Is the time of Liberty at hand?

This is fucking hilarious. Bfged's idea of debating is cutting and pasting the most liberavl whiner.
Bf what is globalization?
WhAt is the affect of the personal computer and networks affect on corporate america?

Globalization is an excuse for corporate CEO's to enjoy the privilege of living in America with all the amenities and pay wages that create environmental hellholes and human blight. It is human exploitation by people who don't deserve the privilege of citizenship.
But no condemnation for the scurrilous INTENT of the corporation and their contract...and you continue to wonder why I have called you what you ARE?

The intent is to make money within the bounds of the law. If the people are stupid, that makes it easier for the corporation. You want to protect these idiots who COULD learn what they are doing but are too lazy to find out.

Do you know how many web pages there are that will give advice on credit cards, loans, budgets ect? These people do not avail themselves of any help and then want to be bailed out of the problems that THEY caused.
Globalization is an excuse for corporate CEO's to enjoy the privilege of living in America with all the amenities and pay wages that create environmental hellholes and human blight. It is human exploitation by people who don't deserve the privilege of citizenship.
You drive a car don't you?
Globalization is an excuse for corporate CEO's to enjoy the privilege of living in America with all the amenities and pay wages that create environmental hellholes and human blight. It is human exploitation by people who don't deserve the privilege of citizenship.

Thanks comrade that was beautiful communism.

I'll give you this. If I only aspired to be a worker like you, France would be a better choice.
I'm a capitalist, ie I own enough stock to live on.
You are prob not even a high ranked worker with a boarderline crazy attitude.
get that fucking TPS report done early next time loser
Again simply hilarious to be anti corporate in general while trying to argue economics. Priceless as you must be pennyless.

You know, you're a real asshole. A piece of paper saying you're a bean counter, means nothing more than you are a bean counter. It says nothing about your character, ethics or honesty. Your constant 'dropout' comments, knowing the tragic reasons I was forced to quit school reveals a lot about how you were raised.

And a piece of paper also gives you no insight into what an economy ultimately is about people.

The economy of any nation is ultimately measured in human terms, something you are totally obtuse to. How are all the people doing, the top, the middle and the bottom? Well here is the news...the top is doing better than they ever have in history. The middle is being pushed down to the bottom. And the bottom may become extinct, not in any 'good' way.

You seem to be just fine with that. But I don't understand how you can't make the connection between social justice and economic justice. You can't possibly have one without the other. But you seem very self centered and narcissistic. My bet is you have no children, were an only child and never shared anything in your life...Your first words were MINE, MINE MINE!!!

Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society; and any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, lies under the suspicion of being no policy at all.
Edmund Burke
I think your a dumbass of the highest order. You have anger and self confidence issues. You cry and whine as good as any slacker gen y turbo-lib student.
I see Bfgrn pwnage here of the highest order. :good4u:

I'm sure to right wing Pharisee anything I say will be dismissed, because you are not capable of putting people ahead of material things, property or profit. And you are unable to do anything but serve your masters, the corporations and their elite.

But what defined America, made it exceptional and the 'city upon the hill' was a vibrant middle class. Without it, America is just ordinary.
I'm sure to right wing Pharisee anything I say will be dismissed, because you are not capable of putting people ahead of material things, property or profit. And you are unable to do anything but serve your masters, the corporations and their elite.

But what defined America, made it exceptional and the 'city upon the hill' was a vibrant middle class. Without it, America is just ordinary.

You are not interested in putting people ahead of material things, property of profit. You want to bash corporations at every opportunity. You want to "rescue" people from their own stupidity by blaming faceless corporations. Its a son & dance.
I think your a dumbass of the highest order. You have anger and self confidence issues. You cry and whine as good as any slacker gen y turbo-lib student.

I think you were raised by wolves. You have no character, ethics or morals. You have no understanding or perspective when it comes to a nation's economy. In your little self absorbed world you only view economics from a shareholder view, but the people of a nation are stakeholders, you are obtuse to the difference.
You are not interested in putting people ahead of material things, property of profit. You want to bash corporations at every opportunity. You want to "rescue" people from their own stupidity by blaming faceless corporations. Its a son & dance.

