Is it unamerican to not honor 911 with viewership ?

hmm, I have not heard it from any DR. You two DR's ?
Actually my DR. Is running as a bush following Republican for state office. Same dirty tricks and rhetoruic and all that. So put that in your pipe and smoke it :)
I won't be watching. I went through the moment of Silence, I grieved and rethought about what Matt and I were doing that day, and how thankful we were that we were on vacation TOGETHER at that moment and not at work...separated....or in New York on Business that day, or even in the Towers themselves that day.... as selfish as those thoughts may be, we honestly were counting our blessings amongst the suffering..... :(

Anyway, survivor's guilt took over for a while after that....until we settled with it just being Destiny...for some strange reason, destiny.....I guess, a spiritual settlement with ourselves from within is how I would best describe this undescribable settlement....

No, I am specifically avoiding all of the shows the rest of the day....I don't need to watch it to remember all that we have been through as a country, "that", has been seared in to my brain and heart and soul forever and a day..... :(

I am watching a special on Einstein and Quantum Physics/mechanics and his struggle accepting it....the acceptance of "probability" verses facts......

it is very interesting....
Dixie anyione who would change their mind on the war after years of deciding are just wishy washy sheeple anyway. But then that is the definition of bushies isn't it. About WMD, about mushroom clouds, Sadam a bad guy,,,911 YEAH that is what the war in Iraq is about. :)
Dixie anyione who would change their mind on the war after years of deciding are just wishy washy sheeple anyway. But then that is the definition of bushies isn't it. About WMD, about mushroom clouds, Sadam a bad guy,,,911 YEAH that is what the war in Iraq is about. :)

I actually thought it was about stopping the threat of Islamofascism from taking hold in secular Iraq, getting rid of a tyrant pain in our ass, while establishing a tentative base to fight the War on Terror. I never cared too much about WMD stockpiles, and didn't really figure we would find any, 14 months after telling him we were coming in. To me, it was more about his capacity to produce such weapons, and the technology that was vulnerable to falling into the wrong hands.

My mind has changed somewhat, because I think we would have been better off, given the liberal anti-war contingent, to have taken out Iraq, Syria and Iran at the same time, and without going through the UN or forming a coalition of the willing. Instead, Bush lolly-gagged around in Iraq, after pandering to the UN for over a year, and now has half the country against him. He would have been much better off, if he were like Truman or Reagan, and just did what needed to be done, with the full force of the US Military, no questions asked, and no permissions requested.
Dixie, Dixie.... You should not lie like that about what you said in the past about WMD's. I may be getting old, but my memory is not that bad.
He would have been much better off, if he were like Truman or Reagan,

you mean pull the people out of NYC after the 911 attack ? Like Regan did with the marines in Beruit ?
Dixie, Dixie.... You should not lie like that about what you said in the past about WMD's. I may be getting old, but my memory is not that bad.

Dude, you can say what you want to, I have never said that WMD stockpiles were important to find, or that I expected us to find them. Your side has been the constant droners about that one, not me, I've been refuting that line of thinking all along. Of course, that koolaid moustache you have, might have something to do with why you are so dillusional.
Pick and choose Dixie. funny I thought we were talking about the war on Terror. But then you are right Iran/contra is very relevant to todays problems in the ME.
Dixie sez:

I actually thought it was about stopping the threat of Islamofascism from taking hold in secular Iraq

one would think that we stood a much better chance of stopping the threat of islamofascism (whatever the fuck that is) from taking hold in secular Iraq if we had a strong secular baathist regime in place that would keep the lid on any islamofascist activity there..... a much better chance THAT way than doing what we did: removing such a strong secular baathist regime and allowing the islamists in Iraq to draft a constitution that codified Islamic sharia as the law of the land....
Why do people want to reopen wounds and refresh pain suffering and yes hatred ? I can see why Bush would like it as a tool for the upcoming election.
I guess though my question is why only honor the 911 tragedy on it's annual holiday. I just think about it at times all year long, is this a pack mentality or being led thing? I just don't fully understand this annual remembrance tradition I guess.

Unless we get to the truth (yes, that offends some people), we can not find a solution to the problem. Sorry to the Cool-Aid Clintonistas, but there was plenty of opportunity to head off 9/11. Bush hasn't done a real great job in the aftermath either.
If we are to move forward, yes we need to get over many aspects of these tragedies. Just remember them so as not to repeat them. Learn and heal, not grieve and moan.
Just last month, the Japanese remembered the anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They should just get over it.

There has definitely been element of overkill with the exploitation of 9/11:

- New "security" fees
- more buracracy (sp?)
- air plane travel can be nightmare
- security alert levels
- work place security measures in place.....etc.

everyday there is some reminder of 9/11;we are literally submersed in reminders. Our normal routine of every day planning a lot times is centered around the possibility and fear of that happening once again. Our politicians and leaders exploit 9/11 for every dime and nickel they can get out of it, I and others would prefer not to subscribe to hollywood doing the same thing if we can help it. Tribute? Please, everytime I check into security, pass armed guards outside my job, read about an alert and pay extra 9/11, I'm paying "tribute" to 9/11. Watching all of these sappy fictional films won't change any of that.

..That is if you are insinuating that those of us who believe there has been an exploitative overkill of 9/11 aren't paying tribute or want to avoid it.
If we are to move forward, yes we need to get over many aspects of these tragedies. Just remember them so as not to repeat them. Learn and heal, not grieve and moan.

It's okay, we all understand why you want to tune the 9/11 memorials out, it's part and parcel of your denial. By ignoring the memorials, you don't have to acknowledge the event ever took place, which is how your mind has become conditioned to think already. You don't want to face it, because that means you have to acknowledge it, and to acknowledge it, would mean you are obliged to react to it, which you've vowed not to do. Now, go stick your head back in the sand, and we will let you know when the memorials are over.
It's okay, we all understand why you want to tune the 9/11 memorials out, it's part and parcel of your denial. By ignoring the memorials, you don't have to acknowledge the event ever took place, which is how your mind has become conditioned to think already. You don't want to face it, because that means you have to acknowledge it, and to acknowledge it, would mean you are obliged to react to it, which you've vowed not to do. Now, go stick your head back in the sand, and we will let you know when the memorials are over.

This is a piss poor argument. Politics, security, immigration, travel, background checks, etc are all centered around counter terrorist activity. There is no tuning out 9/11 even if you wanted to. Every minute of every day we are all reminded in some small way of the massive security failure that happened under Bush's watch. It is not possible unless you don't go outside or have any contact with the outside world to be unaffected by 9/11 it on a regular basis.
This is a piss poor argument. Politics, security, immigration, travel, background checks, etc are all centered around counter terrorist activity. There is no tuning out 9/11 even if you wanted to. Every minute of every day we are all reminded in some small way of the massive security failure that happened under Bush's watch. It is not possible unless you don't go outside or have any contact with the outside world to be unaffected by 9/11 it on a regular basis.

I think it's a piss poor argument to blame the only U.S. President to ever order a deployment of troops to fight the Islamofascist terrorists after an attack on us. I wonder what the Clintons are doing today to ignore 9/11?