Is the US ready for a black president ?

Good point. I'm sure it has absolutly nothing to do with the message the republican party tries to sell: Pro-iraq war, anti-affirmative action, anti-minimum wage, pro-confederate flag, anti-"welfare queen", etc

Are all black Republicans "Uncle Toms"?
"Good point. I'm sure it has absolutly nothing to do with the message the republican party tries to sell: Pro-iraq war, anti-affirmative action, anti-minimum wage, pro-confederate flag, anti-"welfare queen", etc"

1) Affirmative action is a racist policy. Period.

2) yes, many Reps are for the war in Iraq... what does that have to do with race?

3) "Pro-confederate flag"???? Your ass must hurt after pulling that load of crap out of it.

4) Anti-welfare queen... everyone should be anti-welfare queen. Regardless of the welfare queen's race. Welfare should be set up as a system that will help the unfortunate when they are down, by not only providing them with funds, but also by helping them get OFF of welfare. It should not be an eternal handout, because that does NOTHING to truly help the poor, it simply keeps them poor.
Super, I have to agree with you on Item 4.
Item 1, yes it is rascist, it is an attempt to try and undo generations of rascism and segregation. I am of mixed views on it.

Item 2 , Perhaps, what is the ratio of blacks to whites in the Army ?

Item 3, It only effects southern repubs ;)

I am glad to see that you understand how the republican tents rear door is used by blacks.
US... while I am all for trying to give an advantage to minorities that have been oppressed, affirmative action is not the way to do it. Education is the key. Always has been, always will be.

No clue what the ratio is in the military.

I would be willing to bet that there are large numbers of southern Dems that also support the use of the confederate flag.

"I am glad to see that you understand how the republican tents rear door is used by blacks."

ok... ya lost me there.
"Good point. I'm sure it has absolutly nothing to do with the message the republican party tries to sell: Pro-iraq war, anti-affirmative action, anti-minimum wage, pro-confederate flag, anti-"welfare queen", etc"

1) Affirmative action is a racist policy. Period.

2) yes, many Reps are for the war in Iraq... what does that have to do with race?

3) "Pro-confederate flag"???? Your ass must hurt after pulling that load of crap out of it.

4) Anti-welfare queen... everyone should be anti-welfare queen. Regardless of the welfare queen's race. Welfare should be set up as a system that will help the unfortunate when they are down, by not only providing them with funds, but also by helping them get OFF of welfare. It should not be an eternal handout, because that does NOTHING to truly help the poor, it simply keeps them poor.

1) Keep telling your self that. Just don't scratch your head, and feign puzzlement why overwhelmingly blacks don't vote GOP.

2) African-Americans want your war even less than white americans. They want our money spent at home, not in iraq.

3) Please. Who spends there time glorifying the old south, "states rights", and pretending the civil war had nothing to do with slavery - that it was a gallant battle simply over "states rights". And who defends having the confederate flag still flying over southern state capitals. If you can't see how offensive this is to minorities (and some whites, too), I'm not going to be able to help you out there.

4) Conservative perpeturated a stereotype of a black "welfare queen". Ronald Reagan loved that stereotype too. Most people on welfare are white, dude. Do you know how insulting it is to stererotype a large group of people as "welfare queens"? Especially when Reagan was telling LIES to sell that stererotype?

Cadillac Queens.
Over a period of about five years, Reagan told the story of the "Chicago welfare queen" who had 80 names, 30 addresses, 12 Social Security cards, and collected benefits for "four nonexisting deceased husbands," bilking the government out of "over $150,000." The real welfare recipient to whom Reagan referred was actually convicted for using two different aliases to collect $8,000. Reagan continued to use his version of the story even after the press pointed out the actual facts of the case to him.
Regan did know that if you repeat the same lie often enough , the truth becomes irrelevant. Rove taught George the same thing.

1) Affirmative Action is a racist policy. Period. Just because you cannot change that FACT, don't cry to me. If you want to help give more equality, then start at the right end of the curve. You help provide better education at the preschool and K-12 levels.... not after the fact.

2) Fine. But that still doesn't justify why blacks have voted overwhelmingly for Dems in the past.

3) I never said I agreed with the use of the confederate flag... but you need to understand that there are also white DEMS in the south that fly it as well. It is not a Rep vs. Dem thing. It is a white vs. black thing. Also, if you want to end racism (or at least try to make it better)... then you shouldn't advocate policies that provide position based on race... like Affirmative action.

As for #4...

Try to comprehend what you read. I clearly stated that everyone should be opposed to a welfare queen... REGARDLESS OF THE WELFARE QUEENS RACE.

As for my political party... I have NEVER been a Rep or a Dem. Those on this site that know me can attest to that.
"It must be for republicans. There's not a single black or hispanic republican in the US House of Representatives.

