Is Mina a middle aged dye-in-the-wool liberal or a idealist young woman?

I am not a girl you stupid asshole.



I can feel you cramping through the internets! :laugh:
Because that stupid poem you posted was stupid. You have no idea what is happening at universities.

I saw a little birdie in a tree

He did not try to fly from me

so I lured him with a piece of bread

then I crushed his little head :|

Hey, I have one about a guy from Nantucket and another one about a girl from Wheeling if you're interested! :laugh:
From her posts:

It seems reading through her posts she is a product of an extreme liberal education. As such she shuts down all reasoning powers when faced with an opposing view. Her political outlook is based on two things Liberalism good Conservatism bad.

With that viewpoint she doesn't need to know how systems work as long as they fit her idea of political correctness.

The truly scary thing is we have radicals like her on the right also and both of these idiots vote.

Isn't she from Amazon? I thought TOW knew her previous to JPP.
I think she's amazing myself. She neatly demolishes RW assertions with proven facts and logic. She is a numbers person who has obviously had education in statistics. She doesn't allow opponents to derail her with personal attacks and attempts to trigger emotional reactions. She's about as "radical" as the wheel. She's wonderful.

Now why did I think you would love her? :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
I vote for indoctrinated young 'un.

Thank God I got a classic liberal education while the getting was good.

My days were near the end of it all! I'm sure they changed it within 3 years after I was done with school.

Changed to Critical Theory instead of Socratic Method. It was Socratic Method for 200+ years.

So when did you decide to abandon the Socratic Method?
Do you think abandoning it was a good idea?
Certainly not educating you if you attended, because that was a short paragraph, not a poem.

It clearly wasn't a short paragraph. It could have been four paragraphs each consisting of one or two sentences or it could have been a golden shovel poem or simply free verse.

Do you think paragraphs are typographically given spaces between lines of text? Was the Socratic method used to come to that conclusion?
I think she's amazing myself. She neatly demolishes RW assertions with proven facts and logic. She is a numbers person who has obviously had education in statistics. She doesn't allow opponents to derail her with personal attacks and attempts to trigger emotional reactions. She's about as "radical" as the wheel. She's wonderful.

Ditto. She's an asset here.
I think she's amazing myself. She neatly demolishes RW assertions with proven facts and logic. She is a numbers person who has obviously had education in statistics. She doesn't allow opponents to derail her with personal attacks and attempts to trigger emotional reactions. She's about as "radical" as the wheel. She's wonderful.
I agree
I think she's amazing myself. She neatly demolishes RW assertions with proven facts and logic. She is a numbers person who has obviously had education in statistics. She doesn't allow opponents to derail her with personal attacks and attempts to trigger emotional reactions. She's about as "radical" as the wheel. She's wonderful.

There's a lot to be said about numbers people when looking at the larger picture or longer term goals.

Too many people can't organize a weekly meal plan much less answer the question "Where do We, the People want to be in 10 years?"