Is it unamerican to not honor 911 with viewership ?


Villified User
Not sure if I stated that correctly, it is early and I was up late ;)
But I plan on not watching the 911 stuff today.
I will watch it. But if people are too upset I can't see how it would be unamerican. It would be unamerican to force you to watch it...
Why do people want to reopen wounds and refresh pain suffering and yes hatred ? I can see why Bush would like it as a tool for the upcoming election.
I guess though my question is why only honor the 911 tragedy on it's annual holiday. I just think about it at times all year long, is this a pack mentality or being led thing? I just don't fully understand this annual remembrance tradition I guess.
Anyway, 9/11 is Patriot day. If you fly a flag it is supposed to be at half-staff until sunset...

We did have our first moment of silence already, we will have another at the time the second plane hit and another at the times when the towers fell, etc...
Not sure if I stated that correctly, it is early and I was up late ;)
But I plan on not watching the 911 stuff today.

It's okay, I don't think they were counting on your support anyway, I am sure they can get by without you watching. Besides, it's good to do without TV entirely, for a day, which is what you will be doing if you don't want to see any coverage of 9/11.
It's okay, I don't think they were counting on your support anyway, I am sure they can get by without you watching. Besides, it's good to do without TV entirely, for a day, which is what you will be doing if you don't want to see any coverage of 9/11.

Ahh Wrong again Dixie , or is it still. I don't think the movie channels and such will be having 911 anniversary stuff on all day :)
Why do people want to reopen wounds and refresh pain suffering and yes hatred ? I can see why Bush would like it as a tool for the upcoming election.
I guess though my question is why only honor the 911 tragedy on it's annual holiday. I just think about it at times all year long, is this a pack mentality or being led thing? I just don't fully understand this annual remembrance tradition I guess.

Celebrating and obssessing about defeat is stupid. 9/11 was a military defeat for us. A tasteful memorial, or a one-minute silence is fine. Day-long media and government obssession is over the top.
today is my wife's birthday. We will go out tonight and celebrate.

I can recall how proud I was of her...on 9/11/02, she woke up bright and early and flew to NYC on a day that many folks were avoiding that city...she went to ground zero and spent the entire day there only leaving long after darkness had fallen.

...and she "reclaimed" her birthday and we've happily celebrated 9/11 ever since
Well this clearly demonstrates how little respect and revrence you all have for your fellow Americans. Not that I am surprised, I already knew you didn't really give a shit. I think posts like these, show the rest of us, just why you don't have any support for the war on terror. You actually resent 9/11, because it took the focus off of universal healthcare or raising the minimum wage, or whatever your pet liberal issue was.
If, as it was implied before in this thread, this would help Bush in the next election and some are not watching because of that... Does this means that people are ignoring something because they are afraid that such direct remembrance may change their minds?
If, as it was implied before in this thread, this would help Bush in the next election and some are not watching because of that... Does this means that people are ignoring something because they are afraid that such direct remembrance may change their minds?

Not me Damo. As I said anything worth remembering will be remembered without an annual media blitz on the subject. Besides how can wounds heal if you keep scratching the scabs off ?
Not me Damo. As I said anything worth remembering will be remembered without an annual media blitz on the subject. Besides how can wounds heal if you keep scratching the scabs off ?
There is a reason scabs itch. They are often meant to be scratched.
Today will be just like any other day for me. I know that sounds cold and I guess it is but I'm not very emotional about things like this.