And, I think there's like maybe 7 or 8 black republican state legislators in the entire country - all 50 states"

Now is that because Republicans won't elect black reps? or because most of the black population votes overwhelmingly Dem and most blacks who choose to run do so as Dems?
Those two answers are not muitually exclusive. Both are true, in my opinion.
Are all black Republicans "Uncle Toms"?
Oh, no: there are several flavors.

Some black Republicans are well intentioned and simply subscribe to the "most people are basically weak and need a Good Shepherd" theory. See also: elitist.

Some are self-loathing and twisted.

Some are opportunists: smaller pond = bigger fish.
Well, I can't speak for Cypress but, since he and I agree on probably 96% or so of major issues, I'm going to take it upon myself to throw two scents to the hounds. Tallyho!
1) Affirmative Action is a racist policy. Period. Just because you cannot change that FACT, don't cry to me. If you want to help give more equality, then start at the right end of the curve. You help provide better education at the preschool and K-12 levels.... not after the fact.
That depends on how you use the word "racist" as we've hashed over here before. If you use the bastard term "race" as a synonym for ethnicity and "racist" in reference to any policy/doctrine/theory that takes ethnicity into account, then yes: Affirmative Action is indeed a "racist" policy. I submit, however, that policies that are designed to disguise and efface the truth are far worse than racist.

Ethnicity is still a powerful factor in American culture. Just because you can't seem to handle that FACT doesn't mean you are somehow innocent and chaste. It just means that you're self-deluded.
2) Fine. But that still doesn't justify why blacks have voted overwhelmingly for Dems in the past.
Does the fact that African Americans now vote overwhelmingly for Democrats -- and even more overwhelmingly for liberals -- need justification? Whatever for? They're voting for their own interests, it seems to me.
3) I never said I agreed with the use of the confederate flag... but you need to understand that there are also white DEMS in the south that fly it as well. It is not a Rep vs. Dem thing. It is a white vs. black thing. Also, if you want to end racism (or at least try to make it better)... then you shouldn't advocate policies that provide position based on race... like Affirmative action.
Wrong. It's not a white v. black thing, it's a Good vs. Evil thing. The Stars n' Bars is -- rightly or wrongly -- a symbol of hate and oppression. It's been corrupted and desecrated, in much the same way that the swastika (squared cross; sun cross) has. It cannot be flown or displayed in honor, no matter what the intent. Because, you see, the intent of the perpetrator is never apparent to the audience. It can't be, save through his or her actions.
As for #4...

Try to comprehend what you read. I clearly stated that everyone should be opposed to a welfare queen... REGARDLESS OF THE WELFARE QUEENS RACE.

As for my political party... I have NEVER been a Rep or a Dem. Those on this site that know me can attest to that.
There are no "welfare queens" as you use the term. That phrase is just a boogeyman that cons use to cheat people out of their rights and just due.
"Does the fact that African Americans now vote overwhelmingly for Democrats -- and even more overwhelmingly for liberals -- need justification? Whatever for? They're voting for their own interests, it seems to me."

1) It has nothing to do with "NOW"... the black vote has always gone predominantly Dem.

2) I was not asking for a justification. I was stating a reason why there are not many black politicians within the Republican party. Try to comprehend that this time.
"There are no "welfare queens" as you use the term. That phrase is just a boogeyman that cons use to cheat people out of their rights and just due."

I didn't bring up the term welfare queen... cypress did. In addition...

To say there were not welfare queens is a bit simplistic. There were certainly individuals who took advantage of the system (as there are in any system where money is involved) and they could certainly have been labeled welfare queens. My point to cypress was that race was not an issue as it is just as likely to be a poor white person as a poor black person that takes advantage of the system.
"Wrong. It's not a white v. black thing, it's a Good vs. Evil thing. The Stars n' Bars is -- rightly or wrongly -- a symbol of hate and oppression. It's been corrupted and desecrated, in much the same way that the swastika (squared cross; sun cross) has. It cannot be flown or displayed in honor, no matter what the intent. Because, you see, the intent of the perpetrator is never apparent to the audience. It can't be, save through his or her actions."

Fine, I stand corrected. But again, my point to Cypress was that it was not a Republican vs. Democrat thing. There are people in both parties that would fly the flag. It is not a partisan issue.... which was my point... had you tried to comprehend that.
"That depends on how you use the word "racist" as we've hashed over here before. If you use the bastard term "race" as a synonym for ethnicity and "racist" in reference to any policy/doctrine/theory that takes ethnicity into account, then yes: Affirmative Action is indeed a "racist" policy. I submit, however, that policies that are designed to disguise and efface the truth are far worse than racist. "

Since I was not privy to the past discussions, I would love to know how you define racist. Because to me, if you make a decision based on someones race... you are racist.
THe color of the president is only an issue because there is a percent that will vote against and for due to color. The question is, Is the group that will vote against him for being black larger that the group that will vote for him because of his color.
WE all saw how the Republicans tried and did use Race as a tool against Ford in Tenneessee.
Yeah and they are getting ready to bury Ford too, or perhaps Toyota will buy Ford, I dunno...
Just don't forget your towell, and thanks for the fish.