Hello Nordberg,
1-6 was close to ending it all. The existence of America was under threat The revolutionaries would have killed the politicians. I do not wave that away and say let's be friends. They have to be remorseful first and then pay for the crimes of the day. It was close to ending the stability that lasted for almost 200 years. The rightys think America is such a disaster that it should end and we should perhaps be like Iraq.
No, that is not accurate. I agree with everything except who was responsible.
It was not ' The rightys .'
It was a few extremists on the right. Not the entire right.
It is important to make the distinction. Most on the right were not in support of a violent 1-6. We have to remember there were a lot more people at that rally who were peaceful than the ones who were violent.
First of all, most of the people who marched over to the capitol did not go inside when the violence began. They thought they were going to simply be a crowd of protestors outside, letting the politicians on the inside know that they supported finding some way to legally stop the process. Those people who remained outside had no intention of breaking and entering or ransacking the capitol.
Some got swept up in the moment. They had no purpose, no reason to go inside, but when others began going inside they went along; not with destruction on their minds, simply a desire to somehow stop what was going on inside simply by peacefully interrupting the process. They had no intent to hurt anybody or damage anything.
The few who planned and plotted to do ill will were the instigators who urged the rest of the crowd on. Those people are not the entire right. Those people are the ones who must answer for their serious crimes.
Those who went along and had no violent intent are already VERY remorseful.
The violent ones are being rounded up.
The authorities are in the process of seeing that those who must pay for their crimes are doing exactly that.
Yes, there are people on the right who stood behind this movement and bought into the con. Now, they are rethinking whether they were ready to destroy the USA or if they simply wanted to steer it in a different direction. They are torn between thinking of themselves as loyal Americans and supporting anarchists who wanted to tear our country apart. They wanted to make America great again. They didn't want to destroy America.
Do we want to welcome them back to America, the land of law and order (that they thought they were supporting in Trump,) or do we want to drive them into the hands of more violent instigators?
Right now, when they are rethinking what they stand for, now is not the time to push those people away. Now is the time to say to them we are all America, not drive people away, further dividing the nation. We all want America to be great; we simply have different ideas about how to do that. Americans need to stand together to figure out how to do that. We need to reacquaint ourselves with what's important for ALL Americans. Unity. That is the one thing that makes functional progress possible and without it, we are stuck. We have to remember what we all have in common, stop taking that for granted. 1-6 showed us we can lose that. 1-6 was a wake up call.