Is There A Fix For S.N.A.P.? Or is it just done?

I understand that there is abuse of the cards,but by no means does that mean that the food stamp. s program should be shut down. Abuse happens with all programs. The biggest abuse is corporations receiving government aid in the billions of dollars in American taxes that they dont need,but no one on the right seems to be complaining about that waste of tax dollars.
Then there is the bottomless pit of funding to the military.Worrying about the poor getting more money then they should pales in comparison.To the abuses of the right.

Does the issue with ebt/food stamps scare that much that you immediately try to divert the topic to your imaginary boogiemen ?
Fraud for social programs is at all time low.

When Congress use to work together, they made changes to the fraud programs of most of the social benefits programs and they working.

Medicare with the passage of the Affordable Care Act and tighter control is really starting to cut fraud.

There is fraud in every aspect of life.

SNAP has 1% -1.3% fraud

I think 1% is pretty good.

I love your point there "When Congress use to work together"

Grover Norquist really wrecked that.

There is always fraud. Also there is always way more fraud than caught. Just like there are more drunk drivers than caught.

The big question is why aren't people forced to show they actually own the card?
What Wanderingbear said!

And my guess is abuses of EBTs are overstated in order to try and shut down the program for everyone, not just those who abuse it.

Wanderingbear and typical.....don't think about the problem or deny it exists.....its no wonder they say 'ignorance is bliss'.
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Here is the bigger point. IMO EBT cards should not be used for the most expensive groceries on the market like Schwans foods. It should be narrowed down to certain foods like the WIC program. There should also be a law stating someone with an EBT card has to show ID and prove they are the owner of the card. This seems common sense to me.

When we police welfare it keeps profit focused Right wing media from using a single YouTube video of someone openly carrying out fraud to blind Americans of the huge corporate hand in their pocket.

I am not sure how many people buy the most expensive? Most Likey the ones committing fraud who don't need the asistance.

The stories I hear are about elderly and the mentally handicapped. How the merger amounts they receive, monthly, they have to make wise choices what to buy at the store to make it last. I also hear of the elderly who qualify, but because they don't want to be a taker don't apply. These are the elderly that skip their medication to make it last so they can buy groceries or heat their homes.

I agree ID would make sense.
I can dig your perspective on this. I immediately thought of project housing where the people "can't get jobs" but the city pays someone to mow, landscape and maintain the houses. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to mow.

I think that is what you are getting at. Work for welfare kind of thing.

You see a lot of lawns at projects? really?
You've scared off most lefties with that


If is not guns, its drugs......have you ever considered the actual people involved or the pinheads in the government that enable them....without even a cursory

attempt at oversight.....some people, maybe most, are just dishonest enough that when given an opportunity at personal gain with little or no risk will

cheat.....thats reality....a sad reality.

You mean you think Left wing politicians think they can win more votes if they don't require ID cards for EBT cards? Even though the extreme Right doesn't want them at all and will end them if possible? I'm pretty sure the Left will win those votes anyway even if they required ID.

I know you think all welfare is to buy votes because you and the other morons on here listen to Fox News and InfoWars but that isn't the case kid. Stop being a Corporate puppet.

I can tell you who is buying votes is the Republicans. Lowering tax rates below spending to have an illusion of "Conservative" during the presidents years only to pass off that debt to future generations. The Left pays for what they spend. The Republicans don't. The proof will be your homework. Don't ask me to do it for you kid.
That is a valid point but first off, chill the fuck out kid. Make your point without sounding like these Fox News crazies.

It very well could be that people are stealing them. But shouldn't there be a measure taken to ensure the person using an EBT card is the person the money is for?

Also you are ignoring hundreds of articles on this you can search for yourself by calling me a lie monger. The internet is below your fingers, use it.

Ahhh...desh getting nuts, going nuts, IS nuts...and AP bringing Fox News into the fray....just out of thin air as usual....
Does the issue with ebt/food stamps scare that much that you immediately try to divert the topic to your imaginary boogiemen ?

So you aren't aware of Corporate welfare LMAO!............ Just get out of here kid. This topic is for mature adults who know a thing or two about politics. You all troll your own threads.
I can dig your perspective on this. I immediately thought of project housing where the people "can't get jobs" but the city pays someone to mow, landscape and maintain the houses. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to mow.

I think that is what you are getting at. Work for welfare kind of thing.

They are working on it, like time restraints, and work requirements for those able to work, these things are being addressed as currently as May of this year.
1%? That's statistically irrelvant. Actually, it's kind of amazing (and in a greater sense a little scary) tha we have a government that can actually be that efficient. 1% eorr for ANY system is fucking outstanding.
I've done research on it and the closest number I ever came up with is 2% that provided proof. But that is total welfare fraud, not just EBT. But I've seen it first hand with my eyes. One person will carry stacks of these cards. Government fraud is going crazy.

My stem in this is that I hate that the Right notices this and wants to end all welfare in the big picture. But the Left doesn't notice this and wants more of it. I say we need to discuss how to police the fraud better so the people who truly need the assistance can get it.

Like Bill Clinton I guess....the right would end it by getting people back to, if you can, whether you want to of not....this free lunch mentality is whats destroying
the fabric of the country....
Here is the bigger point. IMO EBT cards should not be used for the most expensive groceries on the market like Schwans foods. It should be narrowed down to certain foods like the WIC program. There should also be a law stating someone with an EBT card has to show ID and prove they are the owner of the card. This seems common sense to me.

When we police welfare it keeps profit focused Right wing media from using a single YouTube video of someone openly carrying out fraud to blind Americans of the huge corporate hand in their pocket.

