Is it unamerican to not honor 911 with viewership ?

I think it's a piss poor argument to blame the only U.S. President to ever order a deployment of troops to fight the Islamofascist terrorists after an attack on us. I wonder what the Clintons are doing today to ignore 9/11?


That has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
no one is blaming Bush for his initial deployment of troops to Afghanistan in RESPONSE to 9/11. We are blaming him for his piss poor response to the 8/9/01 PDB which he all but ignored so that he could continue to golf, and grill and chill on the longest vacation ever taken by a president a mere seven months after taking the job.

How much annual vacation do YOU earn when you start a new job? Would you even THINK of taking all of it seven months after starting?

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

It was in response to what you stated. No straw man, just a response to what you said, and it's absolutely true. It's absurd to blame 9/11 on Bush, he is the only president who has ever deployed troops to fight these people. Now, if you want to blame a president for failure to act, let's take a look at who's watch the USS Cole happened under, or the Embassy bombings, or the '93 WTC bombing... Let's look at our "massive security failures" when those events took place, and let's look at what the president did on his watch, to respond. Of course, you don't want to do that, do you?
I think that finding the perpetrators of WTC '93 aqnd bringing them to justice is pretty impressive....don't you wish Dubya could have done that with OBL?
It was in response to what you stated. No straw man, just a response to what you said, and it's absolutely true. It's absurd to blame 9/11 on Bush, he is the only president who has ever deployed troops to fight these people. Now, if you want to blame a president for failure to act, let's take a look at who's watch the USS Cole happened under, or the Embassy bombings, or the '93 WTC bombing... Let's look at our "massive security failures" when those events took place, and let's look at what the president did on his watch, to respond. Of course, you don't want to do that, do you?

Actually it is a strawman. My comment was in reference to your accusing USC of being in denial, when he and the rest of us are constantly reminded of 9/11 on a regular basis. Are you going to address that or give us your republican puppet routine of blaming Clinton?

Unless of course you are a) denying it was massive failure or b) denying it happened under Bush's watch. But I don't think even you can be that stupid. But I have been wrong before.
I think that finding the perpetrators of WTC '93 aqnd bringing them to justice is pretty impressive....don't you wish Dubya could have done that with OBL?

I do. But I guess I got too used to reason and accountability in the 90s.
My reason for posting this thread was a poll on CNN's website this morning. It assumed that all readers would either be observing the anniversary of 911 with eith a moment of silence and reflection or a group gathering. It left no none of the above option.
And with me being contrary to ordinary, I thought I will reflect on the 911 tradgedy when I am damn good an ready, not at someone elses schedule.
Actually it is a strawman. My comment was in reference to your accusing USC of being in denial, when he and the rest of us are constantly reminded of 9/11 on a regular basis. Are you going to address that or give us your republican puppet routine of blaming Clinton?

Unless of course you are a) denying it was massive failure or b) denying it happened under Bush's watch. But I don't think even you can be that stupid. But I have been wrong before.

What happened under Clinton's watch, happened under his watch, I can't do anything about that, and it's not "republican puppet routine" to admit the truth about it. As for your "constant reminders" point, those merely serve as liberal talking points for how Bush has usurped our civil liberties, and classified as fear-mongering. This is because you are unwilling to face reality of what happened on 9/11. In fact, you are so willing to ignore reality, you have to fabricate false realities, like the "conspiracy theory" that Bush and Cheney brought down the WTC with controlled demolition.
What happened under Clinton's watch, happened under his watch, I can't do anything about that, and it's not "republican puppet routine" to admit the truth about it. As for your "constant reminders" point, those merely serve as liberal talking points for how Bush has usurped our civil liberties, and classified as fear-mongering. This is because you are unwilling to face reality of what happened on 9/11. In fact, you are so willing to ignore reality, you have to fabricate false realities, like the "conspiracy theory" that Bush and Cheney brought down the WTC with controlled demolition.

Projection on high beam :tongout:
What happened under Clinton's watch, happened under his watch, I can't do anything about that, and it's not "republican puppet routine" to admit the truth about it. As for your "constant reminders" point, those merely serve as liberal talking points for how Bush has usurped our civil liberties, and classified as fear-mongering. This is because you are unwilling to face reality of what happened on 9/11. In fact, you are so willing to ignore reality, you have to fabricate false realities, like the "conspiracy theory" that Bush and Cheney brought down the WTC with controlled demolition.

What the hell are you talking about?

#1) "What happened under Clinton's watch,......"

Quick question Dixie: Who was in office on 9/11/01?

#2) "As for your "constant reminders" point, those merely serve as liberal talking points for how Bush has usurped our civil liberties, and classified as fear-mongering. "

I suppose the 9/11 security that I pay when I buy a plane ticket isn't real, its just a make believe talking talking point, just like the longer waits in-line that ensued after 9/11 are all a part of the collective liberal imagination. I also suppose the new terror alert system is also a part of our collect imagination.

I have the impression that you are implying that I said it was directly Bush and Cheney's fault htat the towers came down. If so please provide a link.
Lady T.... I don't recall your putting forth that theory....what, pray tell, is he talking about?

