Is the bird flu fake?

In contrast to flat earthers, there are plenty of well researched articles explaining the lack of evidence that biological viruses [are] real.
Germ theory is not only viruses. It could be bacteria, or any other contagion.


To disprove germ theory, you have to disprove contagion. And that is not just contagion in Covid, but contagion in all diseases.

I agree with you in part. The issue is that there has never been any proof that contagion really happens to begin with. There is only a shaky house of cards. Dr. Tom Cowan points this out in his book The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads, which I pointed out to you in post #257.
Fine, but you may have noticed that the subject of the post you were responding to was about the web site you used to cast aspersions on the Children's Health Defense news site, not your fascination with conspiracy theorists.
It's a wackadoodle website pushing wackadoodle theories. You're free to believe them just as you are free to believe the people who were abducted by aliens.
Fine, but you may have noticed that the subject of the post you were responding to was about the web site you used to cast aspersions on the Children's Health Defense news site, not your fascination with conspiracy theorists.
It's a wackadoodle website pushing wackadoodle theories.

That's certainly what mediabiasfactcheck would have you believe, which is why I directed your attention to a thread I made on said website. For the audience, this thread is here:

The fact of the matter is that this website was founded way back in 2007, with its name being the World Mercury Project at the time. Most people are aware of the toxicity of mercury to the human body, but they tend to forget that to this day, some vaccines still contain mercury. In 2015, Robert Kennedy Jr. began to chair the Children's Health Defense organization, stepping down in 2023. He's now the U.S. health secretary, and even some of the mainstream media is realizing that's a good thing:
How RFK Jr. Could Fix America’s Broken Health Care / US News
I am interested in the position of the Cult.

Is the Bird Flu fake? Neville, the Felon accuses Biden of killing all the hens for no good reason. Thoughts?
No, it is not fake. Thousands, possibly millions, of wild birds are dying from it too.

Are they really though? Mike Stone, who stopped believing in biological viruses a while back, wrote a good article on the killing of birds ostensibly to prevent the spread of avian flu 2 years ago. His article can be seen here:

Quoting the introduction to his article:
Over the last three decades, a war against our birds has been waged, taking a heavy toll of our avian population. This has all been done under the guise of the threat of the avian flu, a form of influenza A that is supposedly highly contagious and deadly to birds. It is said to primarily affect chickens, turkeys and ducks and it comes in two distinct categories: low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Those inflicted with the lowly pathogenic garden variety are said to show zero to mild symptoms while those unfortunate enough to be labelled with an “infection” of the highly pathogenic strain may have a lack of energy with a cough and nasal discharge.

“There are two types of avian influenza (AI) that are identified as H5N1. A difference exists in the virus classification; one is low pathogenic (LPAI) and the other is highly pathogenic (HPAI). Pathogenicity refers to the ability of the virus to produce disease. HPAI H5N1, often referred to as the “Asian” H5N1, is the type causing worldwide concern. LPAI H5N1, often referred to as the “North American” H5N1, is of less concern.”

“LPAI, or “low path” AI, commonly occurs in wild birds. In most cases, it causes minor sickness or no noticeable signs of disease.”

These “viruses” are monitored through routine molecular testing of samples from bird carcasses as well as samples taken from healthy birds in order to determine whether or not an LPAI or HPAI “virus” is spreading amongst the population.

“Between 2016 and 2021, the NWHC tested over 3,400 wild-bird carcasses and over 12,400 swab samples from healthy wild birds for the presence of avian influenza viruses. While HPAI was not detected in any of these samples, over 2,600 low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses were identified and characterized, providing critical information to wildlife and agricultural officials regarding the spatial distribution and strains of avian influenza viruses circulating in our nation’s wildlife.”

However, these “viruses” are regularly detected during this routine testing in birds that are not sick, as admitted by the US Department of Agriculture:

“The United States has the strongest avian influenza surveillance program in the world. Through our ongoing wild bird surveillance program, APHIS collects and tests large numbers of samples from wild birds in the North American flyways. It is not uncommon to detect avian influenza in wild birds, as avian influenza viruses circulate freely in those populations without the birds appearing sick. In addition to monitoring for avian influenza in wild bird populations, APHIS monitors for the virus in commercial and backyard birds.”

The above paragraph should be a major red flag to anyone who is intellectually honest. If molecular testing is regularly detecting “viruses” in birds that are not sick, this is a clear sign that what is being detected is, in fact, not a pathogenic “virus” at all and, if anything, is most likely normal genetic material. We can see how this is the most likely scenario by looking to the origins of these avian influenza “viruses.” Last year, I detailed the creation of the “avian flu” vaccine by Maurice Hilleman in 1957. This discovery process showed that no avian flu “virus” was ever purified and isolated nor proven pathogenic via adherence to the scientific method. The “viruses” were the result of a mixture of chicken, fowl, and human genetic material. That investigation alone should call into question the existence of an avian influenza “virus.”

