitution, there are millions of armed American patriots who would be more than happy to set things right again. And even if we fail, God will eventually have His way. No matter what the left tries to do, they will ultimately lose.
Bawahahahaha, this is the best, “but Hillary,” and “God will get you”, post this month.
Sealioning is a trade mark of far right trolls

A subtle form of trolling involving "bad-faith" questions. You disingenuously frame your conversation as a sincere request to be enlightened, placing the burden of educating you entirely on the other party. If your bait is successful, the other party may engage, painstakingly laying out their logic and evidence in the false hope of helping someone learn. In fact you are attempting to harass or waste the time of the other party, and have no intention of truly entertaining their point of view. Instead, you react to each piece of information by misinterpreting it or requesting further clarification, ad nauseum. The name "sea-lioning" comes from a Wondermark comic strip. I spent five minutes asking polite questions, sealioning him into hours of writing until he got exasperated and told me to fuck off.

None of that is praying to "accomplish something"

Nicely as possible, TOP...that is just nuts.

If a person is asking his/her god to do something...the person is attempting to accomplish that "something."

If I were carrying a heavy package and asked you, "Will you please open that door for me"...I AM ATTEMPTING TO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING. I'm attempting to get you to open that door.

....‘Unless one believes that God is supernatural and will somehow drop on down and grant wishes....

I don't do "believing" so I am not sure of what you mean here, but if you mean that you are guessing that your god is not supernatural...I am with you 100%.

If a god is part of is a part of what exists.

I told you way I pray;)
Why don't you?

I don't think you have told me "why" you pray...and I hope at some point that you do.

But the reason I do not "pray" is that I see no value in it.

Prayers asking for favors (like the ones I listed) seem presumptuous...and I have seen no indication that praying for something works any better than chance would.

Prayers of thanksgiving are also PRESUMPTUOUS, because they seem to be saying that a god who could make the entire universe wants someone as puny as me to fawn over it.

I choose not to do that.

I used to pray. Did a lot of it. I wanted to become a priest at one time...I thought I would be a good one...I feel I have lots of the attributes that I think would make for a decent counselor and motivator. I was serious about the possible vocation...and I was lucky enough to serve Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican...and to serve at Mass with a Cardinal...the Primate of England at the time.

But at some point, I realized that praying was mostly an unhealthy combination of wishful hoping...and ass-kissing born of fear.

So I stopped.

When I prayed, I prayed that the god would allow peace of reign, would protect my mother, father and siblings from harm...and that sort of thing.

So...what about you?
I grew up ‘having a relationship with God...I'm still comfortable with that, so praying is just kind of the natural thing to do;) ...and I see value in it....
You don't, I guess. So we'll just have to agree to disagree about prayer-in general and specifically.
I grew up ‘having a relationship with God...I'm still comfortable with that, so praying is just kind of the natural thing to do;) ...and I see value in it....
You don't, I guess. So we'll just have to agree to disagree about prayer-in general and specifically.

Which god would that be? How come your devotion doesn't show in public? Do you like making baby Jesus sad?