Is the time of Liberty at hand?

he has no valid arguments so he rolls out the gedfest, raised by wolves, bastards etc.

what do you tell your kids and grandkids about evil colleges?

I have a very valid argument. But because you lack any ethics, honesty or morals, you have no ability to reply. Ethics, honesty and morals are taught by parents, not college...sad for you
wolves, assholes,

you are an uneducated boob, trying to tag all corp america as thieves.

your understanding of economics is obviously limited to your lack of education and work experience as a traveling salesman. what do you advise your kids on education?
... Ethics, honesty and morals are taught by parents, not college...
You sound like a right wing extremist now. You must bow your head to The Obama and beg for forgiveness from forgetting the Party Line. Then write him a campaign check.
wolves, assholes,

you are an uneducated boob, trying to tag all corp america as thieves.

your understanding of economics is obviously limited to your lack of education and work experience as a traveling salesman. what do you advise your kids on education?

Wrong again. I am not tagging all corporate America as thieves. But unlike you and WB, I will not give them a pass when they DO steal. Aren't you listening, or do you have a comprehension deficit?
If the 'company' is writing a contract with hidden traps and pitfalls using small print and legalese that would take a corporate lawyer to decipher and their INTENT is to make much more money through those traps and pitfalls, then YES, I blame the company.
Now this is almost an argument.

BUT AGAIN, you CAN'T condemn those actions.
This is just more bullshit. You don't know me. Don't pretend to know what I can or cannot do.

You continue to prove how you were raised and you continue to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that you have two set of standards when it comes to ethics, honesty and morals.
More bullshit.

One for your beloved elite who get a pass for unethical practices and one for the 'freakin lazy' common man.
More bullshit.

You even stoop to the need for derogatory terms in describing the common man.
More bullshit.

So what name did I use that you object too, Bfoon?

Now look at your post. 5 sentences and 4 of them are simply bullshit attacks because we disagree who was responsible for something. And you claim to be an adult? rofl
you are retard, you post 100% anti corp 0% positive.
WB and I are as against stealing as you or anyone. All droupouts aren't criminals and all corps aren't crooks, in fact most aren't.
I railed against the ws thieves and the bailouts, you must have been deaf for that two years.
did your kids go to college?
Now this is almost an argument.

This is just more bullshit. You don't know me. Don't pretend to know what I can or cannot do.

More bullshit.

More bullshit.

More bullshit.

So what name did I use that you object too, Bfoon?

Now look at your post. 5 sentences and 4 of them are simply bullshit attacks because we disagree who was responsible for something. And you claim to be an adult? rofl

HERE is what YOU wrote...there is barely a shred of blame for you beloved corporations when they write a contract with the INTENT to swindle. You worship at the alter of the beloved corporation. And you have the nerve to trash and deride honest working people. You need to paint him as lazy and stupid so your corporations can steal and plunder...

So someone gets a credit card, buys everything in sight just because they want it, and it is the fault of the credit card companies? I know there are some cards that take advantage of people with bad credit. But those people got that bad credit on their on, for the most part. The "for profit" health insurance companies have also paid for millions of people's healthcare. The illnesses bankrupt people but you want to blame the insurance companies? What a joke.

Oh please! I acknowledged that there are SOME predatory credit cards, but none that do anything that isn't in the contract. People sign up, don't read the fine print, then piss & moan when the company expects them to fulfill the contract that they signed??? WTF? If its 30 pages, then you either read the 30 pages or you are an idiot.

And spare me the "think of the children" plea. The parents certainly weren't when they were blowing paychecks with plastic. I expect adults to act like adults. You want to protect them from themselves and let them do it all over again, while screwing the people with money in the bank.

You know what, fuck you you little whining piece of shit. You claim to want fairness, but what you want is to screw anyone who succeeds.

Bullshit. If it were some necessary service like a public utility you might have a point. But its a fucking credit card. It is a method for spending money you do not have yet. People sign up for them by the thousands and charge away like its free money. This is the fault of the credit card company? Bullshit!!