However, it is stated that the first known highly pathogenic H5 '“virus” (H5N3); A/tern/South Africa/61 was “isolated” from tern in 1961. While I am not going to break down the entire study, you can see from the first two pages that the “virus” is once again an amalgamation of genetic materials. The fluids from terns were propagated in hen eggs and then added to monkey kidney cells, KB malignant human epithelial cells, and chick embryo cells which were all mixed together with the usual contaminants such as fetal bovine serum, phenol red, antibiotics, as well as, in this case, fowl serum. In other words, it's a genetic soup:

Regarding this current scare with H5N1, this strain was said to be discovered in a goose in China in 1996. Sadly, I was unable to get the original study in an English translation. However, from the genomic characterization study performed in 1998, we can get an idea as to what was done:

Genetic Characterization of the Pathogenic Influenza A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (H5N1) Virus: Similarity of Its Hemagglutinin Gene to Those of H5N1 Viruses from the 1997 Outbreaks in Hong Kong

“During the summer and early fall of 1996, an outbreak of disease with 40% morbidity occurred on a goose farm in Guangdong Province, China. At least two influenza A (H5N1) viruses from sick birds were isolated in the allantoic cavities of 9- to 11-day-old embryonated eggs. Viral hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) subtypes were determined at the Chinese National Influenza Center in Beijing, China, with a panel of antisera to different subtypes of influenza A viruses (antisera were kindly provided by Dr. Robert Webster, at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN). The pathogenicity of one of these isolates, A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96, was evaluated in experimentally inoculated geese and the virus caused illness and death (Y. Guo, personal communication). This virus has also been reported to cause illness and death in chickens experimentally inoculated by the intravenous route (12).”

The “virus” was “isolated” in the allantoic cavities of 9 to 11-day-old embryonated eggs. In other words, they took some fluids from a goose, injected it into the embryonated eggs, and waited to see what would happen.

[snipped pic]
If they noticed indirect evidence such as the formation of pocks, oedema of the developing membrane, or some form of serological result, a “virus” was assumed to be present within the culture. While the above study did not state what materials were used during the sequencing, judging by the methods from previous studies, these fluids were most likely combined with a monkey kidney cell culture along with the usual list of additives, and the genome was created from this unpurified genetic soup. Pathogenicity was “proven” via the trusty route of “personal communication” as well as injecting unpurified cell cultured goo into the veins of chickens. As the genome itself is a Frankensteined creation from genetic material derived from many sources, including birds, it should come as no surprise that this genetic material is regularly found in healthy birds.

Using fraudulent molecular testing to “find” a “virus” within a population of birds is very reminiscent of what we have witnessed with humans during the “Covid-19” era. However, this molecular trick has had even more dire consequences for the birds that are labelled with the “virus'“ as it has led to a brutal practice known as culling. This nightmarish policy has had damaging effects on our birds, our farmers and our economy. There are many ways in which this avian pandemic can be turned against us even more than what we are witnessing currently and it is an ominous sign of things to come. Let's explore the impacts of what this war on birds has had and what it could potentially mean for humanity going forward if we do not broker a treaty and end this “viral” insanity immediately.


I agree with you in part. The issue is that there has never been any proof that contagion really happens to begin with. There is only a shaky house of cards. Dr. Tom Cowan points this out in his book The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads, which I pointed out to you in post #257.

What rubbish. Of course there is proof. Semmelweis proved it on his maternity ward in the 1800s. Most women gave birth at home in part because the incidence of maternal infection and death after childbirth in hospitals was so high. He noticed that midwives who washed their hands had fewer cases of childbed fever. So -- despite great mockery -- he insisted that all his midwives and nurses wash with a chlorine solution between patients. His ward was sought after by birthing mothers because so few of them died of sepsis. He earned the nickname "Savior of Mothers" for his work.

Then there are Lister and Pasteur and Fleming. And Sabin and Salk. Read some actual factual history of modern medicine and our war against pathogens sometime. It's fascinating.
Are they really though? Mike Stone, who stopped believing in biological viruses a while back, wrote a good article on the killing of birds ostensibly to prevent the spread of avian flu 2 years ago. His article can be seen here:

Quoting the introduction to his article:
Over the last three decades, a war against our birds has been waged, taking a heavy toll of our avian population. This has all been done under the guise of the threat of the avian flu, a form of influenza A that is supposedly highly contagious and deadly to birds. It is said to primarily affect chickens, turkeys and ducks and it comes in two distinct categories: low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Those inflicted with the lowly pathogenic garden variety are said to show zero to mild symptoms while those unfortunate enough to be labelled with an “infection” of the highly pathogenic strain may have a lack of energy with a cough and nasal discharge.

These “viruses” are monitored through routine molecular testing of samples from bird carcasses as well as samples taken from healthy birds in order to determine whether or not an LPAI or HPAI “virus” is spreading amongst the population.

However, these “viruses” are regularly detected during this routine testing in birds that are not sick, as admitted by the US Department of Agriculture:

The above paragraph should be a major red flag to anyone who is intellectually honest. If molecular testing is regularly detecting “viruses” in birds that are not sick, this is a clear sign that what is being detected is, in fact, not a pathogenic “virus” at all and, if anything, is most likely normal genetic material. We can see how this is the most likely scenario by looking to the origins of these avian influenza “viruses.” Last year, I detailed the creation of the “avian flu” vaccine by Maurice Hilleman in 1957. This discovery process showed that no avian flu “virus” was ever purified and isolated nor proven pathogenic via adherence to the scientific method. The “viruses” were the result of a mixture of chicken, fowl, and human genetic material. That investigation alone should call into question the existence of an avian influenza “virus.”

