Is Mina a middle aged dye-in-the-wool liberal or a idealist young woman?

I asked her but got no response. She does write like the old Mina.

No doubt that's why SheWhoMustNotBeNamed hasn't uttered a peep about her. We wouldn't want Mina to start talking about how that gang of stalkers treated her for literally *years.* lol
There's a lot to be said about numbers people when looking at the larger picture or longer term goals.

Too many people can't organize a weekly meal plan much less answer the question "Where do We, the People want to be in 10 years?"

Yep. Plus she is very good at research, and when she posts data and/or numbers, she uses credible sources rather than partisan ones. She's also got the ability to look at a data set in different ways, in order to counter any arguments that the data is "biased."
Yep. Plus she is very good at research, and when she posts data and/or numbers, she uses credible sources rather than partisan ones. She's also got the ability to look at a data set in different ways, in order to counter any arguments that the data is "biased."

I think I've only seen one thread of hers but will look for more.

Maybe convince her to visit this link: Free MB personality exam. About 10 minutes.

ThatOwlWoman INFJ-A Advocate Hufflepuff
Christiefan915 INFJ Advocate (former INFP Mediator) Ravenclaw

Dutch INTJ-A Architect (spouse:Protagonist - ENFJ) Gryffindor
Micawber INTJ-A Architect
T. A. Gardner INTJ-A Architect

Phantasmal ENFP-A The Campaigner Hufflepuff
Stone Campaigner.
Diesel ENFP-A Campaigner

50USA ESFJ-A Consul
Matt Dillon ESFJ-A Consul

NiftyNiblick Logician

Cypress INFP-A Mediator Ravenclaw
Life is Golden Mediator (INFP-A)

Evince Protagonist
Guno Protagonist

Anonymoose Virtuoso
Controlled Opposition ISTP The Virtuoso
Jade Dragon ISTP the Virtuoso

The Blacklist: Raymond Reddington [ENTJ]
Ann Judge?
From her posts:

It seems reading through her posts she is a product of an extreme liberal education. As such she shuts down all reasoning powers when faced with an opposing view. Her political outlook is based on two things Liberalism good Conservatism bad.

With that viewpoint she doesn't need to know how systems work as long as they fit her idea of political correctness.

The truly scary thing is we have radicals like her on the right also and both of these idiots vote.

Anyone who isn't foul mouthed, isn't belligerent, isn't petty, and writes about political or current topics using intelligible, college-level English is okay by me irrespective of political affiliation.
Anyone who isn't foul mouthed, isn't belligerent, isn't petty, and writes about political or current topics using intelligible, college-level English is okay by me irrespective of political affiliation.

Understanding that college is the new high school as standards have collapsed.
Anyone who isn't foul mouthed, isn't belligerent, isn't petty, and writes about political or current topics using intelligible, college-level English is okay by me irrespective of political affiliation.

That's one thing I like about Flash. He's exactly like that, and civil too.
Forum is pretty dead. Mostly inane chit chat about nothing.

Nuthin's keepin' ya here, ma'am.