Is Mina a middle aged dye-in-the-wool liberal or a idealist young woman?


Well-known member
From her posts:
It's been fascinating to watch the undereducated right-wingers try to turn this into a scandal. The story is simply that a consulting outfit did some opposition research, trying to dig up dirt on...
When Russia is ready to surrender, one of the issues will be how to denazify the country. In light of the fact the top leader of the nation is, himself, a fascist, it won't just be a matter of
I'm not sure how apocryphal that is, but it's something I learned in school when we were dealing with Teddy Roosevelt's aggressive use of presidential power. And I think it does point to just how much the president really can act as the captain of the ship. And as I argued above, you can really see the results of that if you compare the Reagan and Clinton eras. If Congress mattered as much as the president, you'd expect those eras to be pretty similar in terms of policy, since one had mostly a Democratic Congress and Republican President, and the other vice versa. But they weren't actually similar at all. In the Reagan years we got huge military spending growth, in the Clinton era military budgets shrunk as a share of overall spending. Under Reagan we got radical upper-class tax cuts. Under Clinton, taxes on the rich rose. And so on. The bully pulpit really does allow a president to bully Congress to a pretty great extent.

It seems reading through her posts she is a product of an extreme liberal education. As such she shuts down all reasoning powers when faced with an opposing view. Her political outlook is based on two things Liberalism good Conservatism bad.

With that viewpoint she doesn't need to know how systems work as long as they fit her idea of political correctness.

The truly scary thing is we have radicals like her on the right also and both of these idiots vote.
I vote for indoctrinated young 'un.

Thank God I got a classic liberal education while the getting was good.

My days were near the end of it all! I'm sure they changed it within 3 years after I was done with school.

Changed to Critical Theory instead of Socratic Method. It was Socratic Method for 200+ years.
I vote for indoctrinated young 'un.

Thank God I got a classic liberal education while the getting was good.

My days were near the end of it all! I'm sure they changed it within 3 years after I was done with school.

Changed to Critical Theory instead of Socratic Method. It was Socratic Method for 200+ years.

Oh, so you think your edgumacation worked, huh?


I vote for indoctrinated young 'un.

Thank God I got a classic liberal education while the getting was good.

My days were near the end of it all! I'm sure they changed it within 3 years after I was done with school.

Changed to Critical Theory instead of Socratic Method. It was Socratic Method for 200+ years.

Oh, so you think your edgumacation worked, huh?



I do, Frankus! I really do! :D


Muh brainz is developmented! :awesome:
From her posts:

It seems reading through her posts she is a product of an extreme liberal education. As such she shuts down all reasoning powers when faced with an opposing view. Her political outlook is based on two things Liberalism good Conservatism bad.

With that viewpoint she doesn't need to know how systems work as long as they fit her idea of political correctness.

The truly scary thing is we have radicals like her on the right also and both of these idiots vote.

I think she's amazing myself. She neatly demolishes RW assertions with proven facts and logic. She is a numbers person who has obviously had education in statistics. She doesn't allow opponents to derail her with personal attacks and attempts to trigger emotional reactions. She's about as "radical" as the wheel. She's wonderful.
You know nothing about what happens at universities.

That may be true in this day and age; However, I do see that educating you is what didn't happen. :D

I'm guessing you attended after the year 2000 or so. ;)

In around 2014-15 I started studying what was happening in Universities when I taken aback by all this "safe space" and

"microaggression" and "triggered" stuff and wanted to find out what that phenomenon was all about.

So I did some due diligence research and found out some things.
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