However, it is stated that the first known highly pathogenic H5 '“virus” (H5N3); A/tern/South Africa/61 was “isolated” from tern in 1961. While I am not going to break down the entire study, you can see from the first two pages that the “virus” is once again an amalgamation of genetic materials. The fluids from terns were propagated in hen eggs and then added to monkey kidney cells, KB malignant human epithelial cells, and chick embryo cells which were all mixed together with the usual contaminants such as fetal bovine serum, phenol red, antibiotics, as well as, in this case, fowl serum. In other words, it's a genetic soup:

Regarding this current scare with H5N1, this strain was said to be discovered in a goose in China in 1996. Sadly, I was unable to get the original study in an English translation. However, from the genomic characterization study performed in 1998, we can get an idea as to what was done:

Genetic Characterization of the Pathogenic Influenza A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (H5N1) Virus: Similarity of Its Hemagglutinin Gene to Those of H5N1 Viruses from the 1997 Outbreaks in Hong Kong


The “virus” was “isolated” in the allantoic cavities of 9 to 11-day-old embryonated eggs. In other words, they took some fluids from a goose, injected it into the embryonated eggs, and waited to see what would happen.

[snipped pic]
If they noticed indirect evidence such as the formation of pocks, oedema of the developing membrane, or some form of serological result, a “virus” was assumed to be present within the culture. While the above study did not state what materials were used during the sequencing, judging by the methods from previous studies, these fluids were most likely combined with a monkey kidney cell culture along with the usual list of additives, and the genome was created from this unpurified genetic soup. Pathogenicity was “proven” via the trusty route of “personal communication” as well as injecting unpurified cell cultured goo into the veins of chickens. As the genome itself is a Frankensteined creation from genetic material derived from many sources, including birds, it should come as no surprise that this genetic material is regularly found in healthy birds.

Using fraudulent molecular testing to “find” a “virus” within a population of birds is very reminiscent of what we have witnessed with humans during the “Covid-19” era. However, this molecular trick has had even more dire consequences for the birds that are labelled with the “virus'“ as it has led to a brutal practice known as culling. This nightmarish policy has had damaging effects on our birds, our farmers and our economy. There are many ways in which this avian pandemic can be turned against us even more than what we are witnessing currently and it is an ominous sign of things to come. Let's explore the impacts of what this war on birds has had and what it could potentially mean for humanity going forward if we do not broker a treaty and end this “viral” insanity immediately.

DU was right. You are a whackadoodgle quoting other whackadoodles. Send this unread wall of text to your #MalignantMessiah. He's wanting to spend billions on mitigating the "fake virus." :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
That's certainly what the mainstream media would have you believe. The truth is somethihg else. A good article from Mike Stone on measles from a little over a year ago:

Here's the introduction to the article:
If you have been paying attention to recent headlines here in the US, you will notice that it is time once again for the measles magic show. In other words, it is time for virologists to pull the measles “virus” out of their hats so that it can rear its head in order to frighten the ignorant into allowing toxic injections into themselves and their children. While measles cases are said to occur in the US every year, the alarm bells rung by the CDC and within the mainstream media happens every so often when there needs to be a clamp down on anti-vaccine messaging as well as a push to increase vaccination rates. Remember the scary headlines alerting the people to a measles outbreak in Disneyland in 2014? It was the perfect set-up to strike down nonmedical vaccine exemptions that were increasing in California and elsewhere. The media focused on a “spread” through the unvaccinated population and highlighted vaccine hesitancy as a primary driver of the outbreak. This led to a “positive” outlook and support for vaccination.

Revisiting the 2014-15 Disneyland measles outbreak and its influence on pediatric vaccinations​

However, the Disneyland Measles Massacre wasn't even the “main” measles “outbreak” in 2014. That distinction belongs to the Amish in Ohio where an “outbreak” was blamed on an Amish missionary who traveled to the Philippines. In the end, there were 382 Amish said to be “infected” with the measles “virus.” Not a single person died. Regardless, the missionary, who was originally diagnosed with dengue, was given the blame for being unvaccinated and bringing the measles “virus” back to spread amongst the unvaccinated. While this “outbreak” helped to clamp down on anti-vaccination sentiment riled up by Jenny McCarthy that year, it was the perfect vehicle to convince the masses that it is unvaccinated travelers bringing back diseases in from other countries. This is a theme that the CDC has utilized time and time again [snip]

I think what Mr. Stone says in his conclusion is quite interesting as well:
The CDC admits that it is difficult to diagnose any vaccinated person with measles due to the unreliability of the tests. Perhaps this is why most vaccinated individuals are presumed “immune” to measles and testing is saved for the unvaccinated? Regardless, the CDC acknowledges that even if a measles case is seen at a physician’s office, it is most likely not a “true” measles case even if it meets the clinical definition. The only reason to suspect measles is if the person is unvaccinated and came into contact with traveler's from abroad. Granted, the CDC does say that cases of “high suspicion” should be investigated. However, this is only if other causes have been ruled out first, such as parvovirus, dengue, Kawasaki disease, scarlet fever, and rubella.