I only bash what is unethical, regardless of status. You CAN'T. You were raised to believe wealth = virtue. You only condemn those you deem as lower class or unsuccessful. Well here is some news for you; honesty, ethics and morals are taught, not bought. And I am more willing to forgive honest people who are not savvy enough to spot a scam, then I am willing to forgive the scammer, no matter how smart or savvy he is. There is an old saying; 'It takes one to know one', honest people have a tendency to trust others, because that is how real honesty manifests in humans.

You seem to believe that people who are attacked by a shark are at fault for swimming in the ocean.
I think you were raised by wolves. You have no character, ethics or morals. You have no understanding or perspective when it comes to a nation's economy. In your little self absorbed world you only view economics from a shareholder view, but the people of a nation are stakeholders, you are obtuse to the difference.

Abouot 20 million people work for the fortune 500, and to you they are all evil. You know what makes them different from you. Most of them had to pay the price of admission. A college degree.

Will you recommend to your kids that college is only for evil bastards.

what a loser
Abouot 20 million people work for the fortune 500, and to you they are all evil. You know what makes them different from you. Most of them had to pay the price of admission. A college degree.

Will you recommend to your kids that college is only for evil bastards.

what a loser

None of those people are evil unless they prove they are evil by their actions. Honesty, ethics and morals are not forfeited with incorporation. And it should not eliminate 'personal responsibility' That is what our founding father's believed and practiced. They put very strict limits on corporations for a reason. They viewed being paid by We, the People as a privilege, not a right. And if a corporation caused harm to We, the People, their corporate charter was terminated and the owners AND stockholders were held personally liable.

Do you have a problem with that? If so, WHY?
I only bash what is unethical, regardless of status. You CAN'T. You were raised to believe wealth = virtue. You only condemn those you deem as lower class or unsuccessful. Well here is some news for you; honesty, ethics and morals are taught, not bought. And I am more willing to forgive honest people who are not savvy enough to spot a scam, then I am willing to forgive the scammer, no matter how smart or savvy he is. There is an old saying; 'It takes one to know one', honest people have a tendency to trust others, because that is how real honesty manifests in humans.

You seem to believe that people who are attacked by a shark are at fault for swimming in the ocean.

You love to spout accusations when you run out of arguments, don't you? Reminds me of another poster here.

Look retread, if you KNEW how I was raised you might have room to comment. But since you don't, how about sticking with the topic, m'kay?

You want to blame the companies when the consumer is too freakin lazy to do any checking or research on their own. Not savy enough to spot a scam???? They get some offer that sounds too good to be true, and then they cry when it turns out to be a scam. That is THEIR fault. They could do even a tiny check online and have tons of info. But they don't. They beg for a credit card, rack up tens of thousands in debt, and then whine. WTF??

No, I don't blame swimmers for being attacked by a shark. But when there is a sign warning them of sharks and they go swimming while eating a bloody, rare steak, they have to expect to be lunch.
he has no valid arguments so he rolls out the gedfest, raised by wolves, bastards etc.

what do you tell your kids and grandkids about evil colleges?
You love to spout accusations when you run out of arguments, don't you? Reminds me of another poster here.

Look retread, if you KNEW how I was raised you might have room to comment. But since you don't, how about sticking with the topic, m'kay?

You want to blame the companies when the consumer is too freakin lazy to do any checking or research on their own. Not savy enough to spot a scam???? They get some offer that sounds too good to be true, and then they cry when it turns out to be a scam. That is THEIR fault. They could do even a tiny check online and have tons of info. But they don't. They beg for a credit card, rack up tens of thousands in debt, and then whine. WTF??

No, I don't blame swimmers for being attacked by a shark. But when there is a sign warning them of sharks and they go swimming while eating a bloody, rare steak, they have to expect to be lunch.

If the 'company' is writing a contract with hidden traps and pitfalls using small print and legalese that would take a corporate lawyer to decipher and their INTENT is to make much more money through those traps and pitfalls, then YES, I blame the company. BUT AGAIN, you CAN'T condemn those actions. You continue to prove how you were raised and you continue to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that you have two set of standards when it comes to ethics, honesty and morals. One for your beloved elite who get a pass for unethical practices and one for the 'freakin lazy' common man. You even stoop to the need for derogatory terms in describing the common man. You sound just like Dixie...