When people ASK FOR a credit card, and then do not read the contract, it is not their fault?? And you say that is right??? lmao No, people who burn thru money they don't have only explains why they accept the budget nonsense our gov't pulls.

You are so full of shit. Both sides agree to a contract. If EITHER side does not fulfill it, I say they should be punsihed.

You want the "little guy" to be able to get a credit card, shop for all sorts of crap, then blame the credit card company for his debts. Total bullshit.

As for the 30 page credit card apps, if it is too complicated then they should not sign it. When they sign it and whine later I have little or no sympathy for them.

The intent is to make money within the bounds of the law. If the people are stupid, that makes it easier for the corporation. You want to protect these idiots who COULD learn what they are doing but are too lazy to find out.

Do you know how many web pages there are that will give advice on credit cards, loans, budgets ect? These people do not avail themselves of any help and then want to be bailed out of the problems that THEY caused.

You are not interested in putting people ahead of material things, property of profit. You want to bash corporations at every opportunity. You want to "rescue" people from their own stupidity by blaming faceless corporations. Its a son & dance.

You want to blame the companies when the consumer is too freakin lazy to do any checking or research on their own. Not savy enough to spot a scam???? They get some offer that sounds too good to be true, and then they cry when it turns out to be a scam. That is THEIR fault. They could do even a tiny check online and have tons of info. But they don't. They beg for a credit card, rack up tens of thousands in debt, and then whine. WTF??
HERE is what YOU wrote...there is barely a shred of blame for you beloved corporations when they write a contract with the INTENT to swindle. You worship at the alter of the beloved corporation. And you have the nerve to trash and deride honest working people. You need to paint him as lazy and stupid so your corporations can steal and plunder...

You claim my comments prove how I was raised.

So when someone signs a legal contract without understanding what it says, and doesn't try to find out what it means, what would you call them?? I think "stupid" and "lazy" apply here. I guess it could be that they don't care what the legalese says, because they have no intention of paying the bill anyway. But that would ruin your "honest" label, so we can just stick with "stupid & lazy".

The "honest, hard working" label is cute, but completely immaterial. You have no way of knowing whether or not they are either. You just WANT to paint them as such so the company looks more like a villian.

I remember what I wrote. Where did I hold them to different standards? I expect both sides to understand the contract BEFORE they sign it.

So you tell me, why would ANYONE sign a contract that they did not understand?? Tell me why they would sign it without TRYING to get info on what they are doing? (and as my post above said, there are plenty of websites with free information about credit, credit cards, scams, budgets ect.

Tell me why these bastions of honesty and hard work would sign the contract without knowing what it means???? Answer this for me and we can continue.
You claim my comments prove how I was raised.

So when someone signs a legal contract without understanding what it says, and doesn't try to find out what it means, what would you call them?? I think "stupid" and "lazy" apply here. I guess it could be that they don't care what the legalese says, because they have no intention of paying the bill anyway. But that would ruin your "honest" label, so we can just stick with "stupid & lazy".

The "honest, hard working" label is cute, but completely immaterial. You have no way of knowing whether or not they are either. You just WANT to paint them as such so the company looks more like a villian.

I remember what I wrote. Where did I hold them to different standards? I expect both sides to understand the contract BEFORE they sign it.

So you tell me, why would ANYONE sign a contract that they did not understand?? Tell me why they would sign it without TRYING to get info on what they are doing? (and as my post above said, there are plenty of websites with free information about credit, credit cards, scams, budgets ect.

Tell me why these bastions of honesty and hard work would sign the contract without knowing what it means???? Answer this for me and we can continue.

WHY would a credit card company who you show no condemnation for try to trick and trap consumers? Is there some ETHICAL or MORAL reason WB?????????????????
WHY would a credit card company who you show no condemnation for try to trick and trap consumers? Is there some ETHICAL or MORAL reason WB?????????????????

So you tell me, why would ANYONE sign a contract that they did not understand?? Tell me why they would sign it without TRYING to get info on what they are doing? (and as my post above said, there are plenty of websites with free information about credit, credit cards, scams, budgets ect.