The list of potential diagnoses for the same symptoms of disease is much longer than what the CDC provided. Going back to the MN Department of Health, a more comprehensive list of diseases, both “infectious” and “non-infectious,” presenting with measles-like symptoms is outlined. As these diseases all have similar features to measles, they all must be ruled out before a measles diagnosis can be made and “confirmed:”

“Providers should also consider other infectious and non-infectious etiologies that may cause fever and generalized rash, including:

  • Rubella, Scarlet fever, Roseola infantum, Kawasaki disease, Erythema infectiosum (Fifth Disease), Coxsackievirus, Echovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, Pharyngoconjunctival fever, Influenza
  • Dengue, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Zika virus
  • Dermatologic manifestations of Viral hemorrhagic fevers
  • Toxic Shock Syndrome, cutaneous syphilis
  • Drug reactions (e.g., antibiotics, contact dermatitis)
As can be seen from the above information, we are left with quite a few preconditions that must be satisfied in order for a new measles outbreak to be declared.

  1. The CDC must issue an alert for healthcare workers to start looking for measles cases.
  2. Testing should be limited to those who meet the case definition and are unvaccinated, have a recent history of travel abroad, and are without an alternate explanation for symptoms.
  3. Those with a history of previous measles “infection” or vaccination should be presumed to be “immune.”
  4. Many clinicians do not know what a measles case looks like, so clinical diagnosis is unreliable, and it must be “confirmed” via unreliable tests.
  5. The long list of similar diseases presenting with the same symptoms must be ruled out via differential diagnosis first before “confirming” a measles case.
  6. A suspected measles case in someone vaccinated must meet the clinical case definition and be linked to a laboratory case in order to be a “confirmed” case.
With these preconditions firmly established, it is easy to see how the CDC can manufacture and steer a measles outbreak so that it appears as if it was instigated from outside of the US and spread through the unvaccinated. All they need is to alert clinicians in order to have them identify anyone unvaccinated who presents with nonspecific symptoms, such as a fever and a rash, that may have recently been a traveler or been in contact with one. They can then use unreliable laboratory tests to “confirm” that the case is measles rather than any of the other identical conditions it would have been pegged as prior to the alert. If someone who is vaccinated slips through as a suspected case, they make it difficult to confirm them as a measles case by blaming the unreliable tests and the vaccinated status and/or the presumed “immunity.” Thus, a measles outbreak can be steered away from the vaccinated and pinned on any unvaccinated individual when they would have normally been diagnosed with any of the other conditions presenting with a fever, a maculopapular rash, and nonspecific symptoms of disease. Voila! The CDC gets to declare a measles “outbreak” in the unvaccinated instigated from contact coming outside from an “endemic” country. Now that the curtain has pulled back, and the trick has been exposed, it is time to cancel this magic show once and for all.
Conspiracy theories aside.... the measles vaccine is THE reason for measles cases dropping from millions to virtually nothing today.
On the topic of vaccines...

Bah.... the elderly don't really need flu shots, do they?

I heard that RFK plans to throw a dart at a dart board to pick the strain.

FDA cancels meeting to choose flu vaccine strain

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) abruptly canceled a vaccine advisory meeting where members were slated to discuss influenza vaccine strains.

The meeting was scheduled for March 13. Committee members received an email informing them of the cancellation Wednesday afternoon with no rescheduling information and no reason given for the cancellation, committee member Paul Offit confirmed.

The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meets every March to determine which flu strains should be targeted, in order to give companies time to update their vaccines ahead of the upcoming flu season.

“A planned March 13 meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee on the influenza vaccine strains for the 2025-2026 influenza season in the northern hemisphere has been cancelled,” Health and Human Services (HHS) spokesperson Andrew Nixon told The Hill. “The FDA will make public its recommendations to manufacturers in time for updated vaccines to be available for the 2025-2026 influenza season.”

If the HHS was to not make any flu strain recommendations, companies would likely have to rely on those made by a panel led by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is meeting this week. Despite President Trump intending to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is still reportedly participating in the meeting.

I agree with you in part. The issue is that there has never been any proof that contagion really happens to begin with. There is only a shaky house of cards. Dr. Tom Cowan points this out in his book The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads, which I pointed out to you in post #257.
What rubbish. Of course there is proof. Semmelweis proved it on his maternity ward in the 1800s. Most women gave birth at home in part because the incidence of maternal infection and death after childbirth in hospitals was so high. He noticed that midwives who washed their hands had fewer cases of childbed fever. So -- despite great mockery -- he insisted that all his midwives and nurses wash with a chlorine solution between patients. His ward was sought after by birthing mothers because so few of them died of sepsis. He earned the nickname "Savior of Mothers" for his work.

As I've said elsewhere, I have no objection to ensuring cleanliness in maternity wards and the operating room, far from it. The issue here is whether biological viruses exist and whether bacteria are truly as dangerous as the mainstream media would have us believe.

Then there are Lister and Pasteur and Fleming.

