"Good point. I'm sure it has absolutly nothing to do with the message the republican party tries to sell: Pro-iraq war, anti-affirmative action, anti-minimum wage, pro-confederate flag, anti-"welfare queen", etc"
1) Affirmative action is a racist policy. Period.
2) yes, many Reps are for the war in Iraq... what does that have to do with race?
3) "Pro-confederate flag"???? Your ass must hurt after pulling that load of crap out of it.
4) Anti-welfare queen... everyone should be anti-welfare queen. Regardless of the welfare queen's race. Welfare should be set up as a system that will help the unfortunate when they are down, by not only providing them with funds, but also by helping them get OFF of welfare. It should not be an eternal handout, because that does NOTHING to truly help the poor, it simply keeps them poor.