Is the time of Liberty at hand?

So you support in the amputation of hands and the stoning of women.

I doubt it, though hasn't a problem with those who'd legislate morality, as long as those coincided with his beliefs. Outlawing anal sex would make a big comeback, probably oral too! No X rated movies, even if over 18. Making them should be illegal. Zoning by personal fiat, well his personal fiat. LOL! ID as science, alongside or instead of evolution.

This is not a conservative, this is just another big government person that is out of step with the majority. Angry he is.
Liberals are, by insisting that gay behavior is normal moral natural and healthy. A perfect example is the lie that gay male pedophiles only see children, not franks and beans. Another is the gay parenting issue.
This? This is your "devastating rebuttal"? lmao

First of all, its not liberals who classify pedophiles that way, it is the FBI. Are they part of the gay agenda too?

And teh gay parenting is information from studies of actual children raised by gays. They turned out normal.

If that was all you have......

Besides, what I asked about was the rest of the stuff, I know your arguments against gays.
First of all, its not liberals who classify pedophiles that way, it is the FBI. ...

And teh gay parenting is information from studies of actual children raised by gays. They turned out normal.
Cite, and cite. :)
Sorry, but you don't get to decide what's decadent and what's not, Libtard.

But you do? And where does that authority come from? Further, isn't 'decadence' part of freedom of speech? Or are social conservatives against that as well?

The authority comes for the worlds major religions: morality.

So you support in the amputation of hands and the stoning of women.

Is that sanctioned by all the major religions?

I went back and reviewed the sequence of posts that led to your last response, and I don't see your inclusion of the word "all" in any part of your previous argument..
Since it was never part of your original defense of your behaivor, then it's a little late to try and save your ass by using it now.
Classroom Prayer
Who decides what prayer or what faith? If it is a community choice, what of the people in the class who are not of that faith? A moment of silence is fine, but any other would be more gov't interference in private lives. And it would be unnecessary interference.

Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
On this one I simply want some clarification of what is meant. We all know there are differences between male & female. What does the gov't need to do?

Laws against pornography
Why? What right do you or the gov't have to tell me I can't make, sell, or watch porn videos? It certainly is a capitalistic venture, with major revenues and employing a large number of people. Unless the people are underage or those involved are being forced to do so (in which case other laws willl handle it), there is no victim.

Parental control of education

So we should turn the education of our children over to mob rule? If parents don't like the school they can homeschool their kids. But putting the parents in charge of the schools would make any kind of educational standards impossible. And what if the parents demand more and more money? Do we raise taxes for that?

This thread was started on a topic of Libertarianism. You made the claim that fiscal conservatism without social conservatism is impossible. My asking these questions is very much in line with the libertarian point of view.

So how about we give gay marriage a break and you answer these questions?
I went back and reviewed the sequence of posts that led to your last response, and I don't see your inclusion of the word "all" in any part of your previous argument..
Since it was never part of your original defense of your behaivor, then it's a little late to try and save your ass by using it now.

I realize that you are desperate for some sort of "gotcha" moment but your apparent poor reading comprehension ain't going to help you get there. :)
What is so hard about answering the questions I asked? Or at least address the issues I brought up as being those that limit personal freedoms.

Classroom Prayer

Who decides what prayer or what faith? If it is a community choice, what of the people in the class who are not of that faith? A moment of silence is fine, but any other would be more gov't interference in private lives. And it would be unnecessary interference.

Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls

On this one I simply want some clarification of what is meant. We all know there are differences between male & female. What does the gov't need to do?

Laws against pornography

Why? What right do you or the gov't have to tell me I can't make, sell, or watch porn videos? It certainly is a capitalistic venture, with major revenues and employing a large number of people. Unless the people are underage or those involved are being forced to do so (in which case other laws willl handle it), there is no victim.

Parental control of education

So we should turn the education of our children over to mob rule? If parents don't like the school they can homeschool their kids. But putting the parents in charge of the schools would make any kind of educational standards impossible. And what if the parents demand more and more money? Do we raise taxes for that?

This thread was started on a topic of Libertarianism. You made the claim that fiscal conservatism without social conservatism is impossible. My asking these questions is very much in line with the libertarian point of view.

A recent CNN poll shows that libertarianism is on the rise in the last three years in the United States, more than at any point in the last two decades.

The poll, which CNN has conducted yearly since 1993, tracks the strength of social and economic libertarianism and reveals that both ideas are gaining popular support.

Sixty-three percent of respondents believe that government is doing too much, up from 52 percent in 2008. Half of all respondents said that government should not promote any set of traditional or moral values, up from 41 percent in 2008.

Read more:

So we have a new form of fascism to look forward to...a corporatocracy.
So we have a new form of fascism to look forward to...a corporatocracy.

Spare us the strawman nonsense or you creative version of actual reality.

Libertarianism is about freedom. If you can't handle the responsibility for living free, perhaps you should rethink your citizenship.