Pasteur is definitely a big reason that germ theory took hold, along with Robert Koch. Researcher Mike Stone wrote 2 articles on germ theory which delve into the evidence that germ theory is right. I've linked to them in the past, but since I doubt you'll even bother to open the first link, let alone the second, I'll just include the first for now:

Quoting from the introduction to this article:
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the germ “theory” of disease, which states that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms too small to be seen, has “long been considered proved.” Harvard University says that the “theory” was “developed, proved, and popularized in Europe and North America between about 1850 and 1920.” Wikipedia claims that the germ “theory” of disease is “the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases.” Papers published in scientific journals claim that Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch “firmly established the germ theory of disease” and that they “first proved the germ theory of disease in the second half of the nineteenth century.” Thus, if we were to listen to what the mainstream sources declare, it would appear that the germ “theory” of disease has been scientifically proven based upon the evidence established by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. We are to believe that the work of these two men allowed for the initial germ hypothesis to be “proven” in order to be elevated to the status of a scientific theory. However, is that truly the case? Did Pasteur and Koch provide the necessary scientific evidence required in order to confirm the germ hypothesis? What does it take to accept or reject a hypothesis? How does a hypothesis go on to become a scientific theory? In the first of a two-part examination of the germ hypothesis looking at the work of both men, we will begin by inspecting two of Pasteur's early attempts to prove his hypothesis in the cases of chicken cholera and rabies. We will investigate how he arrived at his germ hypothesis, and then look to see if his experimental evidence reflected anything that could be witnessed in nature. In doing so, we will find out whether or not Louis Pasteur was ever able to validate and confirm his germ hypothesis.
Are they really though? Mike Stone, who stopped believing in biological viruses a while back, wrote a good article on the killing of birds ostensibly to prevent the spread of avian flu 2 years ago. His article can be seen here:

Quoting the introduction to his article:
Over the last three decades, a war against our birds has been waged, taking a heavy toll of our avian population. This has all been done under the guise of the threat of the avian flu, a form of influenza A that is supposedly highly contagious and deadly to birds. It is said to primarily affect chickens, turkeys and ducks and it comes in two distinct categories: low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Those inflicted with the lowly pathogenic garden variety are said to show zero to mild symptoms while those unfortunate enough to be labelled with an “infection” of the highly pathogenic strain may have a lack of energy with a cough and nasal discharge.

These “viruses” are monitored through routine molecular testing of samples from bird carcasses as well as samples taken from healthy birds in order to determine whether or not an LPAI or HPAI “virus” is spreading amongst the population.

However, these “viruses” are regularly detected during this routine testing in birds that are not sick, as admitted by the US Department of Agriculture:

The above paragraph should be a major red flag to anyone who is intellectually honest. If molecular testing is regularly detecting “viruses” in birds that are not sick, this is a clear sign that what is being detected is, in fact, not a pathogenic “virus” at all and, if anything, is most likely normal genetic material. We can see how this is the most likely scenario by looking to the origins of these avian influenza “viruses.” Last year, I detailed the creation of the “avian flu” vaccine by Maurice Hilleman in 1957. This discovery process showed that no avian flu “virus” was ever purified and isolated nor proven pathogenic via adherence to the scientific method. The “viruses” were the result of a mixture of chicken, fowl, and human genetic material. That investigation alone should call into question the existence of an avian influenza “virus.”

However, it is stated that the first known highly pathogenic H5 '“virus” (H5N3); A/tern/South Africa/61 was “isolated” from tern in 1961. While I am not going to break down the entire study, you can see from the first two pages that the “virus” is once again an amalgamation of genetic materials. The fluids from terns were propagated in hen eggs and then added to monkey kidney cells, KB malignant human epithelial cells, and chick embryo cells which were all mixed together with the usual contaminants such as fetal bovine serum, phenol red, antibiotics, as well as, in this case, fowl serum. In other words, it's a genetic soup:

Regarding this current scare with H5N1, this strain was said to be discovered in a goose in China in 1996. Sadly, I was unable to get the original study in an English translation. However, from the genomic characterization study performed in 1998, we can get an idea as to what was done:

Genetic Characterization of the Pathogenic Influenza A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (H5N1) Virus: Similarity of Its Hemagglutinin Gene to Those of H5N1 Viruses from the 1997 Outbreaks in Hong Kong


The “virus” was “isolated” in the allantoic cavities of 9 to 11-day-old embryonated eggs. In other words, they took some fluids from a goose, injected it into the embryonated eggs, and waited to see what would happen.

[snipped pic]
If they noticed indirect evidence such as the formation of pocks, oedema of the developing membrane, or some form of serological result, a “virus” was assumed to be present within the culture. While the above study did not state what materials were used during the sequencing, judging by the methods from previous studies, these fluids were most likely combined with a monkey kidney cell culture along with the usual list of additives, and the genome was created from this unpurified genetic soup. Pathogenicity was “proven” via the trusty route of “personal communication” as well as injecting unpurified cell cultured goo into the veins of chickens. As the genome itself is a Frankensteined creation from genetic material derived from many sources, including birds, it should come as no surprise that this genetic material is regularly found in healthy birds.