Tell me why these bastions of honesty and hard work would sign the contract without knowing what it means???? Answer this for me and we can continue.

Answer this simple question and I will answer yours. Ok?
So you tell me, why would ANYONE sign a contract that they did not understand?? Tell me why they would sign it without TRYING to get info on what they are doing? (and as my post above said, there are plenty of websites with free information about credit, credit cards, scams, budgets ect.

Tell me why these bastions of honesty and hard work would sign the contract without knowing what it means???? Answer this for me and we can continue.

Answer this simple question and I will answer yours. Ok?

As I said before, REAL honesty manifests as TRUST in human beings. It has nothing to do with being stupid, lazy or having no intention of paying their bills as you need to portray. I agree they should try to find out what is in the contract they sign, but the contract should be clear to understand. It should not have tricks and traps that only a lawyer could decipher.

You don't seem to have ANY problem with unethical activity by your beloved corporation. Anything they can get away with is fine, just as long as they find a way to put it in the contract in a way that is almost impossible to understand.
As I said before, REAL honesty manifests as TRUST in human beings. It has nothing to do with being stupid, lazy or having no intention of paying their bills as you need to portray. I agree they should try to find out what is in the contract they sign, but the contract should be clear to understand. It should not have tricks and traps that only a lawyer could decipher.

You don't seem to have ANY problem with unethical activity by your beloved corporation. Anything they can get away with is fine, just as long as they find a way to put it in the contract in a way that is almost impossible to understand.

That is a nice non-answer. So you can offer no reason why a person would sign a legal contract without understanding what it said?
what an uneducated blowhard
corporations are a group of college educated people providing a service, in his distorted reality they are the reason he's economically second class.
That is a nice non-answer. So you can offer no reason why a person would sign a legal contract without understanding what it said?

You already provided all the answers needed...they are just a bunch of stupid, lazy people who want to blow paychecks with plastic, charge away like its free money, burn thru money they don't have, shop for all sorts of crap, then blame the credit card company for their debts because they are cattle who are too freakin lazy.
You already provided all the answers needed...they are just a bunch of stupid, lazy people who want to blow paychecks with plastic, charge away like its free money, burn thru money they don't have, shop for all sorts of crap, then blame the credit card company for their debts because they are cattle who are too freakin lazy.

I'll take that as a yes.

Now, have you been involved in any of the letter writing campaigns to press Congress to pass laws to close some of the credit rip-off loopholes? I have. I have documentation of hundreds of emails I have sent pressing for better banking laws. I have pushed and campaigned for these things.

But, I also understand that every person must take responsibility for what they do. If I sign a contract, I am liable for whatever the fine print says. And anyone who DOES sign a contract without understanding it is, in my opinion, stupid.

Also, as I pointed out, there are plenty of free resources online to help consumers understand their options, show them about scams, and translate the legalese into understandable english. Anyone who signs a legal contract, when they do not understand it, without availing themselves of the free resources available to them, is both lazy and stupid.

Since you can offer no valid reasons why anyone would sign a contract without understanding it, you have no real argument.

I want the laws changed. But until they ARE changed, as long as the companies do not break the law, there is nothing to be done. And there is a flip-side to those companies. Many people screw up their credit when they are young. Then they will not be offered cards or loans with good rates. But many, many people have used the ones you are ranting against to rebuild their credit. They do this by understanding what they are signing and not borrowing more than they can afford. These credit card companies are the financial equivelent of the rent-to-own furniture places. It is not a smart deal or a good bargain. But, for many, it is either them or they have to actually save the money before they buy something.

You are raving against a fringe of the credit card industry. And even if they were the majority, a credit card is NOT a necessity. In fact, if your budget is tight, borrowing money is a stupid way to buy things. If you are paying 23% interest on the card, you can increase your buying power by 23% by saving for what you buy. But that means waiting for that new TV or microwave or Wii game system.
corporations are a group of college educated people providing a service

So is he...

NOW...what does that have to do with honesty, ethics and morals?