Is the time of Liberty at hand?

So we have a new form of fascism to look forward to...a corporatocracy.

Just for your education, here is the definition of "Fascism":

"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"
Spare us the strawman nonsense or you creative version of actual reality.

Libertarianism is about freedom. If you can't handle the responsibility for living free, perhaps you should rethink your citizenship.

Love it or leave it? WOW, I haven't heard that crap since the Vietnam War. There would be no void of power if the government is castrated. There would be no Utopia...there would be a corporatocracy. Which we already have too much of.

Stop and THINK for a moment...who or what is most likely to send you and your family into bankruptcy...government, or a corporation? Who or what is most likely to try to steal grandma's house...government, or a corporation? Who or what is most likely to deny you or your family medical coverage for a lethal disease...government, or a corporation?

WHAT did our founding fathers create to address the issues this nation faces...government, or a corporation?

Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke
Love it or leave it? WOW, I haven't heard that crap since the Vietnam War. There would be no void of power if the government is castrated. There would be no Utopia...there would be a corporatocracy. Which we already have too much of.

Stop and THINK for a moment...who or what is most likely to send you and your family into bankruptcy...government, or a corporation? Who or what is most likely to try to steal grandma's house...government, or a corporation? Who or what is most likely to deny you or your family medical coverage for a lethal disease...government, or a corporation?

WHAT did our founding fathers create to address the issues this nation faces...government, or a corporation?

Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

You haven't heard it since the Vietnam war? Not been listening much, huh?

YOur hatred of corporations is nonsense.

When do corporations send people into bankrupcy? Debts to the IRS and criminal prosecution of victimless crimes certainly do.

Who steals grandma's house? (talk about sensationalistic bullshit)

But you need to learn what "Fascism" means, so you will be able to use it intelligently. Libertarianism is certainly not fascism.
You haven't heard it since the Vietnam war? Not been listening much, huh?

YOur hatred of corporations is nonsense.

When do corporations send people into bankrupcy? Debts to the IRS and criminal prosecution of victimless crimes certainly do.

Who steals grandma's house? (talk about sensationalistic bullshit)

But you need to learn what "Fascism" means, so you will be able to use it intelligently. Libertarianism is certainly not fascism.

WHEN do corporations send people into bankruptcy? EVERY minute of every day. Credit card cartels, 'for profit' health insurance cartels to start.

Who steals grandma's house? Predatory lenders, reverse mortgage schemes and home improvement scams.

YOU need to tell me how government threatens your liberty? By not allowing food suppliers to run salmonella laced operations? By not allowing polluters to poison your water and air?
WHEN do corporations send people into bankruptcy? EVERY minute of every day. Credit card cartels, 'for profit' health insurance cartels to start.

So someone gets a credit card, buys everything in sight just because they want it, and it is the fault of the credit card companies? I know there are some cards that take advantage of people with bad credit. But those people got that bad credit on their on, for the most part. The "for profit" health insurance companies have also paid for millions of people's healthcare. The illnesses bankrupt people but you want to blame the insurance companies? What a joke.

Who steals grandma's house? Predatory lenders, reverse mortgage schemes and home improvement scams.

Predatory lenders? In your lingo that is just someone who loans money with the house as security, and then expects to either be repaid or to get the house. That choice is left up to the person who borrowed the money. Should "grandma" be able to borrow money (your money and my money, btw) and just not pay it back?

Home improvement scams are crooks, not corporations. Be sure and get that straight.

YOU need to tell me how government threatens your liberty? By not allowing food suppliers to run salmonella laced operations? By not allowing polluters to poison your water and air?

Did anyone say anything about removing all gov't functions? Where the hell do you get this stuff? I am guess you get it the same place that you got the idea that libertarians are fascists.
I went back and reviewed the sequence of posts that led to your last response, and I don't see your inclusion of the word "all" in any part of your previous argument..
Since it was never part of your original defense of your behaivor, then it's a little late to try and save your ass by using it now.

I realize that you are desperate for some sort of "gotcha" moment but your apparent poor reading comprehension ain't going to help you get there. :)

Thanks for responding; but your post didn't address what was being discussed.
Would you care to try again?
Did anyone say anything about removing all gov't functions? Where the hell do you get this stuff? I am guess you get it the same place that you got the idea that libertarians are fascists.
Only in a distorted reality can a Libertarian both want an autocratic power mongering government, and yet want no government at all.
Only in a distorted reality can a Libertarian both want an autocratic power mongering government, and yet want no government at all.