Using fraudulent molecular testing to “find” a “virus” within a population of birds is very reminiscent of what we have witnessed with humans during the “Covid-19” era. However, this molecular trick has had even more dire consequences for the birds that are labelled with the “virus'“ as it has led to a brutal practice known as culling. This nightmarish policy has had damaging effects on our birds, our farmers and our economy. There are many ways in which this avian pandemic can be turned against us even more than what we are witnessing currently and it is an ominous sign of things to come. Let's explore the impacts of what this war on birds has had and what it could potentially mean for humanity going forward if we do not broker a treaty and end this “viral” insanity immediately.

@Damocles Another one.
On the topic of vaccines...

Bah.... the elderly don't really need flu shots, do they?

I heard that RFK plans to throw a dart at a dart board to pick the strain.

FDA cancels meeting to choose flu vaccine strain

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) abruptly canceled a vaccine advisory meeting where members were slated to discuss influenza vaccine strains.

The meeting was scheduled for March 13. Committee members received an email informing them of the cancellation Wednesday afternoon with no rescheduling information and no reason given for the cancellation, committee member Paul Offit confirmed.

The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meets every March to determine which flu strains should be targeted, in order to give companies time to update their vaccines ahead of the upcoming flu season.

“A planned March 13 meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee on the influenza vaccine strains for the 2025-2026 influenza season in the northern hemisphere has been cancelled,” Health and Human Services (HHS) spokesperson Andrew Nixon told The Hill. “The FDA will make public its recommendations to manufacturers in time for updated vaccines to be available for the 2025-2026 influenza season.”

If the HHS was to not make any flu strain recommendations, companies would likely have to rely on those made by a panel led by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is meeting this week. Despite President Trump intending to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is still reportedly participating in the meeting.

Has anyone noticed RFK Jr. Shaky hands?

I know he has spasmodic dysphonia, but what’s up with the shakes?

I don’t think the man is as healthy as he wants us to believe.
Are they really though? Mike Stone, who stopped believing in biological viruses a while back, wrote a good article on the killing of birds ostensibly to prevent the spread of avian flu 2 years ago. His article can be seen here:

Quoting the introduction to his article:
Over the last three decades, a war against our birds has been waged, taking a heavy toll of our avian population. This has all been done under the guise of the threat of the avian flu, a form of influenza A that is supposedly highly contagious and deadly to birds. It is said to primarily affect chickens, turkeys and ducks and it comes in two distinct categories: low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). Those inflicted with the lowly pathogenic garden variety are said to show zero to mild symptoms while those unfortunate enough to be labelled with an “infection” of the highly pathogenic strain may have a lack of energy with a cough and nasal discharge.

These “viruses” are monitored through routine molecular testing of samples from bird carcasses as well as samples taken from healthy birds in order to determine whether or not an LPAI or HPAI “virus” is spreading amongst the population.

However, these “viruses” are regularly detected during this routine testing in birds that are not sick, as admitted by the US Department of Agriculture:

The above paragraph should be a major red flag to anyone who is intellectually honest. If molecular testing is regularly detecting “viruses” in birds that are not sick, this is a clear sign that what is being detected is, in fact, not a pathogenic “virus” at all and, if anything, is most likely normal genetic material. We can see how this is the most likely scenario by looking to the origins of these avian influenza “viruses.” Last year, I detailed the creation of the “avian flu” vaccine by Maurice Hilleman in 1957. This discovery process showed that no avian flu “virus” was ever purified and isolated nor proven pathogenic via adherence to the scientific method. The “viruses” were the result of a mixture of chicken, fowl, and human genetic material. That investigation alone should call into question the existence of an avian influenza “virus.”

However, it is stated that the first known highly pathogenic H5 '“virus” (H5N3); A/tern/South Africa/61 was “isolated” from tern in 1961. While I am not going to break down the entire study, you can see from the first two pages that the “virus” is once again an amalgamation of genetic materials. The fluids from terns were propagated in hen eggs and then added to monkey kidney cells, KB malignant human epithelial cells, and chick embryo cells which were all mixed together with the usual contaminants such as fetal bovine serum, phenol red, antibiotics, as well as, in this case, fowl serum. In other words, it's a genetic soup:

Regarding this current scare with H5N1, this strain was said to be discovered in a goose in China in 1996. Sadly, I was unable to get the original study in an English translation. However, from the genomic characterization study performed in 1998, we can get an idea as to what was done:

Genetic Characterization of the Pathogenic Influenza A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (H5N1) Virus: Similarity of Its Hemagglutinin Gene to Those of H5N1 Viruses from the 1997 Outbreaks in Hong Kong


The “virus” was “isolated” in the allantoic cavities of 9 to 11-day-old embryonated eggs. In other words, they took some fluids from a goose, injected it into the embryonated eggs, and waited to see what would happen.

[snipped pic]
If they noticed indirect evidence such as the formation of pocks, oedema of the developing membrane, or some form of serological result, a “virus” was assumed to be present within the culture. While the above study did not state what materials were used during the sequencing, judging by the methods from previous studies, these fluids were most likely combined with a monkey kidney cell culture along with the usual list of additives, and the genome was created from this unpurified genetic soup. Pathogenicity was “proven” via the trusty route of “personal communication” as well as injecting unpurified cell cultured goo into the veins of chickens. As the genome itself is a Frankensteined creation from genetic material derived from many sources, including birds, it should come as no surprise that this genetic material is regularly found in healthy birds.