I KNOW RIGHT! I don't know where he's getting that crap from. Actually I do. He can't address the issue at hand so he's going on a tangent instead.
What the hell are you talking about?

#1) "What happened under Clinton's watch,......"

Quick question Dixie: Who was in office on 9/11/01?

#2) "As for your "constant reminders" point, those merely serve as liberal talking points for how Bush has usurped our civil liberties, and classified as fear-mongering. "

I suppose the 9/11 security that I pay when I buy a plane ticket isn't real, its just a make believe talking talking point, just like the longer waits in-line that ensued after 9/11 are all a part of the collective liberal imagination. I also suppose the new terror alert system is also a part of our collect imagination.

I have the impression that you are implying that I said it was directly Bush and Cheney's fault htat the towers came down. If so please provide a link.

#1) Who was in office on February 26, 1993, when the terrorists attacked us first?
Who was in office August 7, 1998, when they attacked us again?
Who's "watch" was it on October 12, 2000, when they attacked us yet again? If we are going to hold president's accountable for inaction against the people who attacked us on September 11, 2001, we have to go back to when the attacks started. If Clinton had done what Bush did, there might not have been a 9/11.

#2) No, it's not imaginary, I didn't say that, I said it is used as a talking point for liberals to bash Bush for usurping their civil liberties and destroying the Constitution.

I never implied that YOU said anything, I used the word "you" to refrence liberals in general, particularly the kook fringe who want to deny reality of what happened on 9/11.
#1) Who was in office on February 26, 1993, when the terrorists attacked us first?
Who was in office August 7, 1998, when they attacked us again?
Who's "watch" was it on October 12, 2000, when they attacked us yet again? If we are going to hold president's accountable for inaction against the people who attacked us on September 11, 2001, we have to go back to when the attacks started. If Clinton had done what Bush did, there might not have been a 9/11.

I never implied that YOU said anything, I used the word "you" to refrence liberals in general, particularly the kook fringe who want to deny reality of what happened on 9/11.

Ummm, the topic of THIS conversation was 9/11. YOU brought in a strawman to justify some piss poor diatribe that you felt the need to go on about Clinton. But I guess that is neo-con rule number 1: when in doubt no matter what the circumstances are: always blame clinton.

Getting back to the ownage at hand - YOU SAID:

DIXIE said:
By ignoring the memorials, you don't have to acknowledge the event ever took place, which is how your mind has become conditioned to think already.

Again, refusal to watch memorials on TV does not mean that you refuse to acknowledge 9/11 nor does it imply that you have not learned from the events or have a vested interest in shaping policy to avoid such a massive security failure that took place under Bush's watch.
Well this clearly demonstrates how little respect and revrence you all have for your fellow Americans. Not that I am surprised, I already knew you didn't really give a shit. I think posts like these, show the rest of us, just why you don't have any support for the war on terror. You actually resent 9/11, because it took the focus off of universal healthcare or raising the minimum wage, or whatever your pet liberal issue was.

Who cares?

I have been working on a code pink project that has kept me busy looking at the names, ages and actual faces of the solidiers dead in Iraq.

Do you give a shit? No. All you give a shit about is how it makes bush look. Give it a rest already. A lot of us are on to this Super Patriot crapola, and you don't make ME blush in shame asshole.
If, as it was implied before in this thread, this would help Bush in the next election and some are not watching because of that... Does this means that people are ignoring something because they are afraid that such direct remembrance may change their minds?

Maybe they can no longer bear watching that monkey milk and exploit those dead people. Maybe they wonder how you can stand it. Maybe they lost a loved one themselves in some other senseless act of violence, or accident, or illness and they wonder why their loss has no meaning to the entire country. Maybe they know that every year more Americans die every year, than died on 9/11, for lack of health care. Read that again, every single year, more Americans die from lack of health care, than died on 9/11/2001. And maybe they wonder why no one reads those names out.

Maybe there are many different reasons, for many different people, and maybe the only thing all of those people have in common is the wonderment of why a certain segment of our population are obsessed with these deaths, and appear to see no others.
What have we learned from 911 ?
We still have not upgraded national building codes for skyscrapers as a result of the shortfalls in the WTC construction that contributed to the total collapse of the towers.
I have learned that politicians are totally shameless in using a tragedy like this for their political gain.
Maybe they can no longer bear watching that monkey milk and exploit those dead people. Maybe they wonder how you can stand it. Maybe they lost a loved one themselves in some other senseless act of violence, or accident, or illness and they wonder why their loss has no meaning to the entire country. Maybe they know that every year more Americans die every year, than died on 9/11, for lack of health care. Read that again, every single year, more Americans die from lack of health care, than died on 9/11/2001. And maybe they wonder why no one reads those names out.

Maybe there are many different reasons, for many different people, and maybe the only thing all of those people have in common is the wonderment of why a certain segment of our population are obsessed with these deaths, and appear to see no others.
You once again Assume and make and make yourself look foolish. Read the statement again and point out where I said I was going to watch it. Then ask yourself whether you just make assumptions all the time because you expect people to forgive you because you talk about swallowing bananas whole...
