All Bush would have had to say was, "in my mind I have no doubt..." He chose not to say that. He chose to lie instead..
Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice...
and the people hated the fucking idea too
Are you ever going to explain when Bush said "There is no doubt"....exactly WHOSE mind is he referring to, if not his obviously think it was someone else's mind....
And if your wife says she doubts your love for her and you claim ,"THERE IS NO DOUBT, I love you"....are you lying....?
You obviously know there is doubt if she just told you to you fuckin' face.
If Bush believed what he claimed, there can be no lie.....
Clinton's guilt is a given, he confessed to the fact that he lied under oath....thats all that is relevant here, the fact that Congress did not want to impeach him is another
Maybe you need to ask Scooter Libby about lying under oath, ie, perjury, fool...
Libby was indicted by a federal grand jury on five counts of making false statements to federal investigators, perjury for lying to a federal grand jury, and obstruction of justice
We all realize that only Republicans are the only ones held liable while the Democrats get a pass.
Because Hillary looks like a guy.Why do you assume it will be a "guy"?
They are still paying for that Gestapo move!and the people hated the fucking idea too
he wasn't charged for perjury
He was, Desh.
You lied.
Admit you lied.
um no court ever charged him with perjury and even the congress couldn't prove their idiot claim
the reading comprehension levels of some folks on here continues to boggle the mind.
the lie has to be elemental to the case to be considered perjury.,
why do you think he wasn't charged for perjury idiot?
some folks didn't learn in civics class that an impeachment by the house of representatives is nothing more than an indictment, which the house prosecutors must then prove to the senate in order for the public official in question to be convicted. In Clinton's case, the house prosecutors were unable to make that case.
1. he admitted to lying under oath... in this case, however, it was not "perjury" as it was not material to the case. an admission of consensual sex is irrelevant to a case of sexual harassment
2. Congress DID impeach him. (Did YOU flunk civics as well??) The senate did not find him guilty of the charges listed in the impeachment (indictment)