Using fraudulent molecular testing to “find” a “virus” within a population of birds is very reminiscent of what we have witnessed with humans during the “Covid-19” era. However, this molecular trick has had even more dire consequences for the birds that are labelled with the “virus'“ as it has led to a brutal practice known as culling. This nightmarish policy has had damaging effects on our birds, our farmers and our economy. There are many ways in which this avian pandemic can be turned against us even more than what we are witnessing currently and it is an ominous sign of things to come. Let's explore the impacts of what this war on birds has had and what it could potentially mean for humanity going forward if we do not broker a treaty and end this “viral” insanity immediately.

DU was right. You are a whackadoodgle quoting other whackadoodles.

I suspect that attacking the messenger is generally the easiest way to deal with information that goes against a person's beliefs. It's certainly a lot easier than actually addressing the points raised.
That's certainly what the mainstream media would have you believe. The truth is somethihg else. A good article from Mike Stone on measles from a little over a year ago:

Here's the introduction to the article:
If you have been paying attention to recent headlines here in the US, you will notice that it is time once again for the measles magic show. In other words, it is time for virologists to pull the measles “virus” out of their hats so that it can rear its head in order to frighten the ignorant into allowing toxic injections into themselves and their children. While measles cases are said to occur in the US every year, the alarm bells rung by the CDC and within the mainstream media happens every so often when there needs to be a clamp down on anti-vaccine messaging as well as a push to increase vaccination rates. Remember the scary headlines alerting the people to a measles outbreak in Disneyland in 2014? It was the perfect set-up to strike down nonmedical vaccine exemptions that were increasing in California and elsewhere. The media focused on a “spread” through the unvaccinated population and highlighted vaccine hesitancy as a primary driver of the outbreak. This led to a “positive” outlook and support for vaccination.

Revisiting the 2014-15 Disneyland measles outbreak and its influence on pediatric vaccinations​

However, the Disneyland Measles Massacre wasn't even the “main” measles “outbreak” in 2014. That distinction belongs to the Amish in Ohio where an “outbreak” was blamed on an Amish missionary who traveled to the Philippines. In the end, there were 382 Amish said to be “infected” with the measles “virus.” Not a single person died. Regardless, the missionary, who was originally diagnosed with dengue, was given the blame for being unvaccinated and bringing the measles “virus” back to spread amongst the unvaccinated. While this “outbreak” helped to clamp down on anti-vaccination sentiment riled up by Jenny McCarthy that year, it was the perfect vehicle to convince the masses that it is unvaccinated travelers bringing back diseases in from other countries. This is a theme that the CDC has utilized time and time again [snip]

I think what Mr. Stone says in his conclusion is quite interesting as well:
The CDC admits that it is difficult to diagnose any vaccinated person with measles due to the unreliability of the tests. Perhaps this is why most vaccinated individuals are presumed “immune” to measles and testing is saved for the unvaccinated? Regardless, the CDC acknowledges that even if a measles case is seen at a physician’s office, it is most likely not a “true” measles case even if it meets the clinical definition. The only reason to suspect measles is if the person is unvaccinated and came into contact with traveler's from abroad. Granted, the CDC does say that cases of “high suspicion” should be investigated. However, this is only if other causes have been ruled out first, such as parvovirus, dengue, Kawasaki disease, scarlet fever, and rubella.

The list of potential diagnoses for the same symptoms of disease is much longer than what the CDC provided. Going back to the MN Department of Health, a more comprehensive list of diseases, both “infectious” and “non-infectious,” presenting with measles-like symptoms is outlined. As these diseases all have similar features to measles, they all must be ruled out before a measles diagnosis can be made and “confirmed:”

“Providers should also consider other infectious and non-infectious etiologies that may cause fever and generalized rash, including:

  • Rubella, Scarlet fever, Roseola infantum, Kawasaki disease, Erythema infectiosum (Fifth Disease), Coxsackievirus, Echovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, Pharyngoconjunctival fever, Influenza
  • Dengue, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Zika virus
  • Dermatologic manifestations of Viral hemorrhagic fevers
  • Toxic Shock Syndrome, cutaneous syphilis
  • Drug reactions (e.g., antibiotics, contact dermatitis)
As can be seen from the above information, we are left with quite a few preconditions that must be satisfied in order for a new measles outbreak to be declared.