When we police welfare it keeps profit focused Right wing media from using a single YouTube video of someone openly carrying out fraud to blind Americans of the huge corporate hand in their pocket. ?????????????????????

You've got quite an imagination too....did you learn this in 'socialism class'....
Fraud for social programs is at all time low.

When Congress use to work together, they made changes to the fraud programs of most of the social benefits programs and they working.

Medicare with the passage of the Affordable Care Act and tighter control is really starting to cut fraud.

There is fraud in every aspect of life.

SNAP has 1% -1.3% fraud

I think 1% is pretty good.

If you stick your head up there a little farther, the fraud disappears altogether....
1%? That's statistically irrelvant. Actually, it's kind of amazing (and in a greater sense a little scary) tha we have a government that can actually be that efficient. 1% eorr for ANY system is fucking outstanding.

On sorry, should be 1-1.3 cents on the dollar.

Sorry, replied to wrong post.
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They are working on it, like time restraints, and work requirements for those able to work, these things are being addressed as currently as May of this year.

I would like a link on that. If you can give me a link I will give you a win because I've been stating for a long time that "I wonder if the Left simply can't fix issues with programs because they are so busy fighting the people that want to end the programs"

Link me up dude.
Here is the bigger point. IMO EBT cards should not be used for the most expensive groceries on the market like Schwans foods. It should be narrowed down to certain foods like the WIC program. There should also be a law stating someone with an EBT card has to show ID and prove they are the owner of the card. This seems common sense to me.

When we police welfare it keeps profit focused Right wing media from using a single YouTube video of someone openly carrying out fraud to blind Americans of the huge corporate hand in their pocket.

I actually don't have an issue with someone on SNAP having a 'blow out' of sorts, as long as planning is involved. I guess I've not given into endorsing payment in kind, yet.

I'm educated, disgustingly so. For the past three years have had a miniscule budget. For 2 months, 2 years ago got SNAP. Haven't been hungry other than by choice and have always had good nutritional food in the house. As I said, I've the degrees, from Top tier universities to boot. However I'm 58, severely hearing impaired since birth, both take a toll on re-employment after being RIF'd at 55. That is what it is.

It doesn't take a HS diploma to recognize that produce and proteins are better for your body than candy, cookies, cakes, chips and pop. So, let's make the assumption that most get that.

Now let's say that one wants there limited food budget to stretch as far as possible. Look for sales on expensive part, proteins. Better yet, look for 'Clearance/Managers Specials.' 30-50% off. a 3# piece of meat can be cooked with a pound-1 1/2 pounds of veggies and a pound of starch for 12-15 generous servings of lunch/dinner. Freeze into individual containers for self or family.

Breakfast? Oatmeal, eggs, toast with peanut butter. I watch both cholesterol and sodium. I'm big on oatmeal, though I hated it for most of my life. I use steel cut oats from Aldi. I add 2 T brown sugar, handful of dried blueberries, cranberries, raisins, and nuts to single serve. I use nonfat milk instead of water. It's a fruit compote with crunch and fiber. Very filling and helps my blood pressure.

I live in a very competitive area for groceries. Nearly always can find lunch meat on sale for $5 lb or less. While mostly I can make sandwiches from what I've cooked, there are times the deli comes in handy. Mostly I do wraps, usually on sale and I freeze extras. I use hummus or guacamole in place of mayo or butter. Include low fat cheese, tomato and spinach as condiments.

I eat at least 2 non-fat yogurts per day, as I do not like milk. Snacks are nekkid veggies, cheese, crackers.

Over ripe or molding veggies/produce I use for facials/scrubs/or hair treatments. I try not to throw away anything I can use.

Dang, I actually got lost in my minutia, my point was that while one may be day-to-day following a very strict budget to make ends meet, there may come a day that is totally about celebrating and you are the host. It may cause havoc for the rest of the month, but if planned for, the lunches and dinners are already in the freezer, not counting the left overs from the 'blow out.'

Perhaps a cart has a beef tenderloin, crab legs, sea scallops, asparagus, broccolini and other pricey purchases. One has no way of knowing that this one shopping trip was 3 months in the making. It was a year or 6 month blow out, it is really not your business.

I have more problems with someone not shopping sales and buying nutritionally void stuff. A bag of chips doesn't phase me, 5 bags do, especially with unhealthy dips, cookies, candies, sugar drinks.
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You mean you think Left wing politicians think they can win more votes if they don't require ID cards for EBT cards?

At it again ?...If I meant that, I would say that, but you do make a good point and the voting numbers just about prove it, don't they

Even though the extreme Right doesn't want them at all and will end them if possible? I'm pretty sure the Left will win those votes anyway even if they required ID.

Require an ID for 1% fraud ?....or did that nonsense go out the window....the pinheads won't even accept a FREE voter ID to prove citizenship, dreamer.

I know you think all welfare is to buy votes because you and the other morons on here listen to Fox News and InfoWars but that isn't the case kid. Stop being a Corporate puppet.

Not all....but its obvious a good portion does just that. Whether its intentional of not is irrelevant, but voting demographics clearly proves that is what the result is

I can tell you who is buying votes is the Republicans. Lowering tax rates below spending to have an illusion of "Conservative" during the presidents years only to pass off that debt to future generations. The Left pays for what they spend. The Republicans don't. The proof will be your homework. Don't ask me to do it for you kid.

When you're done hallucinating, we'll talk again...
If you stick your head up there a little farther, the fraud disappears altogether....

Anyone else get that vibe like a middle schooler came to the high school table trying to fit in but was just annoying and screaming things trying to get noticed?