Libertarians come in variations, but none that call themselves 'libertarian' or 'libertarian leaning' seem to me to be unaware of the term anarchist. They want some government, some as little as to be just this side of Hobbesian; others are more strong on federalism, returning a strong measure of power to state or local control. Others are between the two.
So someone gets a credit card, buys everything in sight just because they want it, and it is the fault of the credit card companies? I know there are some cards that take advantage of people with bad credit. But those people got that bad credit on their on, for the most part. The "for profit" health insurance companies have also paid for millions of people's healthcare. The illnesses bankrupt people but you want to blame the insurance companies? What a joke.

Predatory lenders? In your lingo that is just someone who loans money with the house as security, and then expects to either be repaid or to get the house. That choice is left up to the person who borrowed the money. Should "grandma" be able to borrow money (your money and my money, btw) and just not pay it back?

Home improvement scams are crooks, not corporations. Be sure and get that straight.

Did anyone say anything about removing all gov't functions? Where the hell do you get this stuff? I am guess you get it the same place that you got the idea that libertarians are fascists.

Libertarian is just another name for right wing corporate ass licker.

SO, Einstein, the reason more children have parents that go through bankruptcy than divorce is a sudden change in human nature. The American people suddenly became stupid, greedy, undisciplined and irresponsible? The FACT credit card applications went from one page to thirty pages has nothing to do with it?
Libertarian is just another name for right wing corporate ass licker.

SO, Einstein, the reason more children have parents that go through bankruptcy than divorce is a sudden change in human nature. The American people suddenly became stupid, greedy, undisciplined and irresponsible? The FACT credit card applications went from one page to thirty pages has nothing to do with it?
By that extension you support actual fascism (the complete rule by an autocrat).
By that extension you support actual fascism (the complete rule by an autocrat).

Only conservatism supports authoritarianism. Liberalism is the antithesis of authoritarianism. Conservatives have always tried to build some form of an aristocracy...the only thing that changes is WHO their chosen autocrats are.
Libertarian is just another name for right wing corporate ass licker.

SO, Einstein, the reason more children have parents that go through bankruptcy than divorce is a sudden change in human nature. The American people suddenly became stupid, greedy, undisciplined and irresponsible? The FACT credit card applications went from one page to thirty pages has nothing to do with it?

Oh please! I acknowledged that there are SOME predatory credit cards, but none that do anything that isn't in the contract. People sign up, don't read the fine print, then piss & moan when the company expects them to fulfill the contract that they signed??? WTF? If its 30 pages, then you either read the 30 pages or you are an idiot.

And spare me the "think of the children" plea. The parents certainly weren't when they were blowing paychecks with plastic. I expect adults to act like adults. You want to protect them from themselves and let them do it all over again, while screwing the people with money in the bank.
BF gets funnier by the day
corporation sent consumers into bankrupcy with credit cards. LOFL

OMFG, can this tool even spell personal responsibility

Please don't stop dropout this shit is poster boy for going to college good.
Only conservatism supports authoritarianism. Liberalism is the antithesis of authoritarianism. Conservatives have always tried to build some form of an aristocracy...the only thing that changes is WHO their chosen autocrats are.

Total horseshit. Liberals want the gov't to oversee everything. You want the feds to help people avoid responsibility, cradle to grave. You want the authority figures to run people's lives.

We libertarians demand the rights to run our own lives and we will take the responsibility for that ourselves!
Oh please! I acknowledged that there are SOME predatory credit cards, but none that do anything that isn't in the contract. People sign up, don't read the fine print, then piss & moan when the company expects them to fulfill the contract that they signed??? WTF? If its 30 pages, then you either read the 30 pages or you are an idiot.

And spare me the "think of the children" plea. The parents certainly weren't when they were blowing paychecks with plastic. I expect adults to act like adults. You want to protect them from themselves and let them do it all over again, while screwing the people with money in the bank.

You know what slime ball, we all learned right from wrong as a child. Wrong NEVER becomes right, just because your beloved corporations do it. I have no problem with people making money, lots of it, as long as it done in an honest and ethical way. 30 page credit card applications are designed to make UNethical 'lawful' is called regulatory capture. Corporate lawyers are given the pen by corrupt lawmakers to write laws that are rigged for their benefit.

For all your self righteousness about lies and honesty, you are nothing but a right wing SCUM BAG. You have two sets of rules. One for the opulent you worship, and one for the common man, the hard working people that built this country. What you would lock up a poor man for, you consider 'shrewd' when your beloved corporations do it...
BF gets funnier by the day
corporation sent consumers into bankrupcy with credit cards. LOFL

OMFG, can this tool even spell personal responsibility

Please don't stop dropout this shit is poster boy for going to college good.

I told you why I had to leave college more than once. It was because of the death of my mother, a father who was terminally ill and two younger siblings that needed a parent. Yet you continue the same worn out attack and never add anything but insults. I have challenged you to debate me on economics, and you always cut & run.

What is wrong with you Topspin/Dude? It seems to me in my short years with my own parents, I was taught what you never received.