  1. The CDC must issue an alert for healthcare workers to start looking for measles cases.
  2. Testing should be limited to those who meet the case definition and are unvaccinated, have a recent history of travel abroad, and are without an alternate explanation for symptoms.
  3. Those with a history of previous measles “infection” or vaccination should be presumed to be “immune.”
  4. Many clinicians do not know what a measles case looks like, so clinical diagnosis is unreliable, and it must be “confirmed” via unreliable tests.
  5. The long list of similar diseases presenting with the same symptoms must be ruled out via differential diagnosis first before “confirming” a measles case.
  6. A suspected measles case in someone vaccinated must meet the clinical case definition and be linked to a laboratory case in order to be a “confirmed” case.
With these preconditions firmly established, it is easy to see how the CDC can manufacture and steer a measles outbreak so that it appears as if it was instigated from outside of the US and spread through the unvaccinated. All they need is to alert clinicians in order to have them identify anyone unvaccinated who presents with nonspecific symptoms, such as a fever and a rash, that may have recently been a traveler or been in contact with one. They can then use unreliable laboratory tests to “confirm” that the case is measles rather than any of the other identical conditions it would have been pegged as prior to the alert. If someone who is vaccinated slips through as a suspected case, they make it difficult to confirm them as a measles case by blaming the unreliable tests and the vaccinated status and/or the presumed “immunity.” Thus, a measles outbreak can be steered away from the vaccinated and pinned on any unvaccinated individual when they would have normally been diagnosed with any of the other conditions presenting with a fever, a maculopapular rash, and nonspecific symptoms of disease. Voila! The CDC gets to declare a measles “outbreak” in the unvaccinated instigated from contact coming outside from an “endemic” country. Now that the curtain has pulled back, and the trick has been exposed, it is time to cancel this magic show once and for all.
Conspiracy theories aside.... the measles vaccine is THE reason for measles cases dropping from millions to virtually nothing today.

According to who?
On the topic of vaccines...

Bah.... the elderly don't really need flu shots, do they?

I heard that RFK plans to throw a dart at a dart board to pick the strain.

FDA cancels meeting to choose flu vaccine strain

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) abruptly canceled a vaccine advisory meeting where members were slated to discuss influenza vaccine strains.

The meeting was scheduled for March 13. Committee members received an email informing them of the cancellation Wednesday afternoon with no rescheduling information and no reason given for the cancellation, committee member Paul Offit confirmed.

The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meets every March to determine which flu strains should be targeted, in order to give companies time to update their vaccines ahead of the upcoming flu season.

“A planned March 13 meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee on the influenza vaccine strains for the 2025-2026 influenza season in the northern hemisphere has been cancelled,” Health and Human Services (HHS) spokesperson Andrew Nixon told The Hill. “The FDA will make public its recommendations to manufacturers in time for updated vaccines to be available for the 2025-2026 influenza season.”

If the HHS was to not make any flu strain recommendations, companies would likely have to rely on those made by a panel led by the World Health Organization (WHO), which is meeting this week. Despite President Trump intending to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is still reportedly participating in the meeting.

Thanks. Timely information. Hopefully saner heads will prevail. The flu vax isn't just for the elderly. Immunocompromised younger people, as well as smokers and those with COPD, should receive it as well. My youngest daughter has MS; she gets one every year. She is a special ed teacher so she's at high risk due to her daily close contact with the adorable little germ carriers.
As I've said elsewhere, I have no objection to ensuring cleanliness in maternity wards and the operating room, far from it. The issue here is whether biological viruses exist and whether bacteria are truly as dangerous as the mainstream media would have us believe.

Pasteur is definitely a big reason that germ theory took hold, along with Robert Koch. Researcher Mike Stone wrote 2 articles on germ theory which delve into the evidence that germ theory is right. I've linked to them in the past, but since I doubt you'll even bother to open the first link, let alone the second, I'll just include the first for now:

Quoting from the introduction to this article:
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the germ “theory” of disease, which states that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms too small to be seen, has “long been considered proved.” Harvard University says that the “theory” was “developed, proved, and popularized in Europe and North America between about 1850 and 1920.” Wikipedia claims that the germ “theory” of disease is “the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases.” Papers published in scientific journals claim that Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch “firmly established the germ theory of disease” and that they “first proved the germ theory of disease in the second half of the nineteenth century.” Thus, if we were to listen to what the mainstream sources declare, it would appear that the germ “theory” of disease has been scientifically proven based upon the evidence established by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. We are to believe that the work of these two men allowed for the initial germ hypothesis to be “proven” in order to be elevated to the status of a scientific theory. However, is that truly the case? Did Pasteur and Koch provide the necessary scientific evidence required in order to confirm the germ hypothesis? What does it take to accept or reject a hypothesis? How does a hypothesis go on to become a scientific theory? In the first of a two-part examination of the germ hypothesis looking at the work of both men, we will begin by inspecting two of Pasteur's early attempts to prove his hypothesis in the cases of chicken cholera and rabies. We will investigate how he arrived at his germ hypothesis, and then look to see if his experimental evidence reflected anything that could be witnessed in nature. In doing so, we will find out whether or not Louis Pasteur was ever able to validate and confirm his germ hypothesis.

Sigh... another unread wall of text. You've never taken a microbiology course, have you? I have. The issue is not whether viruses exist. They most certainly do. The issue is not that "all bacteria are bad," they most certainly are not. You can choose for yourself to remain in ignorant darkness. You can believe whatever bullshit you like. But you do not have the right to endanger others by passing along disinformation that can cause harm to others. Don't believe in "germs"? Fine. Quit bathing, drink out of your toilet, let your food sit out all night at room temperature and enjoy its bacterial bouquet the next day. Don't get a tetanus vaccine when you get a dirty cut.
Has anyone noticed RFK Jr. Shaky hands?

I know he has spasmodic dysphonia, but what’s up with the shakes?

I don’t think the man is as healthy as he wants us to believe.

He reminds me a lot of a Parkinson's patient. But according to SheWhoMustNotBeNamed, he's healthier than the rest of us here put together. :rofl2: